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Third Person's POV

Heels clicking, Camera's flashing- The Queen walks down the hall with a powerful and elegant look

' A lot of things happened. ' Eunha spoke lowly
' Last move and she's gone ' Eunha said again

' talk about that later ' Mina said and smile at the Camera's

They entered a conference room and Mina started to tear up

' Grandma ' Mina spoke
' My dearest ' Her grandmother said and open her arms waiting for an embrace

Mina walk over her and hug her real tight
' I'm glad you're fine ' Mina said while crying
' Shh, I'm glad you saved me... I got a chance to see the world again before I die because of you my sweet Miguri ' her grandmother spoke caressing Mina's hair

' Let's get you to secured place, okay? ' Mina said and hold her grandma's hands
' No honey, We need to remove the rotten souls in the palace- I know you've been following them because they keep using me as a hostage... I don't want to give you more pain Amore ' Her grandma said cupping Mina's cheeks

' But grandma- ' Mina Oppose but Her grandma stop her by putting her index finger in mina's lips
' Everything will be fine, Don't worry too much okay? I know you've been wanting to end this so you could go to your home ' Her Grandma spoke

Mina stopped and her mind immediately thought of Chaeyoung. She smile sadly while her grandma caress her cheek

' You deserve the whole world Mina, Trust me ' Grandma said and plant a soft kiss in Mina's forehead

' How'd you find me anyways? ' Her grandma asked

Mina has been scrolling through her laptop, Reading news and emails and one email caught her attention

no name ( Today )
to me

Goodmorning, Mina-sama. I just want to end your misery, I want to help you but I can't show myself yet due to some circumstances. It's up to you if you'll trust me or not, but please... Consider this email as a tip where Grandma is, I want to rescue her too but I can't since my hands are tied with invisible rope... You're the only one that can do it. She's just here in Japan- But I'd like you to give some public news that you'll go overseas. Everything will be according to plan. Grandma is in Kwagoe. She's locked up in there, There's about 10 guards guarding her outside and about 5 inside. Please be careful... The exact address is below this message. Thankyou in advance if you rescued our grandma.


Mina immediately call Seunghoon and Eunha telling them about the Email

As the years pass by, They've had a powerful people inside the palace, They already gathered a lot of people to side them.


' I'm afraid we can't go back right now, We need to go back the other day as we release a statement into public ' Eunha said
' Then we'll stay here bit, How's the palace? are they making a move? ' Mina asked and sit

' Our people said there's no anything suspicious ' Eunha replied
' That's good then, after grandma showed up. I'll make sure for that woman to rot in jail. ' Mina said clenching her fist

Her grandma hold her hand and caress it
' You'll get the revenge you deserve, She will have the greatest punishment of all time ' Her grandma spoke

Mina phone lit up so her grandmother look at it, Her grandmother smile upon seeing the wallpaper, It's Mina and Chaeyoung's first picture where in They're looking at each other.

' Girlfriend? ' Her grandmother asked

Mina is a bit nervous as she hear that her grandmother is strict when it comes to a lover.

' N-not yet ' Mina answered and look down
' not yet? How come both of you looks inlove ' Her grandmother spoke that made Mina blush

' You're even blushing ' Her grandmother said while Eunha silently chuckled
' I left her in Italy due to some circumstances, And I haven't seen nor talk to her for About 6 years. ' Mina said and look at her phone

' You must be missing her so much ' Her grandma said while Mina nods
' You aren't mad or disgust that I like girls? ' Mina asked

' oh Sweet heart, Why would I? Your Mom also loved a woman... but she has no choice but to marry that Man ' Her grandmother said

' Tell me more grandma ' Mina said and face her grandmother

' You know Emperor is still more powerful even He just married a royalty. I told her that she could leave him. So No one will be more powerful except her and me. But your Mom trusted that guy too much. ' Her grandmother asked

' No Ma, About My mom and the woman she loved, That's what I want to hear. Not about the late Emperor ' Mina bitterly said and smile a bit

' Silly, Don't hold grudge towards your father. He's still your father after all ' Her grandma said while Mina remain silent

' Your Mom once run away with that woman, But that woman can't really fight for your Mom. She let go of your mom and just disappeared, They were inlove I almost catch them kissing and that woman kneel down telling how sorry she was and how much she loves your Mom... But I guess, You can't be inlove if you're a coward or else you'll just hurt the person you're inlove with- Your Mom. She's a coward, she can't fight for her lover too, I hope you won't do the same, pushing your lover away is not the best way in any aspects... ' Her grandma said

Mina smile and nods

' I will fight for her no matter what. ' Mina said as caress Chaeyoung's face through the screen fo her phone.

She smiled and hid her phone again.

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