55. || Roses

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I felt my heart drop at Kols subtle threat against Kai. Without even looking at Kol, I ripped my hand out of his and walked off of the dance floor.

"It's too late already!"

Kol yelled after me. I shook my head in denial while pushing myself and my massive dress through the crowd. I had to find Kai and leave this place as fast as possible. What was I thinking? Kol would never let our past go. What made me think I could come here with Kai without facing Kols sick revenge.

"Layla- What's wrong?"

I must've looked really upset if Klaus was staring at me with widened eyes. My lips were shaking and I just couldn't form the words that something might've happened to Kai.

"H-Have you seen Kai?"

My old friend just shook his head while inspecting my red eyes and shaky lips. I ran my hand through my hair, causing the bun to unfold and some hairs to fall on my face.

"I have to find him."

Klaus was about to say someone but I was already gone. There was nothing that was more important than finding Kai in one piece and without any harm done to him. Oh God- I forgot how horrible it was to love someone while having enemies.

Just as I saw a glimpse of someone who looked exactly like Kai disappearing upstairs, Alaric kneeled down in front of the stairs. While he was proposing to Jo, he was also blocking my way to Kai.

I furiously turned my back to the loud crowd and dialed Kais number on my phone just to hear his recorded voice telling me to call later.
My eyes lid up when I saw my brother not too far away. Finally someone who could help me.

"Enzo! I need your help- Kol just ripped me out of Kais hands and said some stupid things! And now I can't seem to find Kai- It looks like he disappeared into thin air!"

Enzo and Bonnie stared at me and both seemed to be so overwhelmed by my story. They had to do their own maths since I never told anyone about Kol and I, but they instantly started to look for Kai.

"Is everything alright?"

"Have you seen Kai?"

Stefans brows rose immediately. He knew something.


"He left-"

A relieved breath escaped my mouth. Thank god he wasn't anywhere near Kol. For a split second I was so happy that I took a glass of champagne and just as I was about to drink the sparkling liquid,
Stefan continued.

"With Rebekah."

The glass slipped through my fingers the moment her name rolled off of Stefans lips. I immediately made my way out of the mansion. Besides a frightening darkness there was nothing else to be seen out here.

Still, I decided to leave and call Kais phone over and over again in deep hope to finally here him saying something else than "call me later".

While dialing his phone for the 15 time now, I was walking further away from the Mikaelson property. Just as I was about to hang up, I heard a phone ringing in the backyard of the Mikaelson mansion.
That was Kais ringtone.

I immediately used my vampire speed to rush back and find my boyfriend. When I arrived in the backyard I saw a silhouette standing on the softly illuminated porch.


My voice sounded tired and concerned, but as soon as I heard Kai, I regained my energy and speeded up my steps.

"God Kai I'm so glad you're alive! I thought Kol—"

I stopped talking when I noticed the smell of Kais blood dripping on the white porch. My eyes shot right to the massive glass piece he was clinging on to. The glass was cutting into his skin but Kai didn't seem to care. He didn't even flinch.

Destroy me - KAI PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now