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Mina's POV

I woke up and and chae is already hugging me...

She's using my arm as a pillow... her arms are wrapped around me and our leg are intertwined.

I move a bit and look at the clock.

It's already 6 PM. I was about to wake her when the door open revealing Jihyo unnie with a tray of food

' get up and wake that baby cub, here eat ' She said still holding the tray

' Chaeng? Chaeng wake up ' I called while slightly tapping her shoulder but she just groaned

' Unnie, Turn on the light please ' I said and she did

Chae's cheeks are red.

I cup her cheek and feel her forehead... she's sick

' Unnie she's sick ' I said and sit up

Unnie went over chae and made her sit down

' Chaeyoung come eat, I'll get medicine Downstairs ' Jihyo unnie spoke but chae didn't respond

' Chae wake up ' I called slightly slapping her cheek

She open her eyes and... pout?

She suddenly hug me and rest her head in my shoulder. I can feel the hotness of her forehead in my neck.

' M-my head hurts ' She mumbled

' You're sick. Why? because you don't have any proper meal these past few weeks and You don't sleep well ' I said

' No~ ' She cutely said... what the?

Is there really people that are cute- acting like a kid when they're sick?

' I'm sick because... There's someone who will take care of me ' She said and chuckled

I look at her and she's still half sleep smiling like an idiot... Her dimple caught my attention. It's so deep, I always notice it but this is the first time I notice it this close.

She place her hand in my chest holding my shirt... I can feel my face heat up.

I can feel her hot breathing since she's looking up on me What are you doing Chaeyoung Dawn!

' L-let's eat ' I said and about to stand up but she suddenly sit on my lap...

' Feed me ' She said an almost whisper

' A-al-alright. Alright, G-get off me so I could feed you properly ' I said and she did.

I make her lean her back in the head board and put the mini bed table in the bed

I get a plate and put every side dish then started to feed her while eating too

' Minari~ Don't eat using the spoon I'm using ' She whined... like literally whined because she slightly stomp her feet like a kid

' Okay, Why are you so adorable ' I mumbled
' I heard that ' she said and huffs then smile

' You find me adorable? ' She asked and giggle, her eyes are smiling too.

' Thankyou ' she suddenly said so I look at her
' for? ' I confusedly asked
' for not leaving me even I told you to ' She said and smile genuinely.

' I love it here. with you ' I said whispering the last part.

' what? ' she asked
' I said I love it here, Away with the palace- ' I cover my mouth saying that.

' I already knew. No need to hide ' Chaeyoung said
' Y-you're not mad? I'm... I-i'm the youngest princess of Japan... My Father is the emperor of the palace where your- your sister died. ' I said and look down

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