Part 7

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Ariana's P.O.V.

"What it is?" I ask, nervously, hoping it wasn't something bad that will just fuck my life up some more.

"Tomorrow I'm leaving to go on tour." Bruno responded. "I'm sorry, I know it's such short notice but, I-I didn't know how to break the news to you without hurting you!" Bruno's eyes got glossy like he was about to cry.

I turn my body away from Bruno and put my hand on my forehead, annoyed, frustrated, and upset as hell.

"Great!" I basically yelled as the elevator door opens and reveals at least five people standing in front of the door, waiting to get in the elevator.


It was a very silent ride home. You could probably even hear a pin drop on the floor, it was that quiet.

I stared out the window, upset, like they do in the movies, wiping tears full of hurt that fell down my cheeks full of sorrow. I sniff as Bruno pulls the car over on the side of the road.

"Babe, don't cry." Bruno begged.

"I'm tired of being left alone, Bruno! My mom, Ryla, my dad, and now you have left me. I can't take it anymore, I really can't." I said, letting my feelings hang loose in the air, like they were hung on a clothes line, waiting to be dried by the wind.

"I don't wanna leave you. Hell, if I could, I would take you with me but, I can't. Management won't let me." Bruno stated, raising his voice too.

I turn my head away from his distracting view and let more tears run out of my tear soaked eyes.

"Promise me you won't want any blonde or skinny stripper while you are on tour." I beg. Well, I wouldn't say I was begging because, I was basically commanding, but, you get my point.

"I never ever brought a fan to a club to party with me or my house with me! But you, you were different. When you came up to me at the concert, I knew you were the one so, of course I promise." Bruno said.

I sigh, kind of annoyed.

"I need to find a job." I stated.

"Why?" Bruno asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because," I started off. "I'm not gonna have you be paying for all my stuff! I'm eighteen, I can do it myself."

"But, I wanna pay for your stuff!" Bruno whined.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better!" I say, telling him off. I look at his face which has the weirdest expression on it. I mean, it is undescribable!

Bruno got really close that I could feel his warm breathing blow on my nose, exposing his minty breath.

I stared into his adorable big brown eyes that made me melt every time. But, not this time... not this time.

"I really wanna pay for your stuff, Ariana!" He said, staring right back into my eyes and giving me a crooked smile after he finished his heart melting sentence.

"Drive me home!" I command.

Bruno sighs then gets back on the road and drives us home.

We get home about ten minutes later. Give or take a little bit.

I power-walk to my room and slam the door behind me.

I look at my disgusting body in the long body mirror I had leaning against Bruno's silverish-gray room.

I was disgusted and terrified of myself.

I looked like I starved myself to death or something.

I'm insecure, I know what for, I'm making people barf on the floor. Everyone else is puking, everyone except me.


Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to update!! I've been a very busy girl! (not in a dirty, perverted way, either!)

Awww, Bruno has to leave ):

If I were Ariana, I would hold on to Bruno and never let go!

I guess I'm crazy like that! I'll update as soon as I can my lovely fans (:

Enjoy you weekend and be safe if or when you go driving (:





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