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Jihyo's POV

We arrived at the airport and as soon as we get off the plane some guards stopped us.


They suddenly held Sana and Momo

' hey hey, get those hands off them ' I said and pull the girls behind me

' Princess Sana and Princess Momo, Sorry we're just following the command ' The guy said in japanese so I frown, Command?!

The guy was about to get us again but I push them

' wait okay? Look, They're royalties. even someone commanded you, You can't just drag them ' I oppose but Momo held me back

' Let's just go ' Momo said and smile and nod to the guy

' This way Princess ' the guy said which we followed


We reached the back of the palace and they made us go through thw dungeon

' Mina's command? ' Momo suddenly asked
The guards didn't spoke

' Wait, will you lock us up too?! ' Sana exclaimed with a frown

For the second time, The guards didn't spoke

Sana scoff and kick one of the guards but instead of getting mad, The guard bow

' Please stay calm, were just following orders ' The guard said and continue to walk

We reached a cell

They push us inside, even the Princesses!

' Hey! this is their home! Let them out ' I shouts but they just leave

' what the hell? ' Tzuyu mumbled

' Mina!! ' Chayeoung suddenly shouts


' MINA!! '

Chayeoung stop shouting when a pillow land on her head

we look behind and we saw a boy sitting in a bed

We're facing his back

' Shut up ' he spoke... he's a she!

She stand up and face us

All of us were shock seeing cassy infront of us.

' C-ca-cassy ' Chayeoung spoke and walk towards her twin

Cassy fall back in her bed while covering her mouth

' Is that you? Chae? so that royalty ain't lying ' Cassy spoke
' Royalty? You mean, Mina? ' Chae asked

Cassy didn't waste any second and pull Chayeoung for a hug

' I thought you're- You're dead ' cassy said between her sobs

' Same goes to you ' Chayeoung respond between her sobs

' What happened to you? these years? are you a painter now? ' Cassy asked and wipe her tears

' I can't. ' Chayeoung said and look down

' I don't have you anymore, I'm not brave enough to continue it ' Chae added while Cassy hug her again

' You are brave chaeng, Maybe you just can't find the support I gave you ' Cassy said while caressing chae's hair

' I found one ' Chae said and Cassy let go of her
' Who? a girlfriend perhaps? ' Cassy asked and smile

' Mina ' Chaeng said while Cassy's smile fade

' That royalty ? ' Cassy said and point behind chae

Chae immediately turn her back

' Mina! ' Chayeoung shouts and come close but the bars are preventing her to get more closer

' Mina ' Chaeyoung said

' Take Momo-chan and Sana-chan out ' Mina said ignoring Chayeoung

The guard open the cell but the two princess didn't move

' I'll stay here. I want to make sure Tzuyu is safe ' Sana said and cross her arms then turn her back at Mina

' Just go on with your plan, We're fine here ' Momo said and smile a bit

Mina's face saddened and look at me so I smiled at her

' I'll take you all out if you're going back to Italy. ' Mina said

' Come with us then ' Chayeoung said looking down

' I can't ' Mina said

' Why?! Because you have a wedding to attend?! ' Chayeoung shouts

' I thought you love me. ' Chayeoung spoke and kneeled down gripping the bars

' You- you said you love me Minari ' Chayeoung said and look up while Mina look away

' Think about it and tell Eunha if you already made up your minds that you're leaving this country ' Mina said and left

' MINA! ' Chayeoung shouts that made Mina halt
' When I go back there. I don't know you anymore ' Chayeoung said

Mina look over her shoulder and gave Chayeoung a warm smile then left

' You look stupid ' Cassy said
' How come you're inlove with a royalty ' Cassy said and chuckled

' Chayeoung they're the reason that We were apart for years ' Cassy said
' The Princesses are different ' Chayeoung said and stand up

' Let's just go, She's letting us go Chayeoung ' Cassy said
' No, Mina hates here... She hates everything about this place, I want to go back with her ' Chayeoung said and sit in the corner near the door of the cell

Cassy sighed

' You're still stubborn ' Cassy said and sit beside her

' I'm fine with it ' Dahyun said
' I do too ' Tzuyu said and sit on the floor

' then let's stay ' Jeong said and sit followed by the others so I just did too

' I never imagine I'll be spending a day inside this cell ' Sana said and chuckled

' Eunha ' Momo called while Eunha look at her

' Tell us what exactly is happening ' Momo said with full authority that made Eunha gulp

' well... Seunghoon just made up the execution day of miss cassy for Mina-sama to come back, Then Mina-Sama decided to go back with miss cassy but then the wedding news just pop up, It's the late queen's decision, But Mina-sama immediately turn it down but again the late grandma show a picture of all of you so Mina decided to capture you guys before the late queen, That's it ' Eunha said and scratch her nape

' Then Mina will not get married? ' Chayeoung asked

' Mina is already married so even if She marry mark, That marriages is nothing ' Momo spoke

' What?! ' All of us said that made Momo cover her ears

' With whom? ' Sana asked
Momo whispered something to her and Sana's eyes widened

They Fist bump and giggle

' That's a smart move ' Sana said

' With whom? ' Chayeoung weakly asked

' You can still marry her chaeng, Don't worry I got you ' Momo said and wink

' Promise? ' Chayeoung asked with her tears flowing out

' I promise ' Momo said and smile

These princesses are hard to read sometimes

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