Part 34

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Ariana's P.O.V.

Bruno trudged out of the house with a little smirk on his face. Uh-oh. This won't be good.

He hopped into the car and started it as I shoved the bags in the trunk.

I wonder what that dirty little boy is thinking. Ugh!

I hopped into the passenger seat and buckled myself in. Safety first! Oh man, I feel kind of loopy.

Bruno rests his hand on my knee and shows me his dirty little smirk.

I chuckled. "What?" I asked.

He shook his head and chuckled as well. "Nothing."

Bruno put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. And the fun begins.

I am so not looking forward to sitting in a hot smelly plane for hours at a time. Ugh.

How does Bruno do that all the time?

Out of nowhere Bruno says, "Just wait, baby. Just wait."

Just wait for what? What the hell is he talking about? I'm so freaking confused.

*20 minutes later*

We pull up into the airport parking lot and Bruno parks the car.

We have ten minutes until we have to board the plane. Crap. Crap. Crap.

I hop out of the car, not even bothering to close my door, and rush to the trunk.

Why am I in a hurry you ask? We still have to go through security.

I pull the bags out of the trunk, breaking a nail in the process. Ugh!

"Ugh, dammit." I cry.

Bruno hops out of the car and looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong, honey?" He asked.

I grunted. "Shit. Shit. Shit. I broke a freaking nail!"

Bruno chuckled at me then grabbed the bags out of my hands. He smirks then starts walking towards the airport doors.

I groan then close the trunk. A second after I closed the trunk, Bruno locked the car.

And the adventure begins. I sigh.

I speed walk to catch up to Bruno.

We walk into the airport and see all the chaos around us. Damn, this is gonna take a while and we got five minutes before we have to board the plane. Ugh.

I see Phil and the rest of the the guys waiting for us.

I wave at Phil, a huge smile on my face.

He runs over to me, picking me up and spinning me around. Wow, did he miss me as much as I missed him?

He is such a great friend and, I don't know what I'd do without him.

I pull out of the hug and smile… widely.

Yup, this is the life. My amazing boyfriend, Bruno and the band. What else could any other girl ask for?

*3 minutes later*

We finally decide to sneak through security. Not the easiest but, it was possible.

Whose idea was this?

Who do you think?


He thinks he's such a rebel… until he gets caught and gets in trouble.

We finally board the plane and take our seats. Bruno, Phil, and I sit together as the others scatter out. That's fine with me.

I lay my head on Bruno's shoulder, preparing for this long ass ride. I'm so not ready to sit here for hours at a time and be bored out of my mind.

Instantly, Bruno was out, his head pressed against the window.

I turn to Phil and put my head on his shoulder.

He looks at me, disappointment filling his eyes. Oh man, what's wrong with him?

"Ari, I have to tell you something." Phil announced. Uh-oh.

My stomach did a back flip.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry it took so long to update. I've had some troubles with my phone. I had to reset it and redownload all my apps.

I hope this chapter is truly worth the wait. I've tried hard on this chapter, considering I have writers block.

I have 4 A+'s 2 b's and a c-. That c- use to be a d+ last week so no hate please!!

My boyfriend came over Saturday.

My friend, Sammy's birthday is tomorrow and I want to get her something. Ugh, but, i don't know what to get her. Any suggestions? Please help!!!

Have a good day/night my loveeeeeeys!!!!






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