Part 43

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Ari's P.O.V.

Before Bruno could tell me what he wanted the baby's name to be, Ryla yelled for me. "Ari, we have a doctor's appointment. Get ready, dear." I sigh then take the covers off of me.

I manage to get out of bed, with a little bit of Bruno's help which I didn't mind.

I actually like the way it feels to touch Bruno. No wonder I couldn't get enough of him; because he's too gorgeous and sweet.

"You okay, sweetie? Do you need help getting ready?" Bruno asked, sweetly.

What really got my heart beating faster, was when Bruno called me "sweetie". I swore I almost died and flied all the way to Heaven then floated back down, alive. Holy crap. I don't know why this is affecting me so much. I should be use to it because I was with him for who knows how long.

"Uh-uh. No. But, thank you anyway, Bruno." Why am I stuttering? I feel like a little junior high kid asking out my crush. Dammit, Ariana. Get a grip! You should be use to him by now.

I sigh then wobble over to my closet and grabbed a shirt and some skinny jeans. I guess they aren't so skinny since I've gained so much weight from carrying this baby.

I don't want Bruno finding out the bad news I've been getting for the past seven months about my baby and I. It's just too painfully for all of us. Especially Ryla and I. She understands what I'm going through, even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it. But, I know she's here for me when I need anything.

I get dressed, do my hair and make up, then brush my teeth, just in time for Ryla to not get impatient and yell at me for moving so slow. Sometimes, I think she forgets I'm carrying a baby and I have a big belly that I have to cope with. Oh well.

I kind of really don't want Bruno to go, just because I don't want him getting mentally attached to me or/and the baby. A part of me wants him to want us. But, the other part of me wants him to leave and never come back. I guess that's just how I operate right now.

I'm a bitchy, scared, pregnant lady with a short temper and not very many buttons to be pushed. That's right. I said it.

Ryla, Bruno, and I get in the car and head to the hospital for my doctors appointment. I'm just going to hear the same thing over and over again just like I always do every time I come to see my doctor.

Twenty minutes later we pull into the parking ramp at the hospital and try finding a parking spot. Once we do, Bruno carefully helps me out of the car, making sure to not hurt me. I know it's hurting my heart. That's for sure.

As we wait in the waiting room, my palms start sweating and my heart starts beating a million miles per minute. Like no joke, my heart is beating like crazy, as if it were about to pop out of my chest.

Bruno grabs my hand and flashes me a smile. Oh God, I know what he's thinking. He's thinking that everything is going to be okay when it really isn't.

I had no time to think because a nurse came out and said, "Ariana Hallen." Oh damn.

We all stand up and follow the nurse into a room with a bed and a few chairs.

All of this is driving me crazy... especially Bruno's smile.

It seemed like forever for the doctor to come in for our... my check up.

"Hello, Ariana. How's everything going with the pain and such?" The doctor asked, taking a seat in his rolling chair.

I start freaking out and stuttering. "Uh. Uh. Uh, fine."

The doctor chuckled. "Is this the father?" He asked, pointing to Bruno. Bruno smiled and nodded his head. The doctor stuck his hand out and they shook hands which made me even more nervous. "Nice to meet you, sir." The doctor said.

"Oh, call me Bruno." Bruno said.

The doctor had a wide smile on his face. "Like Bruno Mars?" Bruno smiled and chuckled.

"Yup. That's me."

Ryla cleared her throat. "Anyway, Doc. What's the update with Ari and the baby?"

The doctor shook his head and cleared his throat. "I'm afraid that the baby won't make it through the delivery process."

I start bawling. "Oh God no! NO!" I scream.

Bruno looked at his feet, his face turning pale and his hands starting to shake.

"I told you, Ariana. Your choices are to try aborting the baby now, before delivery time or, have a stillborn. I'm afraid she won't make it, Ariana and I've told you that."

Bruno stood up, punched the wall, then left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Ryla smiled. "I'll go check on him and see if he's okay. Excuse me." Ryla stood up and hurried out of the room, closing the door softly as she left.

Bruno's P.O.V.

How could she not tell me that our baby is not going to make it through the delivery process? What's the point of even going through all of the trouble to have a dead baby come out of her? It's pointless.

God, this pisses me off. I just feel like screaming at her at the top of my lungs. Damn her.

Ryla's P.O.V.

I catch Bruno out in the waiting room pacing back and forth with his hands on his head.

"Bruno, It's not what it seems like." I said, trying to comfort him even though it won't work.

He starts crying. "It is what it looks like, Ryla! My daughter is going to fucking die before I even get to hold the poor girl!" He said, raising his voice.

"Okay, it is what it looks like. But, Bruno. You can always make another one. I know Ariana will be up for that because she is just as upset as you are. She's just upset as you are, Bruno. You need to see it from her point of view. I mean, she has to give birth to her dead daughter. That's even worse."

Ari came walking out of the room, looking straight at Bruno. "Bruno, I'm so sorry. I should have told yo-"

"Save it, Ariana." Bruno says, before storming out of the hospital.

"Just ignore it." I told Ari.

She gave me a dirty look then stormed after Bruno.

Ariana's P.O.V.

"How did you expect me to tell you when you were never around, Bruno?" Bruno stopped in his tracks and turned around, staring me straight in the face, walking towards me. "How'd you expect me to tell you that our daughter is going to die?"

"Um, I don't know, Ariana. Maybe you could have used your God damn cell phone for something other than your God damn doctor's appointment and press conversations. You could of told me where you were. You could of even told me you were fucking pregnant before I fucking hit you. YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME THAT OUR DAUGHTER IS GOING TO FUCKING DIE, ARIANA."

I started to cry. "This is all my fault isn't it, Bruno? It's all my fucking fault, right? We would have never been in this fucking mess if you'd keep your damn hands to yourself! You need help, Bruno. Seriously."

Author's Note:

I'm sorry that it took so long to update again.

I hope this chapter was worth the wait though!!

Please give me more baby names!! I need them!! pwetty pwease? :)






Thank you, Hoolies :)

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