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Mina's POV

It's been four days when I search for that particular painting... Where could it be? If it's not in the exhibit and auctions... where? sighs I need to buy that not just because I like it but she might die if a japanese royal see it... How could that girl be so careless? it's not that I cared for her... But I don't know, I just have this mixed emotions that I can't understand

I was about to leave when I saw the girl! But Is this her? I followed her and she enter a store for arts? Guess this is her

I keep Following her until she pay on the counter, How could she carry that 8 paper bags filled with things

I follow her to the parking and some of the things fell she hissed and continue to walk to her car I am hesitating if I pick those things or just watch

I was about to walk towards her when a girl did and gave it to her while grinning but The small girl just give her a blank face and get the things

' Yah! Don't you miss me? ' The girl asked
' No, Leave me alone I'm not my twin so leave ' Small girl said

' Yah, How could you say that, I told you I like you I just mistaken her as you ' the girl said and pouts
' I don't like you, Get gone ' Small girl said and get in her car whe the girl made face and chuckled a bit

' Geez, She's more stubborn than I imagined... Her twin is right, They are really are opposite ' The girl said and sigh
' But I miss how her twin make me feel love... I wish I feel it again with her, They have the same face so It's Alright ' The girl mumbled and leave

It's getting dark hays
I followed her car using the motorbike I bought I didn't open the lights in front si She won't notice me

After the long drive, She stopped in a Fancy house... I wonder who is she with? That's big for one people I guess it has 6 rooms upstairs just like Nayeon's House

After several hours I noticed how dark it is...Oh God no, I immediately hid My motorbike and came close to her house, She has neighbors but their Lights are already off since it's already dark

I walk towards her house and sigh, I was about to leave when A Cat came to me and rub her face on my legs so I squat and pick it up, it's cute Her color is grey and her eyes are like sky... It's cool

She meowd so I put her down then she get in the house... It's slightly open? Maybe for the cat tho

I followed the cat and get inside too, Alright I know her house now maybe I'll just go back some other time... wait. I fcking forgot the way!

Oh God, How could I focus on following her without memorizing the road... Oh Fck now I'm dead.

I sighed and sit on the couch then look around... It's cool, she likes grey then? it's Different kind of shades of gray... there's dark, Light and medium colors like it's all personalized

Sana's POV

It's already late yet Mina is still not here, These days she chose to leave or roam around alone and I don't know why

My phone suddenly notifies so I look at it

Message: My Dearest Mina

Tell unnies I'm fine, Don't worry I'm just doing something, Don't ask what and don't ask where am I, I'm safe calm your asses down

Yah! we're worried!

I know that's why I message. Go to sleep now, Goodnight unnie

' She messaged ' I said and they nod while looking at my phone

' She not the youngest for nothing ' Jihyo said and lie on her bed
' aren't you worried? ' I asked and lie beside her
' A bit, She's strong ' Jihyo said and smile

' Stronger than me? ' I asked
' Stronger than You ' Jihyo sakd and chuckled so I pouts

' She even beat you when we fight each other infront of the Emperor tho ' Momo said and chuckled

' That time! I'm scared on her God her fierce eyes feels like killing me she even pinned Momo on the ground ' I said and chuckled while Momo's expression change

' Father pressured her to win that time. I heard it, He said If between the two of us won he will send one of us to the late queen's house... Mina being Mina hid it from us so I just let her beat me, I know she don't want any of us got hurt but That damn. Emperor make her did it ' Momo said and gritted her teeth

' Now I'm curious what kind of sht is he saying to Mina whenever they're talking alone ' I said
' Jihyo ' Me and Momo said in unison since Jihyo is Always with Mina

' I know nothing girls, I'm always outside of the room wherever they talk ' Jihyo said and sigh
' Aahhh I feel bad that I can't do anything for her ' Momo said and close her eyes

' But if she found a person that she loves or love her... I'm willing to take her place ' Momo suddenly said
' So you better found someone too Sana. ' Momo said and yawn then Hug Nayeon's waist

' What if... Let's just break the tradition?! Let's get married early without them knowing ' I said and grin
' You're not even in a relationship. Just sleep Squirrel ' Momo said and sleepy tone

' If you found the owner of the camera which you stole on the emperor's office then We will ' Momo said and chuckled
' But What if she's dead? I found a dried blood on the camera tho ' I said and look down...

Remembering how the girl grip my dress, She's so scared maybe she sees how The Emperor cut the oldman's Head

' You know what? Sometimes I dreamed of her still crying, I feel bad I should've send her out instead of letting her run away from me after finding out I'm a princess ' I said and sigh

' It's not your fault if she Died twin, We're not even sure if she's really dead, C'mon come up here and sleep ' Momo said while tapping the space beside her

So I did Climbed up on Jihyo's bed and lay beside momo
' Goodnight, Momoring ' I sweetly said while she just hummed

' Sweet dreams twin ' She said and tap my crown

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