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Chayeoung's POV

I woke up seeing my paintings Already here, I guess Seulgi Already send it home, I walk closer to check if it's complete until I saw a note

To my Favorite cousin Calli~

Sorry If I asked you to sell your painting, but if you change your mind, just Message me since the woman really like you work, That painting of girl with a tattoo, Saranghae Chaeyoung-ah

From your not so Favorite cousin Seulgi

I chuckled reading it, That girl taller than me yesterday has the same eyes of my painting, But It's impossible that she's this Beautiful woman Because based on her elegancy she's not into Tattoos

I have tattoos but I always hid it with foundations so My cousins won't see it since they won't like it I guess?

Just a normal day for me

Wake up, Cook breakfast then after breakfast go to my painting room and paint I have 2 rooms full of arts and some sculptures since I didn't do Anything just to paint or watch movie Sometimes play alone in my game room, Sometimes I sing and Dance at the basement to kill some time

That's how my life goes on

' Goodmorning Calli ' Tzuyu greeted, I'm older than her tho she's already matured and the gap is just months so I let her not call me unnie beside we're in Italy for me it's not that necessary.

' Goodmorning, I cooked Breakfast where's Jeongyeon and Dahyun? ' I asked
' I leave them at home they're still sleeping and I know you'll cook early today ' Tzuyu said and sit across me so I serve her the food

Vegetable salad and A piece of steak for breakfast

' Thankyou, Let's eat ' she said so I nod

Nayeon's POV

I wake up but the girls are still not
I open the curtains which made them groan

' Unnie... It's still early ' Sana said and cover her face
' You girls are lazy for a princess ' I said and chuckled

' I'll cook breakfas- ' I was cutted off by the scream oustide

' JEONGYEON, TZUYU ALREADY LEFT FASTEN YOUR MOVE! ' Dahyun shouts and about to get in the Car when She look on my direction so I wave my hands

' Oh! PRINCESS! ' she shouts so I look behind me seeing Sana Already frowning
' Wtf?! Are you stalking me?? ' Sana shouts

' Princess language ' Jihyo said and stand up the peek on the window too
' Oh, Goodmorning Dahyun ' Jihyo said while Dahyun's eyes widened

' I thought I'm just missing you because I saw you at Chevalier Exhibit Yesterday! ' Dahyun said while grinning

' Come in, Nayeon will cook ' Jihyo said So I just gestured them to com in
' But- ' Dahyun was cut off by Jeong's palm

' Let's get in ' she said so I go downstairs to open the door
' Goodmorning Nayeon ' Jeong greeted so I smiled at her and gestured them to get in

' Hi Princess! Goodmorning! ' Dahyun greeted and look at Momo then Sana then Momo again then Sana
' Wait... I'm confuse, Why do I have two princess? ' Dahyun asked and look closer to them

She gasp and kneeled down Infront of Momo
' I'm sorry ' She said and pouts while Momo chuckled

' Get up ghost, You Should be floating not kneeling ' Momo joked and laugh a bit then help Dahyun get up while Dahyun immediately wrapped her arms around Momo

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