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Mina's POV

I woke up with sun rays hitting my face,

' Chaeng, Close the curtains please ' I mumbled but nothing change so I open my eyes only to see that I'm alone in my bed

It's not a dream right? She was here.

I get up and look at the bathroom if she's there but she isn't.

I immediately change my clothes and walk down the hall, I saw Eunha just entered the Front door

' Where were you? ' I asked
' I send her off ' She said
' Who ? '

' Miss Son, She asked me to do so- She goes home with her friends, Don't worry your sisters are still in here, They didn't leave ' She said

' What? Chaeyoung left without telling me?! ' I slightly shouts
' I'm sorry, But I know about what you said yesterday but Mina-sama, I told the royal heads that you asked her to do so. That you wanted her to paint you ' Eunha Explained

' They said they'll talk it out and just call her if some circumstances happen ' She added

' She said, she'll wait for you with your Son, You told her? ' Eunha spoke
' She found out about my son, I told her what happened ' I said and clenched my fist

' That's good Mina-sama ' Eunha said and smile a bit
' I'll tell ask the Chef to prepare breakfast, Excuse me ' She said as she bow a bit and left

I walk towards my sisters room and opened it.

In my surprise, Someone is standing right infront of me... Am I looking in a Mirror?

I look at her eyes and it's full of worries and excitement, She looked away

' I know you're alive ' I spoke and pull her for a hug
' I've been dying to be this close to you ' I added

' What do you mean? ' She asked
' I know you're always around. I investigated you myself- that's not important right now, I hope you don't hold grudge towards us ' I said caressing her cheek

' I was, That's why grandma is away for so long I helped them ' she admitted and look down
' I've committed a lot of crimes ' She added

I hold her hand

' It's all in the past now, I'm happy that you are here with us ' I said
' Miguri, Mira ' Sana spoke with tears rolling down her cheeks and squish us with a hug

' Mina-chan, I'm sorry ' Mira suddenly said
' I was the bridge why Chaeyoung got in here ' she said

' It's fine, everything went well so don't worry ' I said
' I'm older than you yet you spoke more maturely than me ' she mumbled so we slightly chuckle

' Another thing, Your girlfriend is cool to be with, We had a date for almost two months traveling ' She said that made my smile drop

' You didn't go there and act like me don't you? ' I asked
' I did and I'm sorry. ' She said

They'd go to a date.

' You didn't do anything to Chaeyoung, Right? ' I asked and raise my right eyebrow
' Well... she kinda- Uhm ' she said and started stepping back

' She kissed me ' She said

' She what?! ' I shouts
' Calm down, I didn't reciprocate okay! ' she defended

' Plus, she said she was just trying something because I'm acting weird ' She added
' Nothing more happened? ' I asked

' Nothing ' She said and look away
' Are you sure? ' I asked

' Well... ' she trailed off and scratch her nape
' I kinda saw her topless ' Mira said with red tints in her cheek

' You don't like her, right? ' I asked
' What if I do? ' she asked and look at me

' Yah, Mira-chan. I'd give up anything for you but not her. ' I seriously said
She chuckled and ruffles my hair

' Don't worry, I'm just kidding- It's true that she's fun to be with and her charms is something, But I'm also into someone that I'd give up anything for her ' She said and chuckled

' Is that Cassy? ' Momo asked while Mira just shrugged

I was about to say something when my phone suddenly rang... My Son.

I actually don't talk to him that much, and I'm surprise to receive a sudden call

I answered it and it's her Nanny who's holding the phone, I can hear him screaming and crying

' what's wrong? ' I asked
' He keeps shouting your name, I can't handle him anymore at this moment... ' She said
' Give him the phone ' I said which she did

' Mom- Your Highness ' He said and bow still sniffing
' I told you don't ever bow at me right Minchae? ' I asked and he nods

' I'm sorry for acting like this- I just heard that you're leaving... Will you leave me alone My Queen? ' He asked

It's weird that he's not calling me Mommy or anything... He got used on calling Mt Queen or Your Highness, We're not that close but whenever I come over He likes to sleep beside me.

' You will come with me MinMin, Don't worry okay? Mommy will not leave you behind ' I said and his eyes widened and flashed a smile

' M-mom ' He mumbled

He's already 5 years old, A smart and good looking kid, Thank God he got most of my genes.

' I'll fetch you later so better be tell Mrs. Guk to arrange your belongings okay? ' I said and He nods excitedly

' Go on ' I said
' bye M-mom, I love you! ' He said and ended the call

' I want to meet him ' Sana squeal
' I'll fetch him later, come if you guys want ' I said as I put my phone in the bag

' Why isn't he with you Mina? ' Momo asked
' It's just too painful... I love him yes but he also reminds me of what happened to me. ' I admitted

' We understand, But Mina you should make him feel love okay? If Mom's alive she'll probably scold you for making your Son live away from her mother ' Sana said

' I also did it for his own protection Sa-chan, I can't seem to show my love and care because they might use him against me and he's too young to feel traumatized ' I said

' You're right, You made the right decision ' Momo said
' I feel so dumb now ' Sana mumbled so Mira chuckled and we look at her, she stopped and look away

' We should take a family photo! Four of us ' Sana squeal
' Yeah, I agree... I want a photo with my sisters ' Momo said

' Let's do that, But for now let's settle things here, I need to go home... Chaeyoung is waiting for me ' I said and they smiled

' We'll get things done immediately ' Mira said and grin
' Let me handle that fraud ' She added

' Well, I hope you don't go easy on her ' Sana mumbled
' Yah, We're not that kind of people... Just give her the punishment she deserves ' I said

' Go on Mira ' Momo said and tap Mira's shoulder
' She made a devil that would kill her ' Mira mumbled and walk towards the door so I stopped her by holding her wrist

' Don't put justice in your hands Mira, Punish her legally ' I said

She smiled and hold my hand

' Not to worry My Queen, You can count on me ' She said and bow a bit then left

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