She's A Princess 11

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Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up inside Mina's embrace... I accidentally push her that made her fall on the ground and groan

‘ Ouch, What was that for? ’ she asled while rubbing her butt
‘ W-why are you beside me ’ I said sternly as possible

‘ sorry ’ She mumbled and pouts
‚ I'm asking a question Mina not telling you to apologize ’ I softly said and sigh
‘ You cried and you even said that you beg me to  stay ’ Mina said that make me embarass

My clothes are different from earlier guess she change it for me... I was about to say something when her stomach growl so both of us look at her stomach while she stand up and scratch her nape

I look at the clock and it's already AM..
‘ You can't cook? ’ I asked while she nod
‘ Aish, I'm sorry Let's go down and eat ’ I said and get off the bed

‘ You should've atleast eat instant noodles for the mean time, How could you not eat anything ’ I said and walk towards the kitchen while she's trailing me from behind 
‘ I tried ' she mumbled and look down so I look at her

Her hand is swollen...

‘ Oh God, You should've Wake me ’ I said and hold her hand to look at it closely, It's not that bad but I guess this hurts

‘ I'm really sorry ’ I said as I wrapped her hand with a thin cold cloth
‘ This will lessen the pain, I'll remove it after we eat ’ I said while she nods so I started cooking


After I serve the food I remove the cloth and her hand is still red I sighed by the sight I feel really Sorry. I get an ice bag and gave it to her

She tap my forearm with her other hand so I look at her and she smiled
‘ C-can you feed me? I'm not used to eat with my left hands ’ she said and look down

‘ Sure thing ’ I said and sit beside her
‘ Will you believe If I tell I'm a princess? ’ she suddenly asked while munching her food

‘ I thought you're a beggar ’ I joked while she frown
‘ You really don't believe? ’ She asked so I just shrugged

‘ Finish your food and go to bed ’ I said while she give this unbelievable look
‘ what do you want for breakfast? ’ I asked

‘ Can I have pancakes ? ’ she asked
‘ Sure thing, that's all? ’ I asked

‘ I want a jasmine tea too but I think it's hard to find that tea here? ’ she asked so I just shrugged once again, I really don't know... I haven't buy any tea for my entire living here

‘ Sleep in my room tonight, I'll work on your room, What color do you like? You like painting? I'll paint your room ’ I said
‘ Really?? Then can you make my Room Lavender color? ’ She cheerfully asked

‘ Sure thing, Do you have a particular likes? hmm Like animals or flower? ’ I asked
‘ I don't I want your style changie, It's up to you I'll accept anything with my whole heart ’ she said and smile

‘ Alright ’ I said and feed her the meat
‘ Don't go to sleep immediately, your stomach might hurts if you do ’ I said while she nod and go to living room then open the Television

I finish my food and wash the dishes then go to Mina seeing her dozing off

‘ Go upstairs now and brush your teeth, You can use my bathroom ’ I said while she snapped and nod... Cute

After I put a water on Thunder's bowl I go upstairs since Mina Already feed her

I look around at her room and get my sketch pad, Guess I'll do this overnight then, besides I woke up at this hour I won't be able to sleep again even if I push myself.

Mina's POV

I get in chae's room and this is so awsome there's a lot of paintings, I go to her bathroom and it has customized painting wall A wave that has different shades of gray... she likes gray a lot ?

I get in the bathroom and have a quick bath and see her sitting in her bed when I get out

‘ Use my clothes, I'll wash all the clothes we bought ’ She said and put something in the bed
‘ ointment, Put it in your hand ’ She said and leave

She's really caring hmm...


It's already midnight but I'm still up I can't sleep so I get up and go to my room... It's lock?
‘ Chaeng? ’ I called and knock

‘ I can't sleep ’ I said while the door open revealing this young girl with her hair in the bun and wearing an apron full of paint

‘ Don't come in yet ’ She said and go out
‘ Eh? why? ’ I asked

‘ It's still ugly. ’ she plainly said then sneeze
‘ Bless you, Aren't you going to sleep? ’ I spoke
‘ Thanks, I won't be able to go back to sleep tho ’ she said and get in her room so I follow

‘ Lay down now, I'll play the vinyl so you fall asleep ’ she said and walk towards her shelf
I lay in the bed while she played the music

‘ sweet dreams ’ She said and about to get out
‘ Can you stay until I fall asleep? I can't sleep I feel anxious sleeping alone ’ I said while she sigh and pull the single couch and place it near me

‘ I don't know why I'm doing this... but I wish you feel comfortable while staying here ’ She softly said
‘ I'm actually surprised at first that you didn't wake me to leave your house tho, and that's when I found out that you are kind ’ I said and smile

‘ Maybe? or maybe I just got tired living alone ’ She said
‘ can you hold my hand? that's what my mom does when I can't sleep ’ I said and extended my hand which she held

‘ Why don't you tell your cousins to live her then? ’ I asked, Her eyes dropped on my hands while caressing it
‘ I'm embarassed... I know they're still hoping that the old me will be back ’ She said and chuckled a bit while fidgeting with my fingers

‘ Then why don't you grant their wish? ’ I asked
‘ I'm afraid... I'm afraid to be hurt if the stones coated my heart melts... Something will easily hurt me, I want the pain to go not to add up more pain ’ She said and look at me

‘ Go to sleep now so I could go back to your room and finish what I'm doing ’ She said and kiss the back of my palm...
‘ I-i'm sorry... I j-just always did it to my sister when I'm watching her to sleep ’ She said and look down

‘ It's fine ’ I said and smile at her then close my eyes to sleep...

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