26. || Tapes

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I rubbed my hair dry with a white towel I had stolen from Damons old room. As I turned around I saw Kai buttoning his jeans back up. No matter how much I hated to admit this– Even while doing the smallest things he seemed so damn attractive.
Something in me knew that this was not going to end well. My intuition never failed in 141 years of existence, but in those 141 years I never met an sociopath like him.

Slipping on a dress and some matching boots I walked past Kai without loosing a single word. To be honest I didn't exactly know how to talk to him now. We tried killing each other just a hours days ago and now— we were fuck buddies?

"What? No thank you?"

My gaze wandered over him putting on a shirt. I preferred him without but I couldn't just say that.
"Thank you for what?" Kai giggled with a little shock in his voice.

"Wow you Brits really don't have any manners, do you?"

I huffed and crossed my arms leaning against the doorframe. "I repeat- thank you for what?" Kai smirkingly moved closer. I liked his style now much better. He finally got rid of this pink shirt and was dressed in more decent colors like grey and black.
It made him even sexier.

"Thank you for fucking me– just an example."

He breathed into my ear before walking past me and leaving me standing there with an open mouth. Did he just– Thank you for fucking me?!

"Hey Parker!"

I made my way down to catch him up. Kai turned around to face me, god this fucking grin on his lips I could just–

"If anyone should be thankful- it's you."

"Ahaa and why's that sweetheart?"

A winningly smirk grew on my face as the answer shot to my head. "I let you release after eighteen years of handjobs." As soon as he processed what I just said he pressed his tongue against his cheek and shook his head while looking at the wooden ground.


I sighed as I sat down at the table with the destroyed ascendant on it. The hate I had towards Damon was so immense that I could rip his heart out if he was here. Damon– thinking of his name was enough for me to unconsciously ignite some candles.

"Pork rind?"

Kai reached out the bag which had a pretty penetrating smell. "Thank you." I turned the bag away from me and tried figuring out a way to fix that metallic device. Kai was no help- his loud munching let my blood boil, but I didn't say anything.

"You're really uh- determined huh?"

He licked his fingers clean as I put a few pieces together. "I'm gonna get us out of here." I muttered while repairing the ascendant. "Well, good luck with that crazy pants." When he got up to leave, I furrowed my brows.

"Where are you going?"

Kai took my jaw in his palm and lifted my head up so that I could directly look him in the eyes.
"None of your business sweetheart." I squinted my eyes and got away from his grip. "Yea right, go to hell Parker."

"I am already."

Once I heard the door shut I got up to grab me a drink. While I was pouring a lot Bourbon into a glass a video cam caught my eye. I never saw it before. Putting down the Bourbon bottle I made my way to the shelf and grabbed the cam to watch the videos on it.

"Oh god you're still recording?" Bonnie sighed but tried smiling into the cam. "Instead of recording useless tapes you should try to get your magic back!" Damon said with a clenched jaw and took a huge sip of his drink. "I have no magic Dam– You know what just shut up!"

I laughed at Bonnies anger. It was really no fun that she was trapped here with Damon. As I heard from Stefan and Caroline, they weren't quite best friends.

"I feel like I'm one of those bitter old men who bicker with their wives every five minutes." Damon huffed and sat down next to Bonnie. "You are-" Damon immediately cut Bonnie off. "I'm not old!" Bonnie scrunched her face in amusement. "You are like 170 years old Damon."

Sitting down on the floor I watched the tapes with a big smile on my face.

"Okay what's your message for todays tape?" Bonnie turned to Damon, who suddenly had a dead serious expression on his face. "I miss Odessa." Bonnie gulped and nodded. "I miss my friends." She said and you could see how their mood fell.
"I love you Layla."
"I love you Jeremy."

A tear dropped from my eye as the cam went black. I shouldn't be sad. Not after what he had done yesterday.

"I'm back Ody!"

I hurried to get up and hide the camera back in the shelf. Kai looked at me through his furrowed brows.

"What's that?"

I felt my breath fasten as he came closer to inspect my face. He brushed his thumb over the wet spot on my cheek. "Did you– was that water pooling in your eyes again?" Laughing at his explanation of crying I shook my head. "Yea no- I'm fine." Kai rose his brow but when he noticed that I didn't show any emotion he shrugged his shoulders and went back to the kitchen counter.

"Where were you?"
I asked to change the topic. "Still.. none of your business." Rolling my eyes I watched him grab a glass and pour Bourbon into it. He slid it over to me and filled another one for himself.
"Oh come on Kai.. We're probably gonna spend eternity here, your business is my business."

He took a small sip and nodded. "You wanna do it in Damons car?" What? My eyes were filled with confusion- how can you change a topic this fast?

"For revenge?"

"Bloody hell–" I finished my glass and before I could blink, Kai grabbed my wrist and pulled me out and together we headed into Damons car..

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