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Third Person's POV

Mina go back to her room exhausted, This day is very tiring for her

She get in the room seeing Chaeyoung sitting at the ground

‘ Hey it's cold in there, Get up Chaeng ’ Mina said and about to help chae but chae just get up in her own without letting Mina touch her

‘ You're face is bruised, sit down ’ Mina said and go to her bathroom to get something to aid her

Chaeyoung remained standing until Mina came back so Mina frown

‘ Chaeyoung sit down ’ Mina spoke again
‘ Just send me to dungeon. ’ Chaeyoung said

‘ I will never do that Chae. It's dirty in there a lot of mosquitoes and insects might bite you ’ Mina said
‘ Then send me home, I don't want to be with you ’ Chaeyoung said

Mina frown feeling hurt, she never thought Chaeyoung with say a thing like that.

‘ Chaeyoung, What's wrong? ’ Mina asked and try to came close but the latter step back
‘ This Mina. everything. I don't even know if I can reach you after this. All I want to do is to fcking go home with you! Sleep and wake up with you, Eat with you, enjoy this fcking life with you! But I can't seem to reach you Mina. You're a fcking Queen ruling this country and I'm just this ’ Chaeyoung spoke ang look away refraining her tears to fall

‘ Chaeyoung, I'm here. You can reach me what are you saying— I just need some time I'm really sorry that it went this long, But please... Hold on a little longer ’ Mina spoke with tears building up on her eyes

‘ Mina, It's been 6 years... You even have a son. Little longer? Mina I'm tired. 6 years but I didn't even received a single message from you! how hard it is to Atleast update me that you'll come home? I think you should work on the Internet in this country, I feel like waiting for fcking nothing! ’ Chaeyoung said

‘ H-how did you... know ’ Mina said almost a whisper, Tears started to fall off her eyes; rolling down her cheeks

‘ Chaeyoung— let me explain please ’ Mina said and kneel down infront of Chaeyoung holding her hands

Chaeyoung look away

‘ How old is he ’ Chaeyoung asked
‘ 5... 5 years old ’ Mina answered

Chaeyoung scoffed and tried to remove mina's hands on hers

‘ Let go of me! I'm going home Mina ’ Chaeyoung said
‘ You can't! you said you'll face the punishment you have ’ Mina said and stand up not letting go of the latter's hand

‘ I rather die, Your Highness ’ Chaeyoung spoke

‘ Chaeyoung please. You don't know what I go through! ’ Mina shouts
‘ You didn't know Mine too! I'm so tired Mina! I seems to lost some part of me after your departure. I'm so lost after you left. and Now, You have a son Mina, I don't want your son to live with a broken family ’ Chaeyoung said

‘ There's no family in the first place! I got rape Chaeyoung! A powerful woman like me got rape. In my own territory— I-it's so hard, for once... I felt so powerless, I need you beside me but I can't call you or go home to you thinking that you'll get disgust by me! I needed you but I can't run to you because I'm afraid you'll push me away ’ Mina spoke

Chaeyoung hanged her mouth open by what Mina says

‘ Every day, I'm thinking of just leaving everything and go home to you! You don't know how many plane tickets got wasted because I'm afraid that you'll push me away if you find out I'm carrying a baby! I tried to kill my own son... Chaeyoung, Because I keep thinking that you'll hate it. But I can't— I can't kill an innocent soul Chaeyoung. I can't ’ Mina said and cover her face as she cry

Chaeyoung immediately pull her for a hug and soothe her

‘ I-i'm sorry, I'm sorry Mina ’ Chaeyoung spoke

‘ Sorry my love, I should've considered your feelings first— I'm really sorry— Omyghad what's wrong with me ’ Chaeyoung mumbled

‘ Chaeyoung— I'm so Afraid that you'll leave me ’ Mina said as she sob
‘ I don't want you to leave me ’ She added and hug Chaeyoung tight

‘ I'm sorry ’ Chaeyoung spoke again

They remain hugging each other, Feeling their warmth and savoring the moment until both of them calmed down.

Chaeyoung lead Mina to sit and she kneel down infront of her

‘ I'm sorry, Forgive me ’ Chaeyoung spoke caressing the latter's cheeks
‘ Are we good now? You won't leave me right? ’ Mina asked worriedly
‘ I won't, I'm sorry for telling you that I'm tired— I could wait a little longer for you Mina, Even you didn't tell me what happened to you... I will still wait for you and pray that you'll come home to me despite of all the things I've sade, Because— ohmygosh, Only God knows how much I miss you and I love you ’ Chaeyoung said as they rest their forehead to each other but Chaeyoung hissed a bit

‘ Go on take a bath, Then I'll take care of that bruises of yours ’ Mina said and stand up helping chae too
‘ I don't have clothes ’ Chaeyoung said

‘ That's not a problem, go on ’ Mina said and push Chaeyoung inside the bathroom

Mina smiled and walk towards her drawers... Right, Me and my son's photo, I forgot that I place it in here Mina thought and smiled a bit

But her tears fall down again remembering the night where she feel so powerless under a man that she also trusted.

Chaeyoung's POV

I go out of the bathroom seeing Mina crying again

‘ Minari ’ I called while she looked at me, She looks so broken and afraid.
‘ What's wrong Minari? ’ I asked and sit beside her in her bed

She suddenly hug me and snuggle her face in my neck, I could still feel her wet face due to her crying. I wrapped my arms around her while I soothe her back using my other hand

‘ I love you chaengie ’ She mumbled
‘ I love you too Minari, Now tell me what's wrong? Why are you crying? ’ Chaeyoung asked

‘ I just remembered what happened to me... I felt so disgusted... again ’ Mina admitted
‘ That was my first... And it's disgusting, I'm so dirty ’ Mina said and cry hard again

‘ Shhh, No one wants that to happen Minari— Calm down baby, I'm not disgust... I'm so proud of you, You overcome it, I love you Mina— don't think something bad about yourself, I love all of you, I can learn how to love your son. We can take care of him together ’ I said while she lean back and look at me

‘ w-we can? ’ she asked so I nods
‘ Yes, we can't let an innocent kid grow up with a broken family— I'll gladly fill the missing spot of your family if that kids wants me too ’ I said

‘ You're my home Chaeyoung— I know it's selfish but I don't care if he'll like you or not... I want to be with you ’ Mina said sobbing

‘ Mina, Don't be like that love, He's a kid she needs his mom— Let's just pray he'll like me ’ I said and lean close...

‘ Can I kiss you, My Princess? ’ I asked

She didn't answer but she pulled me closer attached our lips
‘ You're allowed to do anything with me ’ She said after our kiss and smile

‘ stop crying okay? Everything will be alright ’ I said and plant a soft kiss in her forehead

‘ You must be sleepy already, Let's go to sleep ’ I said and about to tuck her in but she shook her head as she stand up and pouts

‘ I need to take a quick bath, I stink ’ She said
‘ No You don't, You smell wonderful ’ I said and sniff on her neck... I feel that she stiffened so I immediately lean back and apologize

‘ Sorry for being insensitive, I-i didn't meant to ’ I spoke softly caressing her cheek
‘ I'm just, surprise it's fine love nothing to worry ’ Mina said and peck on my lips

‘ Lock the door and change your clothes, I'll just have a quick bath okay? Love you ’ Mina said and peck on my lips again then get in her bathroom

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