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Mina POV

They come back with Chaengie carrying Min with her arms

‘ Got this big boy outside so I take him home ’ Chaeyoung joked and put Min down
‘ I'm sorry Min, You know Mom didn't meant what I said ’ I said and hold his hands

Min look at Chaeyoung while chae smiled at him

‘ I'm sorry too Mommy... Maybe I'm just ashamed to have two Mommies ’ Min spoke and look down
‘ You know there's nothing to be ashamed of, Chaeyoung is a wonderful person. Both of us can take care of you more than a man could ’ I said

‘ I'm sorry ’ He said again so I hugged him
‘ Just don't do it again ’ I said and she nods

‘ I'll just take a quick bath Mom, I feel like I'm
drenched in sweat ’ He spoke and walk towards his room which Chaeyoung decorated without Min knowing

- Flash back -

‘ You think I Min could occupy the room next to us? I don't want him to feel lonely downstairs ’ Chaeyoung said drawing circles in my stomach

We're currently laying in my bed with clothes off

‘ Ofcourse ’ I replied

‘ You think I can decorate it? paint some perhaps? ’ She asked again
‘ Ofcourse chae, that's fantastic ’ I said and cupped her face

‘ Don't tell him I did it okay? He might hate his room too if he find out, when he asked just tell that you paid someone to do it ’ She said

‘ Sure... I'm sorry chae, I'm also trying my best ’ I said and plant a soft kiss in her forehead
‘ It's fine, I know it's too much to take, The former queen has a woman lover ’ Chaeyoung said and chuckled a bit... I can feel the sadness in her tone despite of her smiling face

‘  Don't fake your expressions infront of me chae ’ I said and her smile slowly fade
‘ I'm sorry ’ she said and snuggle closer

- End of the flashbacks -

Chaeyoung was about to leave but I hold her wrist

‘ What happened there? ’ I asked
‘ Everything will be fine ’ she said and peck on my lips and sat down the couch

I followed her and lay beside her as I extending her arms for me to rest my head near her chest

‘ I'm really sorry for Min's today attitude ’ I said and she ruffles my hair
‘ It's fine Mina ’ She said... I know it's not.

‘ So what really happened there? ’ I asked getting the Remote out of her hand, I hold her cheek and made her look at me

‘ Don't lie ’ I said and she chuckled
‘ We just had a deal, Nothing more ’ She said
‘ About? ’ I asked

‘ Oops, Not telling you is part of the deal ’ she playfully said
‘ Son Chaeyoung ’ I said and she pouts

‘ Come on, I need you now cuddle me ’ she whines and snuggle closer

Well, I hope you could handle it

Third Person's POV

The doorbell rang so Chaeyoung look at it, Min come out of the door fully dressed while Mina is sleeping in chaeyoung's arms

‘ That's probably my dad ’ Minchae said

‘ You have four task to do Miss Son...
First, Prove that you can protect Mom than anyone else could.
Second you shouldn't make her cry.
Third Prove that you love her to the point that no one can replace her.
Fourth You should always include me in every decision you make. ’ He said

‘ About the third... Even I don't need to prove my love for your Mom, I'll do it for you, I'll comply with anything don't worry ’ Chaeyoung said and smile

‘ Open the door now, I'll wake mina ’ I said and he followed

‘ Mina, wake up ’ Chaeyoung said and filled mina's face with kisses making Mina giggle as she snuggle closer yo chae

‘ Minari~ Your husband is outside ’ Chaeyoung said while Mina pinch her waist that made Chaeyoung squeak

‘ That hurts Myoui ’ Chaeyoung said and pouts
‘ Come on, we don't want Min to be upset ’ Chae added and pull Mina up

Min opened the door with a wide smile

‘ Daddy! ’ Min shouts so Chae and Mina look towards the door seeing Min hugging Jackson too tight

‘ There young man, calm down ’ Jackson said and chuckled

‘ Let's eat! ’ Min said making Chaeyoung panicked
‘ I haven't cook yet, wait for 30 minutes? ’ Chaeyoung said and about to go to the kitchen but Mina pull her back

‘ We could just order foods, Don't sweat it... what do you want to eat? ’ Mina asked
‘ Anything ’ Chaeyoung answered

‘ How about Minchae? ’ Mina asked
‘ Anything will do Mommy ’ Min said and smile so Mina nods and get her phone

‘ Jackson? ’ Mina asked
‘ Anything too ’ Jackson replied and chuckled

‘ I'll just order food, wait here for a bit ’ Mina said looking at Chaeyoung and peck on the latter's cheek and left

‘ Come in Jackson, Feel at home ’ Chaeyoung said as she walk towards them and get Jackson's luggage

‘ Will you stay here? You could occupy the room here downstairs if you want ’ Chaeyoung said and walk towards the single couch

‘ sit down ’ chae said as she sat down opening the television
‘ Your house? ’ Jackson asked

‘ Yes ’ Chaeyoung said making the conversation down immediately

‘ Sooo how's your stay here little Chae? ’ Jackson asked
‘ So far it's great! The beach is beautiful, Lot of games and books around the house and the people inside treating me good too ’ Minchae replied

‘ That's good to hear ’ Jackson said and ruffles the kid's hair

Mina came sitting at the arm of sofa where Chaeyoung is sitting

‘ The food will be here any minute, what do you guys wanted to do? ’ Mina asked and wrapped her arm around Chaeyoung's shoulder

‘ Let's have a picture! ’ Min exclaimed
‘ Alright ’ Mina said and about to take a Group pic but Mina stopped her

‘ Me you and Daddy ’ Min said that made mina's smile fade

Chaeyoung upon noticing it immediately stand up and snatched the phone, she made Mina sit beside Min

Mina Minchae Jackson

‘ Smile! ' Chaeyoung said and took a phot of them

Minchae suddenly hold both of Jackson and Mina's hand and put it in his lap on top of each other

Chaeyoung despite of having a pang on her heart she manage to take a photo and just in cue the doorbell rang

Chaeyoung excuse herself to get the foods

‘ Min. What you did is totally wrong. I told you don't disrespect Chaeyoung especially infront of me ’ Mina said face palming

‘ I want you to know that I would never leave Chaeyoung. so please sweetheart, Learn to understand the situation ’ Mina said and plant a soft kiss in Minchae's forehead and follow Chaeyoung

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