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Jihyo's POV

We're now Infront of Mina with the Dawns

‘ So where are you staying? Where's the girl? ’ Sana asked and look around
‘ I just said I'll use restroom, She Actually wants me to leave at first but I lied so I guess that's the reason ’ Mina said and smile awkwardly

‘ And when Did you learn to lie my lady? ’ I asked and raise my right eyebrow
‘ I know you're not tolerating me to lie... I'm sorry okay I just really want to stay there, her place is so quiet it gives comfort for some reason ’ I said and sigh

‘ Stil you need to tell her the truth Mina, You can't lie any longer. If you won't tell her I'll follow you and bring you home ’ Momo said while eating her ice cream

‘ don't even try Unnie ’ Mina said and and smile suspiciously
‘ k, We'll go to club later wanna join? ’ Momo asked

‘ nope, I'm happy in my new home ’ Mina said and smile brightly, I wonder where it is
‘ So girls sorry for the late introduction, Mina She's Dahyun Dawn cousin of Jeongyeon Dawn and Tzuyu Dawn, The tall girls are sisters Tzuyu is the youngest ’ Nayeon said

‘ Nice to meet you, Princess ’ Jeongyeon and Dahyun said in unison while Tzuyu just look at Mina so her cousin and aiter look at her
‘ Nice to meet you ’ She said soIsmile and nod

‘ You looks like can bring a color to someone's life... Are you single? ’ Dahyun asked
‘ If Calli is just here tho you might make her smile ’ Jeongyeon said

‘ As if, That small Dawn don't know how to smile anymore ’ Tzuyu said and roll her eyes
‘ I'm leaving now, she's waiting in the car ’ Mina said and stand up and get the Ice cream

‘ Take care Miguri ’ I said and she just raise her hand without looking back

Mina's POV

I'm right, She's cousin with those three... What A small world

I get in the car and handed her the Strawberry ice cream I bought for her

‘ I thought you'll just go to Restroom? ’ She asked and Chuckled and started to eat
‘ they're making cute ice creams I can't help it ’ I said and pouts

‘ Thankyou, This is my favorite ’ she said and smile a bit... Just continue to smile that Looks good on you

‘ Quit staring, I might melt ’ Chae said and look at me so I just roll my eyes and look outside


We arrived at home so I go directly to my room since I spilled some ice cream

After several minutes of my quick bath I go downstairs and feed thunder and gave her vitamins chae bought... She really like this cat I wonder what's with this cat

I go to the living room and sit not so far behind chae

‘ Chaeyoung ’ I called her and she just Hummed
‘ Will you get mad if I lie? ’ I asked and she look over her shoulder to look at me

‘ it depends ’ She said and face me as she rest her chin at the couch
‘ I... I lied that my parents a-abandoned me ’ I said and look down

‘ then why? ’ She asked
‘ I... I don't want to go home ’ Mina said
‘ why ’ Chae asked again

‘ I hate at the h-house ’ Mina said
‘ where do you live ’ Chae asked
‘ j-japan ’ Mina said
‘ Why are you here then ’ Chae asked again
‘ f-father send us here. I don't know why ’ Mina said and sigh

‘ I live here for 6 years now. The first 3 years were I live with my grandma. I live in Seoul 6 years ago but then When my father found out that I'm into arts he was thinking of sending me to philippines but then my grandma oppose and tell Dad she will take care of me and she did, I'm so grateful that I have her and Aunt Sandara in my back.... the next 3 years that I'm here my cousin came here to be with me but I pushed them away since I don't want to drag them in my messy life. and the six years I live here no one dared to come inside my property Because my neighbors said I'm a freak, I rarely go out. ’ Chae said and chuckled and lean her head in the couch, I'm now facing her back

‘ How can I be so sure that you won't leave me? as you can see I'm a mess and I'm really tired of getting hurt, you're gorgeous and looks kind... You still have a chance to leave this place, I fell easily despite of my cold aura... So please if you'll just going to hurt me afterwards don't make me know the taste of happiness again after 6 years ’ She said, as her voice fade his head fell fell down like she's dozing off so I walk towards her

We just got home but she already drank 5 canned beer? Geez I get the can that she's holding and carry her to my room

I change her clothes and open the aircon and sit beside her leaning my back in the headboard
‘ How can your parents send you away... that's horrible ’ I whispered as I caress her hair

‘ I want to show the world my talent ’ She mumbled and suddenly wrap her arms around my waist
‘ Then what's holding you back? ’ I asked and caress her back
‘ my parents. they have an issue when it comes for being a painter ’ Chae said

‘ You're the girl who hug me in seoul right? ’ She asked so I Hummed and smile Remembering that day
‘ I owe you my life, if you weren't there I got abducted ’ I said

‘ three guys are following me that time... then I saw you I hug you and thank God you hug me back that made the guys leave... maybe they're afraid to get jailed if they get me around a friend ’ I said

‘ why did they want to abduct you? ’ She asked like a kid and snuggle her face that slightly tickles me
‘ My Dad is rich ’ I said and smile
‘ I'm glad you remembered me ’ I said

‘ your eyes... I never forget it ’ she mumbled
‘ Can I sleep here? ’  She asked
‘ Ofcourse, It's still part of your house ’ I said and laugh a bit

‘ But this is your room ’ She softly said and look at me so I look back at her she was about to say something when her head fell... I guess she fell asleep again?... she's sweet tho or she's just drunk?

I was about to leave the bed when she hold my shirt tight
‘ Please don't leave me ’ she whispered
‘ I'm tired being alone... I beg you to stay ’ She mumbled and started to cry so I lay besid her an put her head in my arm

‘ Shh... I won't leave Chaeng, stop crying ’ I softly said while caressing her hair
‘ that's what Mom told me too... But she end up letting my dad make me leave, it hurts Mina, I'm tired of being alone, It hurts do you know how to stop the pain? ’ She asked and cry on my chest

‘ Sleep now Chaeng ’ I softly said and kiss her forehead... I don't know why, I just feel like I need to.

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