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Chaeyoung's POV

It's already afternoon so I already Delivered my paintings to Seulgi's Auction that Girl really Owe me a lot now it's her third time using My paintings... I have a lot of paintings since I'm always at home... Always at my paint room I just go out to buy art materials and groceries

I fetch my cousins and what surprise me is they haven't prepared yet

' Can you Move faster? We will be late ' I said while they look at me and sigh
' We forgot the time okay? we're sorry I know how much you love arts calm down we're done in a few minutes ' Dahyun said and smile

After a few minutes they finished preparing
' Finally ' I whispered and go out od the house which they follows

' where are we exactly going? ' Tzuyu asked
' My cousin's auction ' I simply said and started to drive

Third Person's POV

The girls arrived at the place and get in but a staff blocked them
' Uhmm... Miss..? ' A staff said so all of them look at Chaeyoung

' Call Seulgi ' Chaeyoung said which the staff did
After a few minutes Seulgi come out with a big smile

' Cous! Thankyou very much, Irene is looking for you ' Seulgi said and face them
' Wtf? Yah Chaeyoung-ah you didn't say you're cousin with her ' Dahyun said and look Seulgi from tip to bottom

' Guys, My cousin in mom's side Seulgi, Seulgi My cousins in Dad's side, Jeongyeon, Dahyun and Tzuyu ' Chaeyoung casually said and get a Domino mask then get in leaving the others behind

' Masquerade auction slash exhibit? I like the idea ' Jeong said and laugh a bit
' well, Let's get in before Chae gets bored and go home ' Seulgi said and get in then sit beside Chaeyoung

' where did you place my paintings? I want to see it all without prices Seulgi Chevalier ' Chaeyoung strictly said while girl chuckled as she walk towards The table

' Don't Worry Chaeng I got your back, I won't let her sell it ' Irene said and smile
' Irene unnie, Nice to see you again You became more gorgeous ' Chaeyoung said and hug the latter

' Favoritism? You don't call me Unnie yet you did call her? ' Seulgi said and roll her eyes
' Shut up Seul, Go and start bidding before I got bored and get my paintings then go home ' Chaeyoung said and roll her eyes

The events started while Chae gets bored
' Guys, I'll be in the exhibit area ' Chaeyoung said and leave without hearing the girl's answer

' I'll just go to Restroom ' Jeong said
' Me too ' Dahyun and Tzuyu said in Unison so Irene nod and they left

' Irene ' a girl called so Irene look over her shoulder
' Hey, Jihyo I didn't know you'll really come ' Irene said as she face her and chuckled

' I told you, I'll come ' Jihyo said and smile
' Actually we just got here, Our luggage is in the car we just stopped by ' Jihyo sakd again and chuckled

' Aigoo, Good evening ' Irene politely said and bow to the Myoui Princesses
' Good evening too, I'll just go to the restroom excuse me ' Sana said and smile then walk away
' Momo follow your sister, That girl is clumsy ' Jihyo said which Momo did

' I'll just roam around Jihyo ' Mina said
' Alright, Don't go too far and don't ever remove the watch tracker I gave you understand? ' Jihyo asked While Mina nod and smile then leave too

Mina's POV

It's cool, No one really recognize us here well I'm wearing A Domino mask so maybe that's why? but It's really Good that no one recognize us, In japan if they see us they will immediately distance their selves from us

I just walk around until I reach this exhibit area there's a lot of beautiful painting and sculptures

But One painting caught my attention...

A girl stand beside me so I look at her, It's Irene

' Can I have this? I'll pay any amount ' I said but she smiled at me
' This Painting only belongs to it's owner, She don't want to sell her works nor show it to just someone, she don't even want to display it there if not because of Seulgi ' Irene said and look at the painting

' Your eyes looks like hers ' Irene said and look closely...

Because it's mine.

' Just try to ask Seulgi-ssi for me please? I swear I can give any amount for this Masterpiece ' I said while she sigh and nod then leave

After a few minutes of staring at the painting a girl look at it too

' I really want this ' I mumbled
' It's not for sale, You're hopeless when it comes to that painting ' A girl beside me said so I look at her

She's... small, I am probably some inch taller than her so basically I slightly looking down to see her eyes...

The eyes that I've been dying to see once again.

' How can you say that Miss Young lady? ' I asked
' I own it. No one can get my works ' She said without looking at me while A bear-looking woman came

' people wants to buy your paintings ' she said
' I told you already no one can buy my Painting Seulgi ' She said and glared at the girl

' Alright, How about this one? someone wants one of your paintings and she'll pay any amount, C'mon it's just on- ' Seulgi was cut off when The small girl cover her mouth with her palm

' I won't let you display my paintings ever again Seulgi. Mark my words, Tell my cousin I'm waiting at the car ' She said and leave guess she's lacking of love she looks like hidden tho

' Excuse her attitude, she's really strict when it comes to her works and I can do nothing about it, I'm really Sorry Miss ' Seulgi said and bow

I was about to say something when Sana and Momo came

' Let's leave now, There's a weird girl suddenly hug me and call hers wtf is that ghost saying ' Sana said while Momo laughs
' You don't like her? Then can I get her? ' Momo sequel while Sana just roll her eyes

' Let's go home now, I guess my sister is already waiting for us too ' Jihyo said and chuckled
' But I really want this Painting Jihyo-chan ' I said and point at the painting while their eyes widened

' That's the royal Mark... wait is that you?? ' Sana whispered asked and look closer
' Yep, I don't know how but yes that's me ' I said

' Who painted it Irene? ' Jihyo asked
' Callisto ' Irene said and smile
' She's really are talented, We'll take our leave now ' Jihyo said and face me

' you're hopeless on that Painting I guess ' Jihyo said and laugh...

Hopeless? Me? Jihyo is kidding right? Tch. Nothing is hopeless when it comes to me tho.

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