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Third Person's POV

Everyone in the palace seems very busy...

' How are your feelings? ' Ji-ah asked

Mina look at her with cold eyes

' never been sad how I feel right now, Worse than my mother's death ' Mina admitted and look down

' You'll be alright Hime-sama ' Ji-ah said and comb Mina's hair

Mina close her eyes and sigh

' Chaeyoung made me feel the same love and care my mother gave me ' Mina said

' I lost my mom because of this royalty sht. Now I'm gonna lose my lover because of the same reason ' Mina said and clenched her fist

' I believe you have a plan ' Ji-ah said

' You will not let the same reason occur again Mina-sama ' Ji-ah said

' Call me Mina. Thanks for proving your kindness. and sorry for getting some background check of yours. ' Mina said and stand up

' I'll help you go back to your family, Trust me ' Mina said and smile

' t-thankyou Mina ' Ji-ah said and hug the latter

' The wedding will start in 3 minutes, please be ready ' A staff said, she bow and left

' Are you ready? ' Ji-ah asked

' This is just a show, there's no reason for me not to be ready ' Mina said and smile

' You're really unpredictable young lady ' Ji-ah said and chuckled

' They can't ruin my show, Aunt ' Mina said and smile

' Can I call you that? ' Mina asked like a kid .
' Ofcourse, It's an honor to be the crown princess's Aunt ' Ji-ah said and giggles


The girls enter the wedding hall

Filled with royals

' Sana-sama '
' Momo-sama '

All the servants greeted and bow, Everyone bow to them but the twins just ignored it

' Why are they here? I thought they left Japan? ' The fake late queen spoke which caught the twin's attention

' It's our sister's wedding, Can't we attend first before leaving? ' Momo asked and smirk

' Don't worry, Everything is not according to your plan ' Sana spoke mocking the old lady

' That's too harsh sa-chan, Give her a bit hope, her greatest dream is one of her family be the ruler of this country ' Momo said

' Well then unlucky her they don't have enough smart to rule ' Sana said and both of them laughs

' Sa-chan, Mo-chan behave ' Jihyo reprimanded

The king has entered and smile upon seeing his daughters but the twin just give him blank stares

While a certain person caught the King's attention.


Tzuyu is staring at him, Fear is written in her eyes yet the expression in her face was just blank.

The King shake his thoughts off and look at the chosen guy,

Jackson Nakiama

Mina came wearing an elegant light blue gown

Mina's POV

I came in and look around the place is filled with shtty selfish royalties with their fake smiles

I brought my gaze at the nearest part and I fcking see my fcking friends and Chaeyoung.

Sana and Momo stand up and face me

' I'm hurt, I'm not invited ' Sana said and pouts

' Sana, Don't ruin your sister's wedding ' the fake late queen reprimand

' Whaaat? I'm not ruining anything, Momo-chan~ ' Sana said like a kid and pouts

' why are you girls even here? ' the late queen asked

' We have right to attend The crown princess's wedding. We are her sisters. ' Momo said and face her

' How about you? You're not even part of the family ' Momo said

' Stop Momo, go back to your sit ' Father spoke

' We're not in classroom father ' Momo said

' Mina, Aren't you going to say hi to her? ' Momo asked and look at chae who's just looking ahead of her

' Mo-chan, Sa-chan please go back now ' I said

Momo walk towards me and cupped my cheeks

She lean in my ears and whispered something that made ne fcking shocked.

Momo smirk and sit down

' See u when you're home. Mina ' Sana said and sit beside Momo

I was still stunned on what Momo said.

Father guide me to walk again so I did, I lool over my shoulder and chae is already looking at me

She smile a bit, She looks like will cry anytime

I look infront of me and tightly close my eyes

' Is that your lover? ' Father suddenly asked
' Don't even try to touch her. I swear you'll die in my own hands ' I coldly said

' Do something about that step mother of yours. Stop being a puppet father, My Mother didn't choose you just to be a puppet ' I said as we reach the aisle

He look shocked on what I've said but still compose himself

' Jackson, Please take care of my daughter... I entrust her to you ' Father spoke and pass my hand in Jackson's hand

' I surely will, Your Majesty ' Jackson politely said and bow like a prince he is

The ceremony starts

I could see Chaeyoung in my peripheral vision,
Please walk out now chae.


' You may kiss the bride ' the priest said

Jackson look at me awkwardly, Probably he's hesitating because he don't want me to feel uncomfortable.

That's the reason why I choose him, He has a lot of respect not just because I am the crown princess.

He's also Seunghoon's best friend so I trust him

I nod at him while he hold my waist and lean close and with that chae stand up and walk away

I close my eyes, I could feel my heart ache.

I promise to come home Chae... Please wait for me.

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