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Chaeyoung's POV

After I cook lunch earlier I rush to my room to take a bath, It's now the second day of that girl here... I go down seeing mina Already eating

' You should've wait for me or atleast call me so I joined you ' I said while she pouts
' Sorry, I thought you don't want to here my voice since you said don't talk to you ' she reasoned
out while munching food,

Right she didn't dare to speak, She'll just do it when I asked her a question and command her something

' Geez, Eat up don't talk when your mouth is full you might choked yourself ' I said and started to eat too... She finished the meats, This girl love meat huh

' You love meats ' I said
' I don't, I just love how you cook it ' she said and gave me a tight-lipped smile with her eyes also smiling... Lovely

' After eating, Get ready let's buy you things so you won't use my things anymore ' I said while she look at me

' I don't have Money... ' She shyly said and look down
' I have, Don't worry about it ' I said while she smiled and nods

' Can I borrow your Phone Chaeng? ' She asked
' Here ' I said and put the phone in the table
' Thankyou ' she said so I just nod

Mina's POV

After she gave me her phone she left the the table

So I Dialed jihyo's number

- call -


Hey, jihyo-chan

Yah! Princess Mina! How could you leave without a word??

I did, I message right?

Where are you? And who's phone is this? When will you come home?

I don't know but one thing's for sure, I will stay here hehe~

God Mina! Where's that then?
I heard Momo unnie said

Secret, Just let me be... I wanna enjoy without this royalty sht for the meant time. I want a simple life with this girl who keep me. I could say she's kind don't worry

I hear them sighed

Alright... Sorry if you could just enjoy that life for the meantime, But if you really found a person to love Mina. Don't hesitate to tell me so I could Take your place

We'll go to Mall later, MC Mall... See you later lend me some cash, I left my card there... Bye

I don't want to sacrifice Momo's happiness either.

Take care Baby~
sana unnie said so I ended the call and remove it from history then open a game

Later on...

' Hey, I'll just take a nap... wake me at 4 make sure you're already ready by then ' she said so I nod
' I can't enter your room, How can I wake you? ' I asked

' I'll sleep in your room ' she said so I nod...
What's in her room why she don't want me there?


It's Already 3:40 and I'm done preparing since she already prepared the clothes to wear

Strange; Even she's serving me like this I don't feel like a royal... I love this feeling. comfortable

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