Part 25

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Ari's P.O.V.

Well, the doctor gave me another week to keep Bruno. He said if he doesn't wake up by then, then he's pulling the plug. I thanked him and promised that Bruno would wake up. I have such a strong feeling that Bruno will just leave me- us. I haven't ate since who knows when and I'm losing weight; I've weighed myself everyday lately just to prove to myself that this is unhealthy but, my body still didn't let me keep any food down. I hate this! I need Bruno and knowing that he's not gonna wake up makes me realize, I'm gonna have to move. I'll just try to find a place that isn't close to his. I'll start over so I don't mourn my whole life. Yes, he's the love of my life and I can't lose him but, if I lose him I'll have to start fresh.

*1 week later*

Bruno still hasn't waken so the doctor gets ready to pull the plug.




This is the last time I'll hear Bruno's heart beat so, I take it in one last time. I don't know if I'll be able to go without him! Oh God, this is hard for me! I run to the bathroom and get sick again. Gosh, this is terrible.

Ryla called me and asked me how I was doing and how Bruno was doing. I said fine. She asked me if I needed her to come over to the hospital so I could have somebody to talk to. I told her no then hung up. I know that was rude but, I just don't want to talk to anybody at the moment.

Bruno's P.O.V.





That's what I felt in my body otherwise I was gone. Long gone. I want Ari! I want her to hug me and tell me everything will be okay but, I'm stuck somewhere with a whole bunch of people- Ari not being any of them. Where the hell am I and why can't I leave? Am I dead? No way. I can't be dead because I can still feel my heart beat and I can smell the salty smell of oxygen that's coming in through my nose.

Ari's P.O.V.

I can't stop thinking about my mother's death. Why is this hurting me so freaking much? I feel like my body's gonna shut down on me. Holy crap.

Nurse's P.O.V.

I get ready to head to Mr. Hernandez's room to put him out of his misery. I bet he's in so much pain and wants it to end. I bet he wants to go up into Heaven with his family members. I don't think I can do it though. It hurts to think that I have to kill an innocent man who just wanted to live... I think. Well, I would anyway. I couldn't do it so I asked the doctor to. I could see it in his eyes that he didn't want to do it either but, he had to. He's the doctor. Oh God, I don't know if I can be in the room when he does it. It's giving me a nasty feeling in my stomach.

Doctor's P.O.V.

I put gloves on as I head into Mr. Hernandez's room to pull the plug. Oh man, that girl in there is going to flip.

I knock on the door which makes the girl jump. What is she to him? Sister? Cousin? Girlfriend? Whatever she is, this won't be very pleasant for her. Or for me. I can tell that now. You know, I really don't want to pull the plug on the poor kid but, he needs to stop suffering and just go.

I wait for the nurse to come back in before I do anything. The girl starts crying already. Ugh, I just want to get this over with. If I was a girl and my- whoever- was in the hospital, I'd feel the same way. This is hard, It really is but I can't just leave him here.

The nurse walks in and we both walk over to the bed. Oh Jesus Christ, please don't send me to hell for this!

"No please!" The girl cries. I sigh then turn around to look at her tear soaked face.

"Ma'am, I gave you another week. It's been three and he still hasn't came out of his coma. I can't just have a patient sit here in a coma for who knows how long!"

The girl cries some more. "How can you be so self-centered! I lost my mother and thought she was the only one I had left! Now the famous Bruno Mars has come and loved me just like my mother did! You can't take him from me!" She cried. When she said the famous Bruno Mars, I looked at the man laying on the bed and realized, it was him. It was Bruno Mars. Oh my God! I have a famous singer in my hospital!

I stopped being all excited when I realized, I still have to let him go. I took a deep breath, held it, then slowly released it.

I held my breath as I pulled the plug.





The girl started crying even more. She ran over to Bruno and tried doing CPR. I knew it wasn't going to work.

Ari's P.O.V.

The man killed my boyfriend! Bruno Mars is gone and I can't take this! I really can't live without him. I though I'd be able to handle all this when he went but, I was wrong. I. Was. Wrong. You think the doctor wouldn't pull the plug on Bruno when I told him about my mother's death. I mean, wow, this guy has no heart. But what am I talking about? I have no heart either! Bruno was suffering and I was being selfish by making him suffer some more.

I watch as the doctor takes all the needles out and takes the oxygen mask off. He covers Bruno up all the way with the blanket, then wheels him down the hall. Oh God, what am I going to do now?

I grab my purse and slowly walk out of the hospital, holding onto the wall for support.

*1 week later*

Bruno's funeral. Well, um, I have no words for that except it's hard. Seeing Bruno in a coffin is just terrible. His pale face and still body- not even moving or smiling. I don't think I can do this either!

I was asked to stand up and sing so I sang "It Will Rain"

I took a shaky breath as I counted myself off.

'If you ever leave me baby. Leave some morphine at my door. 'Cause it'll take a whole lot of medication. To realize what we used to have we don't, have it anymore.'

'There'll be no sunlight. If I lose you baby.'

As I sang each line, my body shut down a little more each time.

I looked out at the crowed and I realized that everybody is crying. Maybe they feel the same pain that I do. My mouth just kept on singing as my eyes looked at every single person in this cemetery.

After I finished singing, the preacher man came up and said a prayer then everybody started to leave. I stayed and talked to Bruno. I told him how much I missed him and how things were different without him. I told him that the hooligan's were all in shock when they found out that he was in a car accident then died. I told him how I didn't tell anybody that they pulled the plug on him because that'd just kill them all inside.

I kissed Bruno one last kiss then walked back to my car and drove home- Bruno's home.


Author's Note: We'll, Bruno's gone. :'(

•Would you still live in Bruno's house even though he's dead?

•Would you commit suicide or just start fresh with your life?

•What would you do if you were Ari?






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