Part 10

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Ariana's P.O.V.

Why do Bruno and I need to argue? It really pisses me off. I feel like he just tried killing me with his driving. It scared the hell out of me and now my hands won't stop shaking.

"Why were you driving so fast?" I asked, too afraid to hear the answer. I feel like he will that it was my fault and that I ruined his life but, he didn't.

He looked up at me with apologetic eyes. "I-I.." He looked down and sighed. I put a hand on my forehead because I was getting a little frustrated. He was acting like he didn't even know what the hell was going on and nobody was terrified but, I was!

"Let me drive." I commanded.

Bruno looked at me with glossy eyes. "You sure?" I raised an eyebrow. I was trying not to flip out on him because he seemed a little out of it. Damn him!

"Yes I'm sure!" I say with attitude, raising my voice.

Bruno looks at me, surprised at the thought of me yelling at him.

He gets out of the driver's seat and gets in the passenger's seat looking like he's high. Wow, he was really out of it for some reason. He was thinking about something, I could see it in his facial expression. I get in the driver's seat then start driving on random roads because I wasn't quite ready to go home yet.

"What the hell were you thinking? You could have killed us, Bruno! Do you not care about our lives at all? You put us both at risk." I yell. Bruno gives me a confused look as he snaps out of his thoughts and starts being himself again.

"Why are you yelling at me?" He asked, raising his voice too. I looked at him like he was stupid. Did he really not understand why I was flipping out? Is he not thinking about this right now?

"You almost killed us for crying out loud! You are going crazy because you are going to miss me when you're on tour. I understand but, that gives you no right to sit in this seat and drive like a maniac. What if a car in the other lane had children in it and you hit the damn car and killed those poor kids? Think, Bruno! Just sit and think for once!" I was yelling at the top of my lungs and it was really starting to hurt my throat.

"I never knew it was against the law to think about leaving your girlfriend and think about how hard that is. I love you, Ariana and you don't seem to give a shit! I can't even express how much I love you and it kills me that you are yelling at me for one God damn mistake. Nobody is perfect!" Bruno complained. I wiped the tears that fell out of my eyes with my hand then sniffed. "So now you're gonna cry." Bruno looked out the window, pissed off that I was crying.

"Yes Bruno, I am crying because you don't care. I'm not sleeping with you tonight. I'll sleep on the damn couch for all I care. I'm done with you being so damn selfish.'" I say, calmly. Yes, I'm going to miss Bruno but, not the way he's acting right now. It's uncalled for but, look at the way I'm acting! So not mature for an eighteen year old. He's changed my life around ever since I've been with him and I thank him for that but, I'm not going to deal with this already.

The rest of the ride home was silent. I was glad.

I pulled into the garage then shut the car off and sat for a bit.

"You coming in?" Bruno asked calmly. I stared at the steering wheel as I answered.

"I will in a little bit. Don't wait up for me and leave me a pillow and a blanket." I quietly speak as I let my thoughts roll in.

"You aren't sleeping on the couch. You will sleep in the bed with me like normal couples do. Just because we got in a little argument doesn't mean we need new sleeping arrangements." Bruno sternly said. Wow, he actually wanted me to sleep with him. Surprising.

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