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Mina's POV

It's been 3 weeks after chae said don't bother to come in her painting room...

After we got home from the cliff that time she has been locking herself up and avoiding me...

Did I do something wrong ? I'm worried gosh... Or did she already find out that I'm a royalty in Japan? argh! this is making me crazy

I get my phone and call unnies

- calling Jihyo unnie... -

: Unnie?

JH: Mina! How are you? does something happened? or do you need something? are you eating well?

: I'm fine unnie but what concerns me is this girl I'm with

NY: Why? did she hurt you?! Or is she asking for money? Wait- Don't tell me she's already kidnapping you?!

: What?! No! I'm just... she's sad. she's been locking up herself in her painting room and what if she already found out that I'm a princess?

MM: So? What's the point?

: She hates our country specially the palace because that's the place where her sister died

SN: What? are you for real?!

: I won't say too much just tell me how to make this girl Happy

Someone : Omyghad! We need to leave now!

: Hello? who's that?

NY: Just some friends

: Okay, so what should I do now?

JH: You should- wait Mina I'll text you later.

- End -

What the? they didn't even answer my question!

I go out of the my room and stand Infront of the painting room which has a " Do not disturb " sign

Should I knock?

I shouldn't... But It looks like she needs a company.... But she might get mad.

Just try Mina. She keep you... make her happy! It's easy right? Or it isn't? What would make her happy?

I snap on my thoughts when Chae claps her hands Infront of my face... guess I'm thinking so deep

' I've been calling your name for 5 times Mina ' she said so I awkwardly Chuckled
' I... are you alright? ' I asked

' Did you eat the breakfast I made? ' she asked
' Not yet, Can you eat with m- ' I was cut off by her
' No, I'm not fine so please stay away from this room ' she calmly said or maybe just trying to calm herself?

' You know you can vent it out... I'm here anyways ' I said and scratch my not so itchy nape

' I just need to be alone for the Meantime Mina, Please respect it ' she said and look away

' O-oh yeah... I-i'm just next door Chae, You can knock anytime ' I said and turn my back... I was about to leave when she suddenly hug me from behind, I feel my shirt getting wet, Is she crying in my back

I was about to face her but she just tighten the hug
' Don't move ' she said with her groggy voice so I just obey

' I'm just here Chaeyoung... You can Lean on me, You can count on me, from now on I will always be here behind you back ' I softly said and she slowly detached on me

' Thankyou, Please eat your breakfast ' she said and get in the painting room so I just sigh and stare at the door for some seconds then go down and started to eat

I want to make her happy... Should I cook for her? but I don't know how, I never cook ahhh it's making me insane

I finished eating and wash the plates I ate on... I learned washing dishes by watching chaeyoung whenever she wash the dishes

Oh and I learned how to do laundry too, Ofcourse by watching chaeyoung, It's been... I learned a lot of things instead of cooking, I tried but I end up making it over cook like it's already black and Chaeyoung will laugh at me

I was about to go back to my room when the doorbell rang... Should I open it? Or should I asked chaeyoung first?

' Bro? Let us in ' I heard a shouts... Oh God maybe it's her cousins I go to the gate because they keep slamming it

I open the gate and all of them look at me with wide eyes...

' Princess! ' Dahyun shouts and bow 90 degrees... she was about to kneel down but Momo unnie stop her

' She hates it ' Momo unnie whispered while Dahyun widened her eyes and awkwardly looking at me
' It's fine ' I said and smile a bit

' So chae's not joking when she said a woman enter her house ' Tzuyu said while looking at me nonchalantly then immediately get in

' It's not just a woman, It's a princess... Sorry for her attitude ' Jeongyeon said and laughs
' She's rude ' Sana said as she pouts and look at Tzuyu who already get in the door
' She just care a lot for our cousin ' Dahyun said and smile a bit

' It's fine let's get in ' I said and follow Tzuyu who's already upstairs

Third Person's POV

all of them are already Infront of the young girl's painting room

' Bro... Open the door sorry we forgot ' Tzu said and knock

The door opens and chae roam her eyes around

' I told you I hate it when other people step on my property ' Chae calmly said and close the door again

Mina sigh and stand infront of the door
' Chaeng? Please open the door ' Mina said
' Leave ' Chae whispered while painting her sister's face

The only thing that they're different is Her twin have a mole near the edge of her left eye while chae have a mole near her lips

Mina was about to open the door but Tzuyu stop her by holding the doorknob with Mina's hands in it

' she hates invading her privacy ' Tzu said while looking directly at Mina's eyes... Mina just smile and open the door

' Hey chae... They are my sisters, Sorry If I let them in without your consent... I was actually worried about you but I guess you'll be fine since your cousins are already here... ' Mina said but chae just facing a canvas of her sister

' I'll... Send my sister off if that's what you want ' Mina said again
' No. It's fine, Sorry for being rude... I was just surprised by the amount of people inside my house ' Chaeyoung said without looking at them

' alright, Thankyou... We're just at the living room if you need something ' Mina softly said and about to close the door but chaeyoung stand up and suddenly hug Mina tiptoeing because the older girl is slightly taller than her

Her cousins were surprised seeing the girl crying inside the embarace of someone she barely knew

Momo step back a bit and immediately walk downstairs... other's were confused by her action but just let her while Dahyun followed her to the living room

' It's fine chae... we're here ' Mina softly said like both of them the only person in the house

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