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Mina's POV

I carry chae to bed and tuck her up

My phone rang so get it

- Call -

E: Bad news Mina-Sama
: What is it?
E: Cassy's day is near... I've heard that they'll end her in Friday
: What? Three days from now? why so sudden?
E: I don't know either young Miss, You need to go back as soon as possible if you want to save her

I ended the call and sigh, If I leave now... Without chae knowing she'll surely get mad but I can't bring her with me

She might be in danger too if I do.

I sighed and sit on her study table.

I know you'll get mad chaeng, But I should save your sister, I want to make you happy.

I go downstairs and find jihyo

' Jihyo-chan, Can we talk? ' I asked and all of them look at me
' sure ' Jihyo said and stand up

I go to the garden which she follows

' Book me a ticket to japan right now, The one I can leave today ' I said while she frown
' I need to do something, Chaeng's sister is alive and I want to save her... I need to, I want to make chae happy ' I said

' But Mina, Don't decide too early... Think of it thoroughly princess ' she said

' You know I am certain with my decisions Jihyo, Please just do it. ' I said and about to leave but I heard Sana scoffed

' Here you are again, hiding your problems, What are we to you Mina? ' Sana asked

' We're your sisters! Older to be exact! ' Sana shouts
' I'll let you go but, Sign this first ' Momo said and hold a paper and handed me a pen

' what's this? ' I asked since it's a black envelope and the only shown is the part where I should put my signature

' Just do it. ' She said looking at me so I just did

Momo was about to leave when Sana grip her arm

' Are you serious that you're letting her go?! ' Sana shouts again
' yeah, Between three of us... she's the most powerful, We can do nothing even if we come with her which she won't allow... Am I right? ' Momo said and look at me

' Yeah, Sorry Sana I'll get back as soon as possible ' I said
' Send me off, Please? ' I said and she started to cry

' Let me come ' Sana said while wiping her tears like a kid
' I'll be fine ' I said and smile

She hug me still sniffing while Momo left

I wonder what paper is that for, maybe she made a promise letter again that's why she don't want me to see it

When we were a kid, She always do Promise letter for someone and made us Sign it.

' Call us if there's a problem ' Nayeon said so I nods

' Chae won't like this kind of move, Just telling you ' Tzuyu said and get in too
' Be safe, Princess Mina ' Dahyun said and smile then get in too

' We'll back you up and will go there as soon as possible so Don't hesitate to call us ' Jeong said

' Thankyou ' I said

' no, Thankyou... I know you're already happy here with chae but you're choosing to make her happy more than staying with her which is your happiness too, I appreciate it, So much ' Jeong said


I go to chae's room and she's still sleeping

I sat beside her and she put her arm in my lap... Is she awake?

I heard a knock, Probably jihyo.

' See you soon Chaeng, I love you cub ' I said and peck on her forehead

I get out of the room and jihyo look at me and smile sadly

' for the last time Princess, Are you sure? ' She asked
' She'll be dead in the other day if I won't move fast Jihyo-chan ' I said and cup her face

' Should I stay with you then? ' She asked
' No, I want you to look after my sisters. I don't want them to go back... As soon as I got Chae's twin, I'll leave the palace ' I said hug her

' Take care Mina... Call me immediately if you need help or whatsoever, I'll do anything ' She said so I nods

' Just tell chae I left because of an urgent matter ' I said and leave without bringing anything

The only thing I have is chae's necklace.

' I'll send you off ' Tzu said and left


We reached the airport, I was about ro get out when Tzuyu lock the doors

' Mina-Sama. ' She called looking at me through the mirror

' I'm so thankful that you put the smile back on chae's face, but I'm telling you that whatever the result of your move, I got your back to please chae. You know that she's been abandoned by her family because of one thing, She might felt it again because of your departure ' She said without looking at me

' Mina-sama... come back as soon as possible, I'm afraid to see my cousin broken again ' She said

' I will Tzuyu, trust me ' I said and ruffle her hair

' Open the doors now, I'll be late for my flight ' I said and she did
' Take care of Sana for me okay? ' I said and smile

' Sure thing ' she said and get off the car too

' See you soon ' Tzuyu said while I nod and get in the airport

I already miss you chae. I hope you won't hold grudge against me whatever happens.

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