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Chaeyoung's POV

Days had passed and it went well I guess?
Minchae is avoiding me for sure but what can I do? he has his own feelings.

I'm still trying to get his trust but he told me there's nothing I can do for him to like me. He looks way too smart for a 5 year old kid.

I woke up hearing knocks on the door... Mina's kid

I get up seeing Minchae standing at the door and walk towards Mina, She started shaking Mina so I hold his hand

‘ what's the matter? ’ I asked... But instead of answering me he harshly get his hands off me and step back

‘ My dad will be here in any minute, I want Mommy to welcome him ’ He said so I smiled bitterly

He surely don't like me.

‘ Alright. ’ I said
‘ Mina ’ I called and  caress her hair

‘ Minari ’ I called again and she hummed
‘ Your son needs you, Get up ’ I spoke and she slowly opened her eyes looking at Minchae

‘ What's wrong? ’ she asked
‘ Daddy will be here in a minute, can we welcome him? ’ He asked

Mina looks shocked

‘ How's that happened? You called him? ’ Mina asked and sat down
‘ Y-yes... I miss him already ’ Minchae said

‘ It's fine Mina. Go on, I'll just take a bath

Before Mina could say something, I immediately get in the bathroom and Locked it.

This will be hard.

Mina's POV

I look at the bathroom door and sighed

‘ Look Minchae, I know you're so attached to your so called Daddy... But Min, I already told you right? I already introduced her to you from the pictures I showed you... I know it's hard, But please don't disrespect her like this? ’ I asked

I saw tears building up on his eyes

‘ No. I don't like her, I need a real father! not just a woman like her! ’ He shouts

I was shock...

‘ Don't you dare talk little about Chaeyoung because She have me first! ’ I shouts back
‘ But I'm your child! ’ He shouts again

‘ From a mistake. ’ I firmly said

He looks taken a back

‘ Mina that's enough ’ Chaeyoung reprimand going out of the bathroom
‘ You don't treat your son like that Mina ’ Chaeyoung said and walk towards Minchae

She crouch infront of min and hold hid hand

‘ Don't listen to your Mommy, she just had a bad morning okay? ’ Chaeyoung softly said but Min pushed her and run

‘ Minchae! comeback here! ’ I shouts and stand up but Chaeyoung stopped me
‘ Stop it Mina, He might hate you ’ Chaeyoung said

‘ Chaeyoung, No one can disrespect you specially infront of me! ’ I said, she looks frustrated.

‘ I understand your point Mina, But he's just a kid and he's your son for pete's sake control your anger ’ Chaeyoung frustratedly said

‘ But Chaeyoung— ’
‘ Say no more, Don't be like that to your son Minari... he has your blood, You guys related to each other just understand him okay? I'm fine ’ Chaeyoung said caressing my cheek

‘ Stay here, I'll look for him ’ She said as she plant a soft kiss in my forehead and left

I hurted him... you're such an idiot Mina.

Chaeyoung's POV

I get out of out room seeing the door left open

I run out of the house seeing him running away so I immediately followed him

He stopped in the seashore and sat down burying her face in her arms and crying so hard

I sighed and walk towards him

‘ Come, I'll show you somewhere ’ I spoke but he just glared at me
‘ You're like your Mom when she's mad ’ I said and chuckled made him more upset

I sighed and picked him up, regardless of his endless whining and punches I goes to the most peaceful place I know here

We reach the end of the beach and put him down making him sit in a big rock

‘ What are you doing! My dad will be here any minute by now! ’ He shouts

‘ Look Min, I know you hate this set up specially me... But you know too that your Mom is happy with me, I'm not telling you to like me or love me, All I want is for you to respect your Mother. Your Mom needs to leave me for that country, She married Jackson because she trust him enough and I do too. She said she will comeback immediately but it took years to happen... And you're the reason why, She's afraid that I might leave her because of you... She's afraid that I won't like you ’ I said he looks at me

‘ She loves you more than me ’ Minchae said and look down

‘ that's not true kid, she loves us both... And by now, she's having a hard time because you hate me. She's thinking about both of us, she might leave me soon too, If you really like your Daddy jackson, Try to asked Mina to remarry him... I'll let her go if that what makes you happy, Mina and I are married before she got married to your Daddy Jackson which means that marriage with him is nothing... ’ I added

‘ I thought you love mommy? why would you give up on her? ’ He asked and look at me
‘ Because I don't want you to grew up hating your mom by the decisions she make... I don't like you to grow up with a heavy heart ’ I said

‘ I give you a week... Prove that your worthy of being my other parent ’ he spoke and stand up looking at me extending his arms

I smiled and shook hands with him

‘ That's a deal ’ I said and carry him

‘ Let's get back because your Mom is already worried for sure ’ I said

‘ But if you fail... You need to leave my Mom ’ He said that made me stop
‘ Don't tell this to mom ’ He added

‘ You're making a hard deal in a young age. That's... great ’ I said and smile

A week to prove my worth? How will I do that.

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