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Third Person's POV

As people let go of Chaeyoung, They remove her blind fold

' Too bad, you got caught ' A woman said
' Where am I?! ' Chaeyoung shouts and about to walk towards the prison's grills but the thing around her neck prevented her to do so

she's tied up, from her feet to her hands and neck

' You're in Japan. ' The woman spoke
' Does Mina commanded this again? ' Chaeyoung asked
' But why am I tied up? ' She added

' too many questions, First yes. ' The woman said an smirk
' Second, You'll be executed anytime soon. Mina-sama sued you about the painting you did. That's very, very against our law. ' The woman said with a Mischievous smile

Chaeyoung remained silent... Mina likes her works right? Mina loves it- So why would she do this. Chaeyoung thought feeling down.

' Awe, you look sad ' The woman said and chuckled
' Do you know, Mina-sama already have a son ' She added

' She already forgot about you... Like she didn't know about your existence for the first place to the point she wants you dead ' The woman said and laughs

' Then kill me already. I don't care anymore ' Chaeyoung replied looking away
' That's too easy hon... but we'll kill you infront of her ' The woman said and about to left

' You're that woman right? ' Chaeyoung asked and smirk
' That Fake late queen they're talking about. How pathetic of you thinking I'll really believe that Mina will do that ' Chaeyoung said and laughs

' Don't underestimate my love for the Empress, your highness ' Chaeyoung said looking directly at the royalty's eyes

' How cool, Love can't do anything about Law. ' The woman said and face Chaeyoung again
' But My Empress could. Besides she's so powerful, Powerful than you do- wait, you're not even real so you don't have any power ' Chaeyoung said

The woman remained silent as Chaeyoung keeps spitting facts so she just kick the cell and walked out

Chaeyoung laughs and look down thinking about everything that The fake late queen said.

All the what ifs run through her head.

what if it's true

What if Mina really want me dead

What if she really have a son

what if... what if she doesn't love me anymore

She shake her head and sigh

Mina can't do that to me. She can't.


The girls took a flight and stay on a Hotel

' Where should we go? Where's Mira anyways? ' Cassy asked
' She said she took a different flight because no one should suspect that she tipped our off about everything ' Jihyo explained

The nods and open the tv only to see Mina

' Mina, Our Queen came back safe and sound! I wonder what deal she gets this time. Our country became really great in her hands. She's really good Queen just like her Mother and Grandmother Wise and elegant, Also Beautiful ' The newscaster said

The screen flashed Mina, The girls silently watching her while Sana started to tear up

' I can't stand her sad eyes ' She mumbled
' We'll put an end to that, Don't worry ' Mira spoke leaning at the door

' The hell? when did you come? ' Nayeon asked
' Few minutes ago ' Mira and said and chuckled

' I heard Chaeyoung is Locked up in the dungeon, Since Mina is home, They'll gonna start the dispensation of Justice. If the royal boards agreed to execute chae she will be killed immediately, or if the royal heads decided to put her in jail... she'll stay there for 10 years ' Mira said

' What are we going to do then? ' Dahyun asked worriedly
' Nothing ' Mira said and smile

' We'll just watch ' Mira said and lay in the couch
' Are you insane?? My sister will be dead and we'll just wait and watch ?! ' Cassy shouts

' Hold on my friend, Don't worry okay? leave everything to me. ' Mira said

Cassy clenched her fist glaring at Mira

' Trust me Cassy. Just this once. ' Mira firmly said and turn her back at everyone facing the backrest of the couch

Cassy left the living room and get in the room

' Can you Atleast tell us what's your plan? Mira- We've never been with you all these years since you were born, And I can't risk to lost you in our lives again ' Momo spoke

' Don't be such a Big sister Momo, It's not like we grew up together ' Mira spoke
' That's the point Mira. We want to grew up with you starting today- We want you to be with us starting today ' Sana said

' I'm not Mina, don't baby me ' Mira said

' If Mina won't lift a finger. I'll show up and tell every little secret of that fake late queen so the issue will be about her and not about Chaeyoung. ' Mira said

' That's all I could do. ' Mira said again
' And we could frame the late queen that she's the one who told Chaeyoung to paint it. since she will be in hot seat, that will be a good chance ' Mira said again

' But let's pray that Mina will lift a finger so I don't need to show myself to public, And I just need to help Mina put that woman in jail or worse get executed. ' Mira said

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