She's A Princess 43

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Third Person's POV

Morning came

Mina woke up feeling the pain in her eyes and head because of crying too much

She get off the bed and checked her phone but she received nothing

She cover her face and have a deep breathe

She go downstairs and prepare breakfast

While preparing Breakfast, she didn't notice that there's a pair of eyes watching her from behind

Mina, Upon smelling the familiar scent turn around

' I'm sorry ' the first two word she heard from the person she's been looking for
' What's wrong with you ' Mina spoke and started to tear up as she approach the woman and hug her tight

' I'm sorry ' Chaeyoung spoke again and bury her face in latter's neck
' I'm really sorry ' Chaeyoung mumbled and cry

The girls arrived seeing the scene, They immediately shut up and just look at them

Mina Lean back and cup Chaeyoung's face

' Where have you been ' Mina mumbled and a frown form on her face when she see bruises
' What happened? Were you hurt? Why do you have a bruise in your cheek? ' Mina asked and check Chaeyoung closely

' I-it's nothing mina, I- ' Chaeyoung stopped when Mina glared at her

' I... I was at the hospital that's why you didn't find me anywhere ' Chaeyoung said and took a hold of mina's hand

' What? What happened? ' Mina asked and cupped Chaeyoung's face

' It's just- I was just taking a walk when I encountered some thugs, They kinda make fun of me. ' Chaeyoung said

' They what?! where? exact Location Son Chaeyoung ' Mina sternly said

' The police already got them, Don't worry ' Chaeyoung

' What station ' Mina asked
' Mina I'm fine, I'm here now ' Chaeyoung said

' I'm not fine with it ' Mina said
' Why didn't you come home immediately? I mean you should've Atleast borrow phone to call me or anyone! We are so worried ' Mina said

' I got conscious late at night, so I didn't even try to borrow phone... Sorry ' Chaeyoung said and look down while the latter sighed

' Go now, Take a bath and come back here to eat ' Mina sajd
' Don't you miss me, Come on take care of mee ' Chaeyoung said and pouts

' I'll just make a quick call, I'll follow upstairs and give you food so go, Now ' Mina said and slightly push Chaeyoung

' I love you too Minari ' Chaeyoung said and smiled

Mina smile and shoo her away and make a call


Mina's POV

I was about to get in the room when I heard them talking

' You made mommy cry ' Min said
' It's not my intention to hurt her. I was at the Hospital the whole time, I can't call anybody because I usually don't bring my phone with me when I'm thinking stuffs that needed fresh air and no distractions ' Chaeyoung replied

' Are you really thinking on leaving my mom? ' Min asked

' I know it's a deal... but- '
' Idon'twantyoutoleaveus ' Min said in one breath

' It's not on my mind Min. I don't want to leave your mom or even you. Even how much you don't like me I still have a responsibility to my feelings and to your mom's feelings... I don't want to leave her because I could die without her ' Chaeyoung confessed

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