Part 46

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Bruno's P.O.V.

I felt something wet, leaking into my hand. I look down and I see blood, blood dripping down Ari's leg and out of her mouth.

Ryla's P.O.V.

It's never good for a pregnant woman to bleed.... anywhere. I mean, seriously. Especially when she's due soon.

Oh God!!

Bruno's P.O.V.

Oh God, I need to get Ari to the hospital and quick before something bad happens.

I run as fast as I can to my car, waiting for Ryla to come with the towel she decided to bring so Ari wouldn't bleed all over the car. Not like I'd care though. I just want to get Ari to the hospital so I can protect her and Jennavive.

Oh, and by the way, I'm okay with the baby's name. I think it's cute and sweet, just like I know she will be... would've been.

Ryla comes running out of the house, running over to Ari and wiping up her legs and her chin, chest, and breast. I feel so bad for the poor girl. I mean, look how much pain she's going though.

I set Ari in the back seat, Ryla climbing in the back with her. I'm guessing to keep her company and/or to wipe up the blood.

I run to the drivers side, slamming my door closed, starting the car, and screeching down the road, going as fast as I can. I turn on the hazard lights too, just to make sure that I don't get pulled over for something stupid like speeding.

Ari starts screaming at the top of her lungs, making tears stream down my cheeks. Oh God, I feel so bad for her.


"DAMMIT, CAN'T THIS GO ANY FASTER?" Ryla screams at me.

"I'm trying, okay?" I turn around and look at Ari, occasionally looking back at the road so I don't hit anything. "Ari, baby, I'm trying okay, sweetheart? I'm trying super duper hard to get you to the hospital so they can stop all this pain that you're going through. Just try working with me, honey. Just breath. Stay calm." I say, trying to sooth Ari.

"Ugh, hurry, Bruno! The bleedings getting worse! It won't stop!" Ryla says, fear filling her voice.

Ari looks down at her belly. "Ugh, Jennavive, daddy's trying just please stop! Stop hurting mommy!" Ari says, before screaming again. "Ugh, I think she's coming!"

"Let me look, Ari." Ryla says, looking down her jeans to see if Jennavive is actually coming.

"Is she coming, Ryla? Is Jennavive coming?" I ask, impatient.

I like how Ari said that daddy's trying. That makes me feel good just knowing that she actually does want me in Jennavive's life.

Ryla shakes her head. "Wait, wait, I think so. Oh God, Bruno I don't know but fucking hurry!" Ryla was totally freaking out about this. I know how she feels. I mean, the mother of my baby is having pregnancy issues. She's bleeding down her leg and out of her mouth. This just isn't a good sight.

Ari starts bawling her eyes out as I pull up to the hospital doors. "Ugh, my baby!" Ari screams.

I run inside the hospital, telling the nurse what's going on. She yells for a doctor and he comes running down the hallway with a stretcher.

I run, leading them to the car where we quickly, but carefully pulled Ari out of the back seat.

"Hold on, baby. This will all be over soon." I say, before kissing her forehead.

The nurse and the doctor run into the hospital, pushing the stretcher, Ryla and I running after them.

They put her in a big room, slipping her into a big hospital bed and hooking her up to an IV.

This is so hard to watch my babies go through so much pain.

"We're going to have to do an emergency C- section otherwise this baby is gonna die." The doctor announces.

Ari shakes her head. "No! I want to push her out! I don't want to be cut open! Please! Oh God! Please!" She begs.

The doctor sighs then nods. "Yeah, we can do that too. We just got to hurry to protect this baby's life." He says.

Ryla faints as the nurse cuts Ari out of her jeans and carefully pulls her legs apart.

Author's Note: This is my early morning update so if I don't update the rest of the day, you know why. It's 3:15 in the morning and I decided to stay up for you guys just to update since I had a request to update more often!! :)

I expect more votes for this chapter too please!!

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I love you, Hoolies :)

Kelsey :)

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