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Third Person's POV

After Mina bathed Chayeoung, Mina lay her in her bed

Chayeoung Immediately fell asleep

' dream of me, Chaengie ' Mina whispered and peck on the latter's forehead

' I'll be back in a bit, I'll just deal with the ones you put those scratches and bruise on you ' Mina said and tuck Chaeyoung in

She left after making sure Chayeoung is already in her dreamland

Mina come out greeted by Eunha

' Where are we going Hime-sama? ' Eunha asked after seeing a rage in Mina's eyes

' It's time to make that old hag leave. ' Mina said making Eunha widened her eyes

she immediately stand infront of Mina blocking her way

' L-let's just wait for the other day ? ' Eunha said
' We should Follow the plan ' Eunha added

' Mina-sama, please ' Eunha said and kneel down infront of Mina
' Alright. get some food and put it in my room. ' Mina said and left


On the other hand...

The girls are already resting in their hotel room

Jihyo decided to get two rooms because Mina asked them to stay together until they leave the country

' Mina's having a hard time and here I am laying my back in this soft mattress ' Momo said and ruffle her own her out of frustration

' Momo, what really happened to mom? Why are you always saying that the emperor is at fault ' Sana suddenly asked

' because the emperor is a coward stupidest person I've ever known ' Momo said and clenched her fist

She sit up and hug her own knees resting her chin in it

' They said Mother died because of heart attack... That's right, But It's halfly the emperor and the fake late queen fault, Mom's heart is not that fragile to have an attack. I saw how her breathing stopped. ' Momo said

' The fake late queen was dragging mom that time and the emperor is trying to stop her. she keeps saying that no one in her daughters will get the throne and with that... The late queen stabbed Mira. ' Momo said and hide her face in-between her chest and knees

' Mira is not dead the moment she got out of mom's womb. They hid her. without mom knowing, After she stabbed Mira, She revealed what they did. That they placed a dead baby Beside Mina. ' Momo said and started to cry

' And with that... Mom start to have difficulty with her breathing, I want to go near her but Seunghoon is preventing me to do so. ' Momo said

' With that, They left mom there but they drag Mira's corpse with them ' Momo said again

' It hurts... I can't do anything for Mina and Mira, I feel useless ' Momo said

' I believe, the emperor is just stuck by choices. The fake late queen is really at fault there ' Cassy butted in

' after I got imprisoned, He came to me and kneel down apologizing for what the late queen did. ' Cassy said with her eyes close and her arms crossed

' Still. He's the emperor, he's a fcking coward! ' Momo shouted while Cassy immediately put her hands up and stand up

' hold up Calm down please, I'm not your enemy here ' Cassy said

' Look what I caught! ' Dahyun exclaimed getting in the room and raise the beetle in her hand

Everyone screams and run towards the door

' but- ' Dahyun got cut off by another shout from Momo

' THROW THAT OUT OR I'LL THROW YOU OUT?! ' Momo shouts while the latter pouts and throw the beetle through the window

' You already slept with one but you're still afraid ' Dahyun said and scoffed
' As if I wanted to sleep with that back then! ' Momo shouts

' alright alright, I'm sorry calm down ' Dahyun softly said and walk towards Momo
' I'm sorry, okay? ' Dahyun said

' What's the plan then? ' Jeongyeon ask
' We'll attend my sister's wedding ' Sana said with her eyes closed

' We won't leave ' Sana said
' alright, We won't leave then ' Jihyo said

' Cassy will sleep in our room, Tzuyu,jeong, Dahyun and Nayeon can sleep on the next room ' Jihyo said

' Whattt?? Tzutzu will sleep with me ' Sana said and sit

' Sana-chan, you can see her tomorrow don't be too clingy ' Momo reprimanded

' But I want to sleep with her ' Sana said

' Fine fine, I'll sleep next door ' Momo said and stand up

' Don't lie, you want to sleep with Dahyun right? ' Sana teased

' Shut up ' Momo said while Sana chuckled

' They're really something, Earlier the tension is too heavy but now- aish nevermind ' Cassy mumbled and lay on the bed

' So soft~ ' She mumbled again and smile

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