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Jihyo's POV

Sana is still sobbing in Tzuyu's arms. We can't make her stop.

' Princess, Stop crying... Dahyun will surely stop her from leaving ' Tzuyu Softly said

I never knew I will witness this kind of softness in this kid, I mean she's sweet yes but she's really not that expressive.

Dahyun get in and sit followed by Momo

' Momo ' Sana called and choked
' I take back what I said okay? I won't leave so stop crying, Please? ' she asked Sana and wipe off her tears.

This is why I love these girls, They love each other so much.

' Promise? ' Sana asked still sniffing
' Hm. Promise ' Momo said and kiss Sana's cheek

' Dahyun-ah ' Momo called but Dahyun ignore her
' Dahyun Dawn. ' Momo called again adn sit beside Dahyun but Dahyun ignored her again

' If you won't talk to me. Then don't ' Momo said and close her eyes crossing her legs together with her arms

After a little bit long silence...

Dahyun suddenly kneeled down infront of Momo

' I'm sorry, talk to me ' Dahyun said with a pout

' Aish, You don't need to kneel. you're not a servant pabo, You're my lover ' Momo said and smile toothless


We decided to watch movie and we're in the middle of the movie right now when Chaeyoung goes down followed by Mina

' Where are you guys going? ' Dahyun asked
' Outs- ' Chaeyoung was cut off when Mina spoke
' Date ' Mina said while Chae look at her with a frown

' I thought Chaeyoung is sick? ' Jeong asked
' Well, she asked me if I want to date her and I said yes then she got up and ask me for a date ' Mina said giggling while chae is looking away

' Aigoo, Baby Chaeyoung is growing~ ' Nayeon slightly teased earning a groan from Chaeyoung

' Enjoy, Chaeng ' Tzuyu said and smile

' See you guys later ' Mina said dragging Chaeyoung with her while we follow them with our eyes
' or maybe tomorrow! ' Mina playfully said and completely disappear from our sight

' She's having fun ' Momo said and smile
' Should we get married then? ' Sana asked wiggling her eyebrows

' I'll think of it ' Momo said and wink

Aish these Princesses.

Mina's POV

We're currently in chae's house near the beach.
After very long ride we reach this beautiful house.

' Your Cousins knew this? ' I asked
' No. You're the first and only one I brought here ' she said and smile

' I hide here everytime I'm sick because I really have that hobby wanted to be babied when I'm sick. Now, this is ours... Our hiding place ' she said and extended her arm asking for my hand.

I put my hand on her hand and ahe intertwined it.

' Welcome on our home ' She said in her groggy voice and we get in.

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