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Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up with the noise of my cousin


Dahyun Dawn, my cousin in father's side yes we're half korean and half Italian

‘ Get your ass up kid let's have breakfast I cooked ’ Jeongyeon said

Jeongyeon Dawn, My cousin too in fathers side... Dad has 4 brothers and 1 sister so that's it

‘ If you won't get up it's fine to eat without you ’ Tzuyu said teasing while leaning in the frame of my door

Tzuyu Dawn, My cousin and jeongyeon's younger sister... so Basically Jeongyeon is oldest then dahyun next is me then Tzuyu

While I'm Chaeyoung Dawn, but they call me callisto sometimes.

‘ it's so early why the hell are you guys here? ’ I asked

‘ to prepare breakfast? I guess after we graduate 3 years ago you didn't have a proper meal ’ Jeong said

it's already 6 years Jeong... 6 years that I live here in Italy.

‘ I do, I always eat outside emptying my parent's  card ’ I nonchalantly said and sit down
‘ You shouldn't what if one day they stop giving  you ? ’ Dahyun said

‘ I'm not dumb, I'm widrawing all the money and deposit it in other account... that's what ganymede told me to do when she's still on earth ’ I plainly said while they laugh

‘ There's nothing to laugh at Idiots ’ I said and sit

‘ thanks for the breakfast Jeong ’ I said whe she nods

If you're confuse why I call her in her name instead of unnie is because she agreed to it, I get used to it after having them around for already 3 years.

‘ WOAH!! MY PRINCESS WILL BE HERE   TOMORROW! ’ Dahyun shouts so we look at her
‘ Princess? ’ Jeong asked
‘ Yep, The princess of Japan... I told you I have a princess! ’ Dahyun exclaimed

‘ And? what are you? A slave? ’ Tzuyu asked and chuckled
‘ Yah Tzuyu! ’ Dahyun shouts while jeong just laugh

My phone suddenly rang... It's Seulgi my Cousin in mother's side and No one on the three of these idiots know it

I excuse my self and answer it

- Call -

Yow cous... I kinda need help, again

What is it. Again

Well Can you let me borrow some of your paintings again? Please?

what? I already told you last time that, that will be the last

But cous please? I really need it this time my auction slash exhibit will look empty I just have 12 paintings and some sculptures to bid I promise I'll put all your works In exhibit only... I don't have enough time to paint the auction will be tomorrow

You're hopeless sht, Are you that broke to bid your works?? and You know I always wonder how you became known despite of your irresponsibility I'll bring it tomorrow just send the location, I'll bring my Cousins too

Yes! Thankyou Calli! You're the best!

Shut up this will be the last

She chuckled and with that I ended the call I go back to the seat and they all look at me

‘ Accompany me tomorrow in an exhibit ’ I said
‘ Wow! You decided to be an artist now? ’ Dahyun asked with full of excitement

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