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Chaeyoung POV

It's been 6 years. I wonder if she still know that I exist.

I leave my room and walk downstairs seeing Cassy cooking

' Hey twin, I colored my hair blue so they won't be mistaken by our identity ' She cheerfully said so I smiled at her
' It suits you. ' I commented and started to eat the toasted bread with bacon and egg that she made

' My gallery is getting good, I have couple of paid painting these days ' she said and giggle

She decided to start a gallery... which means her Stage name Ganymede is getting known- and that's good.

' How about you? When will you open one? ' She asked
' When she's back ' I replied and she halt

' Chae, I'm not trying to hurt you or anything but it's been years, Do you think she'll come back? ' Cassy asked

' I don't know anymore, Even myself starting to lose hope. ' I admitted

' You'll be alright, Get some air somewhere... You need that ' She said and ruffles my hair
' Yeah. ' I mumbled and stand up

' I'll leave for now, See you later Calli ' She said and plant a soft kiss in my crown so I just wave my hand not facing her and continue to walk towards my room

Mina... I miss you


I'm currently at a coffee shop in the country side

It's refreshing, The air, the view- the whole surroundings.

I was just sipping on my coffee when the door opened... A girl came in wearing a mask, shades and hoodie

Her body just like Mina... right, Mina

I stare at her since she has this Mina aura or I'm just hallucinating again because I miss her so bad

' Staring is bad, Young Miss ' She said looking at me
' I'm sorry ' I said and look away

' Mind if I sit here? ' she asked
' Suit yourself ' I said and she did sit across me

She remove her shades and mask... She's Mina.

' Mina ' I mumbled, she smiled at me... those gummy smiles, I can't be wrong- She's Mina.

' Miss me? ' she asked and slightly giggle
' it's been years, what are you saying ' I said still crying

' I'm here now, don't cry ' She said


We go to a park and she keeps taking pictures of us

I can't get my eyes off her since she really looks like Mina... What am I saying, She's literally Mina.

Mina's eyes twinkles as soon as our eyes met. Her gummy smile bright

We're currently eating at a food stall right now and she looks enjoying her food

' So ' She spoke so I hummed still looking at her
' So, What do you think on Travelling with me? ' she suddenly asked so I nod

' I'd love that ' I said


I drove us to Craze house since they're still staying here

I get off the car and open the door for her

' Come on ' I said and offer my hand which she hold

I lead us to the front door and open it

' Good morning ' I greeted
' You look happy ' Momo spoke
' You'll be more happy ' I said and smile

I step aside and Mina smile slightly waving her hand

' Mina! ' Momo shouts and immediately hug her
' Oh myghad, You should've told us you're coming home ' Sana said and hug her too

' I want to surprise y'all ' She said

' Come in, let's catch up ' Nayeon said so we did
Jihyo look closer and frown

' you're getting skinny Miguri, what have you been eating ' She asked with her hands on her waist
' Definitely not Vegetables ' Mina said and chuckled

' You girls just came in time we are about to eat breakfast, come and join us ' Jihyo unnie said

I wonder where are my cousins are.

We settled down at their dining and started to eat

I notice Mina eating and put some sesame seeds on her food and eat it... and she keeps doing it

' Mina, aren't you allergic with sesame seeds? ' I asked

She stopped eating and look at me

' I-i just want to taste it for the first time ' She mumbled

But she ate some when I handed her that one time because I didn't know she's allergic into it which made her face turn into red and she ran to the bathroom that time

' Wait- ' she spoke and run towards the bathroom

I follow her with my eyes with full of confusion, What's wrong with her?

She came back wiping her lips
' guess, I still can't eat this ' she said and slightly pouts

I suddenly remember Mina saying she has a twin... But Mina said she died right? Is Mina beside me really My Mina?

' Hey, Changie? what are you thinking? ' she asked
' Nothing, just thinking about places we could go ' I lied and smile a bit

' I'm so excited ' she squeal

her phone suddenly rang so I look at it but she immediately get it

' Excuse me ' she said and left the dining

' She's weird ' Nayeon spoke
' Chaeyoung, Be careful okay?... I feel like she's not her ' Momo suddenly said seriously

' Yeah. She's really a bit off. ' I spoke

But I guess It's just because it's been a long time. 6 years is not a joke though.

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