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Mina's POV

After the meeting with the Royal heads, We decided to pass the crown to Sunghoon as Mira and SaMo twin does not have a single Interest taking the throne

Sunghoon will be a good Emperor, He's been my right hand together with Eunha, and he's really good making decisions. Some of the ideas that made the people's life lighter are his suggestions.

' Sunghoon, Sorry to leave everything to you ' I said
He smiled, He kneel down and bow like a polite prince he is.

' I'm happy to serve you, Mina-chan ' He said
' You deserve to be happy... You deserve everything in the world. You can leave with peaceful mind. You're leaving the country in good hands ' He said

' I won't mind if you come back and get your throne again, I'm just happy to do these things. Seeing our people happy and giving the life they deserve ' He said

I smiled and help him up

' You'll be a good Emperor, And I am the very first person know that. You're born to be an Emperor... Mom also knows it ' I sad

He smiled and hug me

' I'll miss you, Hope you can come here more often ' He said
' Don't be a big baby, Just give me a call if you need anything ' I said and he chuckled

' I will ' He spoke

' I'll excuse my self now, I'm gonna fetch Minchae so we could leave ' I said and he step aside giving me a way

' Thankyou, And have a great time ' I said and he bows 90 degrees


I get off the car and look at this simple house

The door opened revealing my Son

He walk towards me as he walk with tenderness. He's a total prince I must say.

' My Queen ' he said and bow
' Mom ' I spoke, He look at me and tilted his head a bit

I smiled and kneel infront of him leveling our faces, I cupped her cheeks and caress it with her thumb

' From now on, I want you to call me Mom. or Mommy, we'll stay together all the time now ' I said and he started to tear up

' really? ' He asked as his voice broke... It must have been really hard for him growing without his own mother beside him

' Yes. You and Chaeyoung is the only responsibility I have from now on ' I said and he looks confuse
' I'll explain later, Sorry if I don't hang out with you a lot ' I said and he smiled

' You have a big responsibility in the country mom, I understand... I don't hate you if you're wondering ' He said and giggle

I'm so lucky to have an understanding Son.

' Thankyou ' I spoke and plant a soft kiss in his forehead


Sana's POV

After we took a photo together inside Mina's Room some shots also include Minchae, He's an adorable kid, We were about to leave but the door opened revealing our Father

' Minchae, Go out for the meantime go to Uncle Sunghoon, we'll go there soon ' Mina said and gestured the servant to get Minchae which they did

' See you later Mommy ' Min said waving his hand with a smile
' See you in a bit, behave okay? ' Mina softly said and pat her son's crown

He nods with a smile and before he leave the room, He bow infront of our father and left

Father looks shocked

' He's respectful. ' He commented
' Even we don't see each other everyday, I know I taught him well ' Mina said and sat down

' What brought you here? Father ' Mira asked with her arms crossed
' Mira... I'm sorry ' He said

' Save it. I don't need apologies. ' Mira said
The photographer is already packing her things when Momo spoke

' Bring out those, Come here. Let's have a photo ' Momo said and stand behind Mina
' Don't complain, Let's go ' Momo said so I just sit beside Mina while Mira stand beside me

' Come here Father. I bet you've been dying to have a family photo after I don't know, Maybe about 20 years or so? Mina is still a kid when we had the last photo. And Mira's mot even there. ' Momo said

Father stand behind me and mina in-between Mira and Momo but Mira step away a bit leaving a space

' It's for Mom. ' She spoke looking at the camera

I smiled and hold her hand

( MomoFatherSpaceMira )
( Mina Sana )

' Smile ' The photographer spoke so we did

The photographer look at Mira and immediately look down si I look up at her seeing her with a beautiful smile

' What? ' Mira asked so I shook my head sideways
' Thankyou girls ' Father said

' And I'm sorry ' He said and kneel down
' It's all in the past now, We're already grown ups anyway what's the point of holding grudge ' I spoke and sit in mina's bed

The door opened again revealing the late empress. our father's mistress

' Aunt ' Mina spoke and smile as she walk towards her and hug her... what?

' How's Minchae? I haven't seen her this weeks since I'm a bit busy ' She said
' He's fine, We're going home ' Mina said

' I'm glad, You must be excited to see her again ' Miss Ji-ah said with a proud smile
' Girls, She's no longer Father's second wife if we'll put it in a nice way, While in a bad way she isn't father's mistress anymore ' Mina said and chuckled

' It turns out, the baby inside her years ago isn't belong to father. I helped her go back to her family and Jihyo is right, she's kind and she's been looking after me for years ' Mina explained

' Sorry for the attitude we gave, Thankyou for taking care of our Miguri ' Momo said and bow a bit so I did too
' It's nothing girls, I'm happy to serve each of you ' She said

' Go now, You should leave now... Your girlfriends probably waiting for you ' Miss Ji-ah teased
' Right, I've been receiving a call every minute as soon as we send them back ' Momo said and chuckled

' Same. Tzuyu's been texting me, which I found really sweet ' I said and Mira mumbled something so I look at her and raise my eyebrow

' I haven't receive any message from Cassy ' She said and pouts
' Oh- wait, You're into my girlfriend's twin? ' Mina asked

' that's a strong word, It's just... a crush ' Mira said and blush so I laughs
' Let's go so you could confess your feelings! ' I squeal

' No, that's embarrassing ' She mumbled
' Come on, It's not ' I said and pushed her out

the girls followed us and fetch Minchae

This will be a great time!!

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