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Third Person's POV

Jihyo is already done taking a bath and when she got out the princesses are still sleeping

‘ Wake up Ladies you guys don't want us to arrive late on my sister's house right? ’ Jihyo sweetly said which made the girls sit and rub their eyes

‘ Prepare yourselves now and let's go down to eat the Emperor is probably waiting ’ Jihyo said
‘ How about our things? Let us pack first ’ Momo said and stand up

‘ I already Did princess, Go and take a bath now, bring your sisters with you ’ Jihyo said
‘ Ugh stop addressing Jihyo-chan ’ Momo groaned

‘ The... The New E-empress just arrived My Ladies ’ Jihyo said and look down
‘ What?! Dad just exchange girls just like that? Did he really love our Mom?! DAMN MOM JUST DIED A YEAR AGO! HE SAID HE WON'T FIND ANOTHER ONE?! HE PROMISED NOT TO REPLACE MOM! ’ Sana shouts

‘ C-calm down princess, you don't want your Grandmother to took you away because of an attitude like this right? ’ Jihyo softly said caress the latter's hair
‘ So Even the Former Queen is here too? What sht are they up to? ’ Momo asked while holding her chin

The door open revealing the Former Queen
‘ What's This? Princess should wake up early in the Morning ’ She said while the girls bow to give respect

‘ Sorry for my rudeness My Queen... It's my fault since I let them Stay late Last night ’ Jihyo said she kneeled down and bow like a total servant

‘ Jihyo Stand up ’ Mina said that made everyone look at her
‘ Don't bow like that again Jihyo-chan ’ Sana said too and cross her arms

Jihyo wants to scold them the way they act especially Mina who always stay silent but talk infront of the Late Queen

Jihyo Stand up and gulp because the late queen is glaring at her
‘ I think, I should tell the Emperor to give the Princesses other servant, three of you looks like very attached to her ’ The Emperor's Mother said

‘ That's the thing you should Never do your Majesty ’ Momo said and smile Jihyo fake a cough and nervously smile
‘ My ladies the bathtub is ready now ’ Jihyo sakd and smile

‘ Follow me ’ Her Majesty said together with 
‘ Come with us ’ of The princesses so they look at each other

‘ What's Happening here? ’ The Emperor asked
‘ Your Daughters are stubborn huh ’ Her Majesty said

‘ Guess their Mother didn't teach them well ’ She said again
‘ Don't ever question our mother's way your   Majesty ’ Mina said and smile then turn her back on everyone followed by Momo and Sana

‘ Follow Us Jihyo ’ Momo said while Jihyo look at the Emperor
‘ Go ’ The emperor said so Jihyo followed to bathroom

‘ They're still in pain don't add up ’ The Emperor said
‘ Your daughters are weak and hard headed ’ Her majesty said and left

Jihyo's POV

The princess together with the Emperor, New Empress and Her Majesty is already at the dining so I just Stand behind my three Ladies and wait after they finish their food so we could go

‘ Goodmorning Princesses... I'm Shin Ji-ah ’ The new Empress said and smile but My ladies didn't give a damn
‘ Be good and greet her now ’ Her Majesty said so they look at her

‘ Jihyo-chan... ’ Princess Sana called
‘ Yes My lady? ’ I asked
‘ Let's stop by Mom's Grave before leaving ’ Sana said while Looking at the New Empress that made the emperor to facepalm

‘ Where's your manners? ’ Her majesty asked
‘ Maybe I burry it with mom ’ Sana nonchalantly said while playing with her Food

Mina hold her hand to stop her and smile
‘ Excuse her rudeness she's just having a bad morning... Right Sa-chan? ’ Mina asked and look at her
‘ Yeah, I dreamed of a new Empress actually... but it's a dragon on my dream ’ Sana said and chuckled

‘ Your dream is weird but mine is weirder, I dreamed of a new Empress as worm That's gross ’ Momo said and both of them laugh while Mina facepalm

‘ The Empress is a week pregnant ’ Her majesty said that made them stop and look at the Emperor
‘ M-mom... You should've let me tell it to them ’ The Emperor said and sigh

‘ Wow, Mom just died a year ago and here she's Pregnant? What a good guy you are. Let's leave this hell now Jihyo-chan ’ Momo said and stand up followed by Sana while Mina sighed

‘ We're leaving now... Emperor ’ Mina said and stand up
‘ Sorry... I should've told it sooner ’ Emperor said
‘ I already have the royal mark but guess there's younger than me ’ Mina said and smile

‘ I'm glad then ’ she added and left
‘ Jihyo, I'm leaving them to you ’ The Emperor said

‘ Until when should we stay there, Emperor? ’ I asked
‘ Until they asked you to go home ’ The Emperor seriously said

‘ What if they don't asked me to go home? ’ I asked again
‘ I'm letting them live their life... The life they dreamed of to be exact, I think they'll go home after they feel satisfied ’ The emperor said so I bow and leave

I reached the Girls room seeing themready to leave

‘ What did he say? ’ Momo asked
‘ He said to bring you home when you guys asked me to do so ’ I said and smile
‘ Guess we don't need to go back anymore ’ Sana said and chuckled

‘ I think The new Empress is kind ’ I blurt out which made them look at me
‘ Ah- hehe I'm just kidding My Ladies, Let's leave now I already called a servant to bring our  luggages ’ I said and awkwardly laugh scratching my nape

‘ Your opinion counts Jih, It's fine ’ Mina said and giggle

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