Fade To Black (1) (Norman)

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- Imagine: Norman and Sean fly in for an interview the next day. Throughout the day Sean notices something off with Norman and soon figures out what. Just when he thinks he cured the problem a mosey reporter has to put the dig in. Enough to drive Norman out of the room.

(Sean's POV)

After being on a plane for seven ungodly hours,  Reedus and I finally made it to the interview for Boondock Saints II. I grabbed my luggage off of the top rack and tossed it in the aisle next to Norman's seat. He was still passed out and had his earbuds jammed in and blasted up to maximum volume. I rarely get any chances to mess with the Reedenstein, so I wasn't going to pass this up.

I searched through my bag and grabbed a bag of gummy bears I got at the airport. Very carefully, I placed each gummy bear on his face without waking him up. I snapped a quick picture and blasted it out to social media. If we didn't have somewhere to be, I would've messed with him more, but we were gonna be late if I didn't wake his ass up.

I gently removed one of his earbuds, and at the top of my lungs I yelled "WAKE THE HELL UP!" He jolted in his seat and the majority of gummy bears fell in his lap, while some stayed on his face. I tried to hide my laughter, but couldn't contain it for long. He didn't seem overly phased by it, considering he just started to eat the gummy bears that were everywhere. "C'mon man, we got somewhere to be." He nodded and began to pick up his belongings.

We walked through the empty airport at 3:00 in the morning and stopped to get a coffee at one of the stands that were open this early. I noticed something off about Norman as we stood there waiting for our coffee. He stared off into space and hardly said anything to me ever since we got on the plane.

"Hey man, you alright?" I asked. He bit his lip as he does and nodded in response. He wore the same chewbacca cap he always wears along with his raybans that he hid behind. It was hard to see any emotion behind his cover. I watched him for a moment before being interrupted by the lady handing us our coffee. I smiled and and paid while Norman stared down at his phone.

Once we got outside, I spotted the cab that was to take us to our hotel. We walked to the cab, tossed our stuff in the trunk and were on our way.

I was on my phone responding to fans on Twitter, and noticed that Norman kept pressing the lock button on his phone.

"Norm." I said to get his attention. He locked his phone once more and looked to me. He had taken his glasses off and he was zoned out in his own little world.


"You sure you're okay brother?"

"Yeah, I'm. I'm good" he said with a smirk and looked out the car window at the tall skyscrapers of New York as we passed them by. Even though he said it, I wholeheartedly doubted that he was okay.

All day was basically spent catching up on sleep and getting things settled for the interview that was scheduled to be at 7:00, but got moved to tomorrow morning at 9:00. I shut my television set off and made my way to Norman's room down the hall to see if he wanted to do anything. I knocked several times but there was no answer. Pulling out my phone, I figured I'd text him. After waiting for a solid minute, I got impatient and said the hell with it. And figured I knew where he might be.

I passed the lobby and went straight for the bar. I turned the corner and saw Norman on a barstool in the back by himself. The place was completely empty and only had the bartender and the football game on the overhead TV.

I sat on the stool next to him and ordered a beer just as he had. He stared down at his phone and scrolled through pictures on his camera roll.

"You're thinkin bout her again, aren't you." I said in a tone only he and I could hear. He turned to me and I could see the emptiness in his eyes when I mentioned her. He looked ahead of him and nodded, bowing his head down. I knew it was hard for him to talk about, but he couldn't keep letting this get to him. I pat him on the back and spent the rest Of the night overseeing him as he got drunk.

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