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Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up and look at the canvas of Cassy infront of me... I've slept in my chair again.

I stare at the canvas for a minute and sigh

It's been 8 years Cassy... I never understand why your name is English while Mine is korean... I haven't told you that I'm curious about that.

I chuckled by my thoughts...
Why would I bring that up infront of your canvas.

You know... I'm really Amaze because you could do whatever you wanted to do. I envy you because you could disobey our parents without second thought.

I wanna visit your urn... I tried to go back to korea but dad keep sending me back here without seeing you.

It's hard, I used to sleep in your arms. I used to tease you how you snore at night. I used to see your angry face everytime I'm getting bullied in our school way back in middle school.

The last time I saw and talk to you was 8 years ago... Before you left. Before you go to that palace- The reason why you're gone now.

You said, I should do the things I love the most and that's painting.

You taught me how to be brave. You taught me how to stand in my own and taught me how to fight when someone's hurting me... but you didn't taught me what to do when I'm hurting inside.

Cassy. I miss your presence, I miss you making me pissed every single hour. I miss your care, I miss how you stand for me. Specially when It comes to dad.

I've been living in loneliness these past 6 years. our cousins are here but I always push them away... I know It's my fault why I feel this way.

What if I'm the one who came there? Will I be dead by now? will you mourn for me this long? will you be coward like me who hid and let our parents sent me away?

Of course you won't... You're brave, not like me.

I sigh and lay in the ground

I'm getting selfish... No, I am already selfish.

I never let them make me feel... not alone.

I never let them get in my heart because it's guarded by my mind. My mind keep pushing them Away even I'm also hurting.

I felt hurt whenever I push then and they will really leave.

The door suddenly open so I look at it... Mina. She never leave even I told her to. she stayed.

She does.

I stand up, She's speaking but I ignore what she's saying... I want to feel her warmth... Her hug is lifting everything heavy inside me.

I always feel the light feeling whenever I touch her... even when she's just near me.

What's happening to me? What is Mina doing to me?

I feel safe and It feels like I don't have any problem... the negativity in my body just flew away when she's near

I walk towards her and hug her... as tight as I can.

I want to keep her with me. But what if she's needed to leave?

I was about to detached when she return the same tightness of the hug I gave her... It's tight but not too tight to take my breath away... It feels like she's telling me that she's here- that she's here for me.

She caress my hair softly like I'm the most precious thing for her.

My heart is beating fast.

Is this the cause of her?

I feel warm.

I love this feeling.

I close my eyes and grip her shirt tightly not wanting her leave.

Mina's POV

I just want to call Chaeyoung for breakfast.

I opened the door and saw her laying in the floor.

She looks at me with broken eyes. Her sad eyes makes me sad.

' let's eat breakfast, the girls are downstairs ' I spoke but she just stared at me. Until her body moves and walk towards me

I was about to speak when she suddenly hug me. Very tight like she's so afraid to be left behind. Like she's asking to save her.

I was still puzzled when I felt her slowly detaching...

I immediately pull her close and hug her tight... The hug that made her feel secured. I want her to know that I'm here for her.

She rest her head near my shoulder while facing my neck, I can feel her soft tired breathing.

I can feel that she's gripping my shirt.

I just let her lean on me for a couple of minutes... until I hear her soft little snores... How can she sleep standing.

I tried to remove her gripping hand in my shirt but it's no use.

' Chaeyoung-ah ' I softly called
I caress her back and her grip softens.

I remove it and carry her in my arms.

I go out of the painting room with the girls looking at me confusedly but I ignore them and get in chaeyoung's room

I lay her in her bed and tuck her up...

I was about to leave when she grip the hem of my shirt... I look at her and she's still half asleep looking at me

' N-non adare... ' she breathe out. ( don't leave )
' I won't leave ' I replied and caress her cheek

She fully close her eyes again still holding my hand

I softly sigh and lay beside her

' It's okay if you don't want ' she mumbled with her eyes close... She misunderstood my sigh.

I just sigh because it's already lunch, she didn't eat breakfast.

' I just sigh because you didn't eat breakfast... Aren't you hungry? ' I asked an almost whisper because iI can feel her tiredness

' Let's just sleep... did you ate already? ' She asked and face me using her arm as a pillow so I did too facing her.

Her eyes are still close

' I did... Rest well chaengie ' I said and caress her cheek that's when her eyes open

She hold my hand that is on her cheek. and rub her cheek against it... as she close her eyes

' I... love the warmth ' she spoke and hold my hand tight

I smile seeing her like this... She's showing her emotions.

I felt her losen her hold in my hand so I put her hand down and hold it.

' Sweet dreams ' I softly said and close my eyes

N/A: Just wanna say sorry if there's a lot of errors 🙇🏻‍♀️

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