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Third Person's POV

Eunha opened the door and handed Mina an invitation

' You're invited to a litigation, I think it already started, are we going? ' Eunha asked

Mina frown and look at the paper... She was shock seeing the name of her lover.

' Ready the car ' Mina said gripping the paper
' Faster! ' She shouts making the people inside her room flinch and rush outside


' Wake up! we're fcking late now! ' Mira shouts

The girls panicked while Cassy opened the Tv.

She saw her sister having chains in her hand and feet

Her busted lips and bloody head.

They beat her up.

Cassy throw the remote towards the tv making the girls shriek

They immediately leave the hotel and got stock in traffic due to the royalty's car is passing by.

' That's Mina ' Mira said

' We need to get there soon ' Cassy said
' Is there other route? ' Tzuyu asked
' I don't think so, let's just wait ' Jeongyeon said


Mina reached the juvenile court with raging eyes.

She enters it and everyone inside bowed

' Who filed this complaints about that Painting ' Mina firmly asked, Her voice can be heard by everyone as the people inside are silent

' Me, It's against our rule. That's one of the rules we treasured the most ' The fake later queen said
' No. You're wrong ' Mina spoke and walk towards the judge

The judge bowed at her while Mina nods and face the people

' The rule we- I treasured the most is the status of my people. This issue is between royalties their traditions and beliefs. I don't want my people to worry about it, We will settle this in the palace. ' Mina said and look at Chaeyoung who's not looking at her

She felt her heart got pinched, It's their first meeting but in wrong time, and in this state.

' Why? You don't want your people to know about your Lover? ' The fake late queen asked making the people inside gasp
' I d- ' Mina was cut off

' I plead guilty, About all rounds. I painted it- I know my faults. I will face the punishment that I should have. ' Chaeyoung suddenly said while standing up still not looking at Mina, Instead she's looking at the judge

' Since you're cooperating to our law. You will be sentence- ' The judge got cu off when raise her hand telling the judge to stop, but she's looking at Chaeyoung.

' I said what I've said. This issue will be talked about inside the palace. ' Mina spoke and walk towards Chaeyoung

' Look at me ' Mina spoke softly but Chaeyoung refuse to do so, She's just looking down
' Don't make this hard Mina-sama... Just let the law do it's job ' Chaeyoung spoke

' I'll break any law for you. ' Mina spoke almost as a whisper but Chaeyoung didn't said anything.

Instead she step out of the chair and stand infront of Mina, She kneel down and bow

' I'm not sorry of what I did- But I'll face any consequences and respect your tradition, Mina-Sama. ' Chaeyoung spoke

Mina can't take it anymore. If Chaeyoung don't want to teat her as her lover. Then she'll use her power

' Stand up. Bring her to the palace and I will give her the punishment she's been seeking ' Mina spoke and walk away leaving Chaeyoung still bowing down.

Her tears started to fall as soon as she get in the car.

The girls witnessed everything and started crying.

Everyone is hurting- Is there easier way to address the problem

' Eunha, escort Chaeyoung... prevent anyone to lay a hand on her. ' Mina spoke wiping off her tears
' Will do ' Eunha said and left the car

' Drive the car now ' Mina said and clenched her fist

How dare you kneel and bow at me. Mina thought


They reach the palace and the Head royals are already in the conference room

' We heard about it ' an oldman said
' What is this mess, Your highness? ' another oldwoman asked

There's 4elders inside the room, The late king, the fake late queen, Mina, some servants, Eunha and Chaeyoung

' Loving her is never been a mess ' Mina replied
' What a dramatic Queen ' The late queen spoke

' We're sorry, but we can't just let her go. It's Our Tradition and beliefs Mina. We should punish her ' another oldman said

The door opened revealing Momo and Sana

' Long time no see ' Momo said and smile a bit
' Hi Changiee~ We miss you ' Sana said and hug Chaeyoung earning a glare from Mina

' I miss you too my Queen sister ' Sana said and hug Mina too
' Where are your manners? We're talking a serious matter here ' the fake late queen said

' Well, We're invited to meddle with this issue ' Sana said and sat down
' By whom? ' The fake late queen asked

' By ourselves ' Momo said and wink

' Mina-sama, I think you need to tell your sisters to leave if you still want to see her ' The late queen said pertaining to the real late Queen.

' Sa-chan, Mo-chan ' Mina spoke
the late queen smiled but her smile immediately faded

' Please open the door, Grandma wants to come in ' Mina spoke, SaMo twins look at her confusedly but still obey

' Y-your Highness ' The late Emperor spoke and kneel down infront of her; He bowed.
' H-how ' The late queen spoke looking at the real one.

' You can see what's happening here. My grandma which is The real Late Queen is alive. This devil here locked her up somewhere here in Japan. I want her to face a punishment. A punishment that no one in this country will forget. ' Mina said

' Let's talk about some other time about her. For Now, Let's talk about Miss Son here ' Mina said

' I've already saw the painting she did years ago, And I didn't sue as I was so impress by her skills. I bet you haven't see it yet? ' Mina asked with her chin up

' We haven't ' The other said almost a whisper
' See? you'll give her a punishment without even seeing the evidence? that's ridiculous ' Mina said

' As I was saying, I'll give her a punishment myself. So stop cornering about it and focus on with that Fake late queen. She even killed my mother ' Mina said clenching her fist

' Her sickness killed her! ' the latter oppose
' You made it worse! ' Mina shouts back

The servants inside flinched since it's rare to see Mina mad.

' what punishment will you give to her? ' an oldman asked pertaining to Chaeyoung
' As what I've said, I am impress by her work, I won't give her any because I let it slide and I also show it to her. but if you think it's unfair then I'll made her my servant for a couple of years.' Mina said

' But- ' Momo got cut off by Sana
' That's too much Mina. ' Sana spoke

' This meeting ends here. ' Mina said and look at her father
' Nothing will change even how long you kneel and bow in there father. You're a coward ' Mina spoke as she stands up

' Bring Chaeyoung to my room, Call the guards and tell them to lock that woman into the dungeon ' Mina said and push her grandma's wheelchair

' What?! You can't do this to me!! ' The fake late queen shouts but Mina just rolled her eyes

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