Nothing Left (3)

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It has been days since y/n/d went missing. Every day Daryl would go out and search for her. All day, all night, he hardly got any sleep. I joined in the searches every day except today. Daryl told me to stay put and rest, but I didn't feel comfortable knowing that my little girl was out there and I couldn't do anything to help.

We all sat around the campfire, picking away at what little food we had left. I sat in one of the fold-up chairs, tucked away into a little ball, not wanting to talk with anyone. This, however, wasn't hard. Everyone was extremely quiet after one of Maggie's family members, Otis was killed on a run with Shane. We can't be safe for one day without something going wrong.

"Hey, guys." Glenn said standing up and shifting his stance constantly, almost as if something was really bothering him.

"There's walkers in the barn."

Shane, Rick, and the others all tensed up under Glenn's words. We all exchanged glances until Shane started to walk towards the barn.

"Are you kiddin' me?! This is exactly what I was talkin' about!" Shane yelled as he stormed around the entrance of the barn.

"The hell's goin on?" Daryl said as he walked up behind me.

"There's walkers in the barn." Carol said.

"For real?" He said as he looked to me. I nodded and rubbed my arms, trying to calm myself down.

"Shane, calm down." Rick said outstretching a hand to Shane.

"No, no don't tell me to calm down! We've been sleepin right next to the dead the entire time! We have been in jeopardy for far too long! We could've died Rick. Do you want that for Carl, for Lori?"

"You best shut the hell up!" Daryl yelled getting in his face.

"What about your little girl Daryl, what about Y/N? You gonna protect them? Or are you gonna let the walkers get em'?"

"They're gonna be just fine." Daryl said in a low growl.

"Then where is she, huh? Where's your little one? Can't even keep her safe, what makes you think you can keep her safe?!" Shane said pointing to me.

There was a long pause, but then Daryl practically jumped on Shane and almost beat him to death. It took Rick, T-Dog, Glenn and Andrea to pull Daryl away. Shane stumbled to his feet and was gasping for air, his face was covered in blood and he could barely speak.

"You Stay away from me, you stay away from my family." Daryl said storming off towards the tents. I quickly followed after and left the group to tend to Shane.

Daryl sat on one of the logs that was placed around the campfire and held his head in his hands. I crouched down to his level and placed my hand on his arm. He looked up to me with bloodshot eyes and tried to hide the fact that he was on the verge of tears.

I looked to his knuckles and saw that they were covered in Shane's blood. They were bruised and scarred. I took a damp rag from a bucket and gently tended to his wounds. He winced in pain, but the pain he felt wasn't physical.

I leaned into him and wrapped my arms around him. He practically collapsed into me and grabbed onto me like I was going to slip away at any moment.

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