Falling Apart (1) (Bauer)

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This story was long overdue and sorry it's so short, from now on I'm not going to put the username of those who requested the imagine unless they really want it displayed. :) Thanks! - Enjoy!

-Imagine: Y/N and Bauer are the only ones awake and capable to watch over those locked in sleep throughout what could be the end of the world. When chambers go haywire, things go wrong while others go right.

The hallways were dark, cold and dismal. Everything was still, and everything had an eerie feel to it. The world outside had been forgotten, lost and destroyed. We were both stuck down here with floors and floors of preserved people that were entrusted with us to keep alive.

Like the flip of a switch, everything turned to shit. Emergency hatches opened, oxygen was leaking fast and I was clueless as to what to do. People gasped for air inside their chambers, vigorously banging against the glass that covered them, begging for one more breath. I sat in the corner, holding my head as if trying to keep it together. Even though my ears were barely covered, everything sounded muffled, as if it was slowed down. I was put in a trance, scared out of my mind.

Bauer ran over and fell to my side, he started shaking my shoulders, screaming who knows what. I knew he was serious by his eyes, but my mind was elsewhere. I started fading and he noticed. The floor got closer and closer as I slowly slid out of his arms onto the floor. Along with my dulled hearing, my vision became hazy as well. Just like that, I was out in the midst of chaos.


I went to sit up straight in my bed but smacked into the glass that surrounded me. I started to panic, fiddling with the hinges to try and open the door. All of a sudden it opened, giving me access to the open air. I quickly sat up and gripped the side of the bed with great force, my fingers turning white.

"Morning sunshine." Bauer said nonchalantly, sitting in an office chair off to the side. He had a toothpick jutting from his mouth and a magazine in his hands. My breathing slowed down and I managed to get a hold of myself somewhat. "Bad dream?" He asked, glancing over. Unable to find the words, I nodded as an answer.

Stumbling to my feet, I steered my way to the bathroom and practically collapsed on the floor.  Practically hugging the toilet, I emptied what little was in my stomach and violently shivered from the sudden sickness.

"Hey, you alright?" Bauer said in a calming voice while standing behind me. He bent down to place his hand on my shoulder but I slapped him before he could.

"Fine." I choked out. Turning around, he walked back to where he was sitting and continued to read.

This was the third time this dream corrupted my mind, and its' gripped my paranoia.

"Did you check everything?" I asked, walking over to his side. He uttered a slight "mhm" and kept his eyes locked on the page.

"The oxygen levels are good?"


"What about the tanks, is everyone still asleep?"


Glancing down to what he was staring so intently at, I rolled my eyes and grabbed the magazine out of his hands. "Hey!" He said, standing up. I tossed it into the bin off to the side and looked back to see him still staring at me.

"You can look at your women later! Now focus!" I snapped. He still made steady eye contact and sat back down to look at the monitors.

"Oxygens' good, everyone's still in their coffins-"

"Chambers." I said, interrupting him.

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