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Chayeoung's POV

I woke up at midnight so I got up to get some water downstairs... I did get some water and about to go back to my room when I notice the cat uncomfortably sleeping in the arms of the Couch

I walk closer... And froze when I saw a head... Oh God if this is a nightmare please wake me, I'm still young to die because of a Nightmare

I gulp despite of trembling hands I walk towards the figure and look at her face... So angelic
should I call a police? No, I'll just call my cousins

I walk towards the kitchen again to call my cousins

- In call The Dawns group call -

' Someone's inside my house, What should I do? ' I asked

' it's midnight chae, maybe that's just a ghost, Throw some salt that's how it works in philippines ' Jeongyeon said and yawn

' Shut up, her face is too angelic to be a ghost ' I said while she chuckled

' You left your door open again? What if that's a girl escaped from prison? Or a murderer? what if she killed you later on ' Tzuyu said and sigh

' You know that I'm taming a cat right? The cat is here too, I think she already consider this as home ' I said while she just sighed

' Just make her leave, I'm sleeping now bye ' tzuyu said and leave the group call

' Yah, Dahyun any suggestion? ' I asked

' You're just hallucinating, Go back to sleep it's bad in the health sleeping late ' she said and left too

' Goodnight ' Jeongyeon said and left too...

Geez they're really useless Sometimes

I go back to the living room and look at the girl... The girl from auction and The girl that I paint is only one person? But is she really her? Her face is so Angelic but when I see her eyes at the exhibit it's full of sadness, I wonder why

I go to my room and get a blanket then go back to the girl

Maybe I'll make her leave later when she woke up, I put the blanket on her and a pillow but she didn't even flinched or whatsoever... A deep sleeper perhaps?

Nevermind, after I place a pillow and blanket I go back to my room then lock it, It's better to be safe, I still love my life I don't care if she robbed this house since I could Bought new using my parents Money.

Mina's POV

She's caring tho, How could she not wake me? She even gave a blanket and pillow... And she even stared at me for a couple of minutes

Maybe she recognized me now, but how could she treat me nice and not wake me up to leave? I mean If other people see a stranger in their house they will surely freak-out right?

I walk towards her room and try to open it but it's lock... Clever girl

I walk back to the couch and lay back, I can't believe I'll be experiencing to sleep in the couch


I woke up seeing the cat sleeping on top of me, Cute... I heard footsteps so I close myeyes

' Hey Luna... Your food is ready ' The girl said while the cut meowd but didn't move
' You don't want Luna? What if... Thunder? your furr is like storm while your eyes looks like a clear sky but screaming toughness ' The girl said

The cut get up and stretch then she jumped off me then rub her face on the girl's leg

' Oh! You like it! ' the girl exclaimed and carry tha cat
' Starting today, You're mine now Thunder... don't leave me okay? ' The girl said and put the cat a black colar with a purple heart as a pendant

' Eat up now ' The girl said and put down the cat then look at me
' Get up now, The breakfast is ready ' She blankly said and walk away... How could she be so sweet towards the cat but not on me??

Oh well Mina you're a stranger to her what do you expect dumb Princess.

Like the girl said, I get up and walks towards where she goes, I saw her Already eating... She looks at me and put down her chopsticks and spoon

' Sorry for eating first, I just didn't eat last night. Sit down let's eat ' she said so I did And she continue her food

' Don't stare just eat it and leave ' she plainly said
' I'm Mina, what's your name? ' I asked while she stop eating and look at me

' I don't need temporary people around me so just eat and leave. ' She coldly said and eat the last spoon on her bowl

' Can I not leave? ' I asked
' Tell me honestly. You're the girl from auction right? ' she asked without looking at me

' I am ' I said then she face me
' If you really want it so bad then get it and leave. ' She said looking at me blankly
' You paint it? ' I asked
' No. My twin did ' she said and look away while I notice her thumb scratching it's index finger base on her posture she's lying... she's not A good liar I see

' You're lying young lady. Why don't you tell me the truth? ' I asked
' I just don't want. Just get it and go home, If you don't know how to go home I'll drop you off ' She said and put the dishes she used on the sink

' But I don't want to leave ' I said again
' You need to ' She said and leave the kitchen so I just finish my food and follow her

' You want treats thunder? ' The girl softly asked while the cat meowd so the girl stand up
' I want too ' I said and smile

' I'm not asking you, you're not even a cat ' She said and walk past by me... Sigh

I just sit on the couch while tha cat lay on my lap
' You like me don't you? ' I asked and caress her furr while she meowd and lick my hand

' Here Thunder come here ' The girl said which the cat did then she sit on the other end of the couch then give me a bowl of ice cream

' You didn't say any flavor ' She plainly said and open the Television while eating her ice cream

' After eating leave ' she suddenly said
' But I don't want ' I slightly whined
' And? you're planning to live with a total stranger? Are you crazy? ' She asked in and huffs in disbelief

' M-my parents Abandoned me. I have nowhere to go... ' I lied
' So you'll just barged in some house and tell them you don't want to leave? Oh I thought you're rich? Why not spend time in a 7 star hotel? ' She sarcastically asked

' Because some guy is following me last night, I'm afraid! ' I slightly shouts a lie again... Oh God when did I learn to lie

She sigh and put down her bowl
' Chaeyoung... I'm Chaeyoung Dawn ' She said and extended her arms for a shake hands
' Myoui Mina ' I said and accept her hands while grinning

' A japanese. ' she mumbled is there something wrong being a japanese now? geez

' Okay, Then friends? ' I asked
' We're not. We're just not stranger since we both know our names now ' she coldly said

' Mean... Whatever you're my friend now ' I said
' I'll let you stay here. in two conditions ' She said

' First. Don't enter my room and Second don't talk to me a lot. You can ask something that's all ' She said

' So, I can fall inlove? ' I teased and chuckled
' Floor will catch you miss don't even try ' She said and go upstairs

Tch. Cute

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