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Chaeyoung's POV

I'm on outside right now finding a jasmine tea and it's still 5 fcking AM where can I find something like that?

I stopped in a coffe shop and buy a coffee Ofcourse

‘ one Iced coffee please ’ I said while the waiter gave a thumbs up
‘ Aish, Where will I find Jasmine tea ’ I mumbled and sigh

‘ Jasmine tea? ’ an old woman said behind me so I look at her
‘ Yes Ma'am, I don't know where to find a jasmine tea my friend want some ’ I said and she smiled

‘ A friend? ’ she said and gave me a suspicious look so I just nod and smile awkwardly
‘ Go downtown, you will see the OurTea shop, They have different kind of tea, You might see what you're looking for ’ The old woman said and smile

‘ Thankyou Ma'am ’ I said and smile at her
‘ Miss ’ The waiter said and gave my order so I paid it and leave

I enter the OurTea shop seeing different kind of plants? Am I in the right shop?

‘ How can I help you young lady? ’ An oldman asked and smile
‘ Uhh Mister, Are you selling tea? I mean a pack of tea bags ’ I said while he smile and nod

‘ Don't be so awkward dear, How many pack do you want? ’ he asked
‘ 2 packs please ’ I said while she nods and put 2 boxes in a paper bag

‘ Here you go 50 Euro ’ he said so I pay and leave

Mina's POV

I woke up and look at the clock... damn it's still early I wonder if chae's already finished

I'm feel so lazy to get up Arghh

I heard footsteps so I get up and go out
‘ Chae?  ’ I called but no one answered

‘ Chaengie~ ’ I called again but still no response so I open the door and go out

‘ Chaeng? ’ I called again and a man comes up...
‘ fastoso ’ He said I don't understand...

( N/A: Fastoso is Gorgeous in Italian... I just searched it so sorry if It's wrong  )

‘ Tu chi sei? ’ He said again

( N/A: Tu chi seu is Who are you in Italian again I just searched it so sorry if it's wrong )

‘ Sorry Mister, I don't understand you ’ I said
‘ Ohh, An english but you don't look like one ’ He said and look at me from head to toes... Oh God a creep

‘ I'm a japanese ’ I said and smile a bit
‘ A japanese... You know I love japanese women, They're all Feminine and their skin is so soft ’ He said and lick her lower lip

‘ I don't know where chaeyoung is... Maybe wait for her at the living room ’ I said and turn my back when he suddenly hold my wrist

‘ Let's have fun then while she's not here ’ He said and smile creepily
‘ L-let me go ’ I said while removing his damn hands off my wrist... It hurts

I kick him and push him away thenI lock my self in chaeng's room

He's now kicking the door... I didn't realize my tears are already falling... chae where are you

Third Person's POV

Mina search for her cellphone and she found it, She immediately call for Chaeyoung


Cy: Mina? I'm on my way home

Mn: M-make it *sob* faster chae

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