Heartbeat (2) (Daryl)

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"Daryl don't!" She yelled, grabbing his arm as Daryl drove his fist square into the guy's jaw.

"You're gonna regret you ever did that."


"First impressions are important" Negan declared as he strolled amongst the group, bat in hand, pulling several aching hearts along with him as they all stood there, waiting. "Since we're going to be the best of buds, I need you to know me."


"No no no no! Please' don't touch him! No!" She shouted, practically begging with all she had. Making her throat raw in the process. Tears streamed from her eyes while the devil himself laughed at her, broken and lost.


"I love you." She barely spoke with the three words dangling from her mouth as well as many others that never reached the surface. He looked back at her with a smirk, knowing that he was going to leave this place. This time, he wouldn't be back. He mustered up every last ounce of strength and carried it on his shoulders. After all,

Daryl Dixon doesn't go down without a fight.


In an instant she found herself lightheaded from the sudden, swift motion. Her head swimming as she sat up and looked around to see the room empty and quiet. The darkness filled the space other than the moonlight that streamed through the window and cast its rays on the sheets below.

She stopped and took a deep breath before falling back onto the pillow.

Not again.

Bringing her sleeves to her eyes, She wiped the tears she didn't know she had to the side and lied there in a cold and quiet position. The only noise being the clock across the way that ticked back and forth with every passing second.

Shutting her eyes, she thought of anything and everything else just so she could trick her mind into letting her sleep for once. To give her a break from this god awful nightmare that she had been living.


"Little pig little pig!" His voice barked out, catching everyone's attention to the shadow behind the gate. "Let, me, in!"

Everyone hesitated before someone had enough guts to approach the man. If you can even call him that.

Rick stood at the front with Maggie and Aaron close behind.

Once the barrier was pushed aside, his dark eyes lit up with excitement upon seeing everyone there. Well, almost everyone.

"Did ya miss me Ricky?" He said strolling in with his group behind him. As if they had rehearsed, three groups spread out all over in search of useful supplies. Ransacking homes and terrorizing families just to see what goods they could get their hands on.

Negan picked up his bat and examined the barbed wire with great detail before bringing closer to Rick. "Look how pretty she is!" He boasted. "Took me a while to get it all off. What was once coated in a thick layer of blood was now cleaned and polished. Rick cringed and turned away at the thought as well as the comment.  He looked up and met eyes with the last person he wanted to be standing there. Out of nowhere Negan's booming voice sounded yet again when he realized what Rick was looking at with such a pale expression.

His devilish smile grew more and more with each passing second. Negan began to walk towards the back of the crowd until Rick's hand jutted out in front of him, preventing another faulty move to be taken. Not for his sake, but for hers.

Negan pushed him to the side as he strolled to the back. Slowly, he passed everyone's mixed expressions of fear and pure hatred. Olivia and Eugene watched with a careful eye while Carl, Glenn and Abraham stared him down, their gazes unwavering.

Maggie noticed what was happening and went to stop him until Sasha placed a hand on her shoulder, preventing her from moving any further. She stood there and watched, hoping for the best yet preparing for the worst.

Negan's feet finally came to a stop once he stood directly in front of her. Even with all she had been through there she stood with the same courage and strength as her beloved just before it happened. He examined her from head to toe. Bags under her eyes and the weak, wavering steadiness in her breathing, he glanced down head to toe and cracked a smile. Her stance says she was ready, but her eyes scream out in pain and anger.

Seeing him stand before her brought mixed emotions. Hate, sadness, pain, everything happening all at once. She held her breath and remained calm, hoping he couldn't see through her cracked exterior as well as her shattered interior.

"Well look who we have here." He said in a soft voice. His smirk spreading quickly into a smile. He looked and noticed the vest she wore on her back with the same crimson stains embedded into the fabric as a constant reminder.

He leaned forward, her breathing hitched as she paused. "Wearing his rags isn't gonna bring him back sweetheart." He whispered so only the two of them heard it.  Her eyes started to water as she bit down on her lip to choke back any feelings. She had him right where she wanted him, with one swift motion she jerked her knee up, colliding with where the sun doesn't shine. He buckled over and was fully brought down to her height. Suddenly several of Negan's men lifted their guns and aimed them at her whereas Rick and everyone else did the same to the enemy. His heavy breathing brought her a small bit of pleasure, but not for long.

With him just by her side she leaned over with her eyes staring straight ahead. "This is just the beginning." She whispered. Stepping back she released the breath she had been holding and let a tear escape as it rolled down her cheek. There she stood, solid.

Negan stumbled back and regained his composure the smile yet again appeared as he motioned his men to stand down. "That it is." He replied and walked back to the trucks, rounding up his men.

Once they peeled out of the community, a trail of smoke lingered as the gate cut off access from us to them.

Maggie, Rick and Glenn ran over to her side to see if she was alright.  In a quick motion she stepped back and shot a hand up, as if telling them to stay back. Her eyes zeroed in on Rick as she took a deep breath. "I end this." She said coldly.  Rick knew immediately what she was referring to. He hesitated before nodding yes to her statement.

Turning on her heel she walked off in the opposite direction to clear her head of the events that just happened. They watched as she distanced herself from the group, the oversized vest becoming harder and harder to see.

As she rounded the corner she brought her hand to her side and pulled the pistol she managed to sneak out of Negan's belt while he hunched over. She grinned and traced over the bat carving on the side.

This was it. This was war.


Sorry this is trash I wanted to update since it's been forever and this thought came to my mind as a continuation-

Hoping to update more soon!

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