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Third Person's POV

Chayeoung and Mina arrived at thw said studio and Mina smiled in awe upon seeing the Cub's works

' this is... Amazing ' Mina exclaimed with a bright smile

' I know ' Chayeoung proudly said with a proud smile

' Is this... Mine? ' Mina asked while looking at the painted eyes...

The quote caught Mina's attention.

' I don't know ' Mina suddenly spoke

Chayeoung frown and look at the painting and her mouth formed an O then slowly nods

' How do you know that my eyes are sad Calli? ' Mina asked

' We have the same eyes back then when I first saw you ' Chaeng said and caress the canva

' This is so smudge now, It's been years here ' Chaeyoung said
' You look like an angel here ' Chayeoung added and chuckled

' I'll be your angel then ' Mina said and smile
' I compare those eyes in my other painting which is the one hang in your room... ' Chayeoung spoke

They walk towards the couch in the middle of the studio

' And when I saw you at the exhibit, You look like not the person who will have a big tattoo like that ' Chayeoung said and sit then tap the space beside her which Mina occupied

Mina's POV

Should I tell her?

Does having a tattoo a turn off for her?

I snap when she flicker her finger infront of my face

' Stop thinking negative, I had tattoos too ' She said and chuckled

She get a wipes under the small round table and wipe something on her fingers

' see? cute right? ' She asked while Showing her hands

she has this cute little tattoos in the back of her fingers

' I have lots Mina, Wait here ' She said and run upstairs


After a couple of minutes she got down wearing a sleeveless shirt that shows her tattoos... wow.

' why? ' I asked and her smile faded... Oh sht she misunderstood my question

' I mean why are you hiding it? It's beautiful ' I said and gesture her to come close which she did

' I don't think my cousins will like this ' She said and sigh

' Aish, It's cool I swear they'll love it so that's the reason why you always wear long sleeves ' I said and she smile cheekily

' So why do you have it? ' She asked
' Can I see it? ' she asked
' I don't like it ' I said that made her stop

' I never like having this ' I said
' Then why do you have it? ' She aske

' A royal tradition. The youngest princes must have this. The youngest princess is the crown Princess in our tradition, If you have this... that already means you're more powerful than the emperor ' I said

' Then you should marry a prince ' she spoke, I can feel the sadness and disappointment in her tone

' I don't feel like doing it ' I said and hold her hand

' You know, It's been months since I stayed in your place and after my mother died I never felt such a treatment, Full of love and care. I love your care Chaengie ' I sincerely said

' But Mina- ' I cut her off
' let's go, We need to go back to your cousin and plan how we will get your twin back ' I said and she look at me with a frown

' She's alive. your twin is alive let's see if my right hand could hand her a phone ' I said

Her eyes started to get watery

' M-mina ' She spoke with trembling lips
' Minari, Thankyou ' she spoke and hug me tight as she started to sob


I'm driving us back while chae is sleeping beside me

Cute, She's still wearing the sleeveless shirt, I told her not to change


We reached the house so I wake her up

' We're already here? ' she mumbled and look at her tattoos

' They will love it ' I said and hold her hand
' Are you sure? ' she asked and look down

' Yes, I am ' I said and kiss the back of her hand

' Let's go? ' I asked while she nods


We get in and they're all here

' You guys are bac- ' Momo stopped and look at Chayeoung who's hiding in Mina's Back

' Oh- wow, Chae! That's a lot! ' Nayeon exclaimed

' I knew it! 300 Euro for me ' Dahyun said and Nudge Jeongyeon

' what? I didn't notice it! unfair ' Jeong said and get some money in her wallet then handed it to dahyun

Dahyun look at Tzuyu while Tzuyu raise her eyebrow

' I know she have, I'm friends with the one who put those on her ' Tzu said and smirk

Dahyun handed her 600 Euro and cross her arms

' what's happening? ' chae asked

' nothing, We just place bets on who know that you have tattoos first, And I did ' Tzu said and wink

' That's Cool ' Jeong said and look at chaeng
' I told you ' I whispered and she just giggle

' alright, Let's have movie marathon girls! ' Jihyo said and immediately sit followed by the others

' Should we join them? ' I asked
' Can we just cuddle in my room ' Chayeoung whispered and pouts

' You can cuddle here! Come on ' Nayeon said while chae look down

' Let me guess, You're blushing ' I whispered in her ear and she looks up on me with a pout

' I didn't know you can be this adorable ' I whispered and giggle while she roll her eyes
' Let's just lay there ' I said and she follow

I lay in the couch and she lay beside me
Jihyo handed me a blanket so I cover me and chae

' Sleep if you want ' I whispered and she snuggle closer

' I feel like third wheeling everyone ' Jihyo said and chuckled while hugging the bowl of popcorn

' Just enjoy the Movie Jihyo-chan ' Sana said and giggle

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