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Chaeyoung's POV

We're currently at Singapore right now as Mina picked this as our last destination

She has a long list of countries she wants to visit and I still find it strange sometimes because of the things she's doing.

We were in Canada, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Netherland, Switzerland, We even go to Korea same as the Philippines.

And yes, It's been like almost 2 months that we don't go back to Italy. But Finally we're going home tomorrow

' This is fun ' Mina said and sit beside me, we're at the Hotel right mow seating at the couch in the veranda looking at the beautiful view... The City lights, the Moon and stars.

' Right, we should do this again, There's still a lot of countries in the world map we should go on ' I said and she chuckled

' Silly, I don't think we could still do that ' She said
' why~ ' I asked and rest my hand on her shoulder

' Mina, I'm really wondering did you change your perfume? ' I asked
' Why? ' she asked

' You smell jasmine yes but it's a bit stronger ' Chaeyoung said
' Maybe you're just adjusting since we haven't see each other for years ' she said so I hummed and wrapped my arms around her

' Chaeyoung. I want to Apologize on what will happen next ' She suddenly said so I look at her

' You surely bought a lot of time ' a woman said behind so I look at her, she's unfamiliar
' Go on, Get her- We're done here ' Mina said that made me confuse

' What's happening? ' I asked and start to panic as two men hold me
' Sorry to pop your bubble Miss Son, I'm Mira- Mina's twin, nice to meet you ' She said and smirk

' What- I knew it! I shouldn't have trusted you! ' I shouts
' Too bad, I have this face ' she said again and lit a cigarette

' Where's Mina! ' I shouts
' Ofcourse, Ruling her country. Don't worry, You'll see her soon ' She said

' Let go of me! ' I shouts but they a clothe in my face
I feel dizzy,, I'm losing consciousness...

Third Person's POV

Mira get her phone and dialed a number

' My work is done. I'm free now like what we've talked about ' Mira spoke
' I hate to admit it, But yeah. You're free- Don't ever fight against me you know what I could do ' the person in the other line said

Mira didn't answer and just ended the call

' Don't bruise her too much... I'm sure Mina-sama will do anything too kill all of you ' Mira said puffing smoke
' Then, consider yourself dead ' The woman spoke and chuckled

They get Chaeyoung and carry her to a van...

' Now, Where you at my friend cassy- your twin needs you ' Mira spoke and toss the cigarette away


Mira took a flight to Italy and goes directly in Chaeyoung's house

and what surprise her is everyone is in there

' Where's Chaeyoung? ' Sana immediately asked
' Hold on, Sana-chan- '
' Mira. Don't play shts with us, We're still your sister ' Momo spoke and stand infront of her

' Now, Where is Chaeyoung ' Momo said while the latter smirk

Mira tried to get away but Momo immediately hold her wrist and about to pin her down but Mira is fast that she outdo Momo, They attack and defend while the others step back and just watch them

' You're fast. ' Mira spoke panting avoiding the attacks Momo is giving her, Mira gave her a kick but Momo step back and just in cue Jihyo immediately attacked and pinned her down putting both of her hands behind

Jihyo is sitting at her back and gripping her arms behind- preventing her to move

' Just answer us, Where's Chaeyoung? ' Cassy asked and lean close
' wait- '
' MR, is that you? ' Cassy asked and slightly cover Mira's face only showing her eyes

' Hey there, My friend ' Mira and and chuckled
' Where's my twin? ' Cassy asked

' I send her to Japan ' Mira said while the girls look at each other
' For what? ' Nayeon asked

' To be executed- Mina is not in the country right now and the Fake late queen took advantage of it, she knows everything about all of you... and about the painting ' Mira said

Everyone in the room stop moving as if a bucket of ice pour into them.

' And as a revenge since Mina keeps fighting against her- To teach Mina a lesson, That fake late queen will get chaeyoung's life legally- Using that painting ' Mira said and slightly groaned so Jihyo let go fo her and help her up then bow a bit as a show of respect because Mira is still a royal princess.

' That's why I came here to tell all of you ' Mira said
' You should've said immediately rather than giving her away like that! ' Tzuyu shouts and hold Mira's collar

' I can't do anything, there's a lot of eyes watching me. If I do that all of us will be in wanted list of Japan ' Mira said and grip Tzuyu's wrist

' Yah! let go, you're hurting her ' Sana spoke while Mira slightly push Tzuyu away and look at Sana
' Then why are you doing this ? why are you here telling us ' Cassy spoke not looking at her

' She's a good kid, I never expect to be in here too. I thought after that almost two months I'll go and hide again- guess what? I'm tired of being a coward and hidden. ' Mira said
' All my life I've been hidden, And after that Travel I had with Chaeyoung, I appreciate the beauty of life- You're right, she could really change your perspective in life once you get to know her ' Mira said and chuckled

' you're not inlove with her... are you? ' Cassy asked and look at her
' Don't worry, I'm still up for the marriage I asked, But are you up with that proposal? ' Mira asked and smirk

' shut up and tell us the plan, I want my sister safe and alive ' Cassy spoke

' I'll contact Mina ' Nayeon said and get her phone but mira stopped her
' She'll be back at Japan the other day, Chaeyoung's execution will be that day too. Let's just wait for her return and wait what will happen, Let's just have a back up plan, if Mina won't lift a finger we should be the one to save her ' Mira said

' What do you mean " If Mina won't lift a finger " Ofcourse she will ' Dahyun said and frown
' Well sorry to pop your bubble but Mina became sort of a... a Puppet these past few years ' Mira said and look down

' How? ' Jihyo asked and clenched her fist

' Well, It turns out that the fake late queen knows where the real late queen is and she's using her against Mina. We both know how Mina loves grandma- I tipped her off by sending an email using a dummy account but I don't think she will take it seriously ' Mira said and Sigh

' Everytime I see her at the palace, I just want to run over her and tell everything but I can't risk her life- Maybe it really sucks to be the youngest ' Mira spoke and cover her face out of frustration

' I'm in there everyday, I saw her everyday yet I can't do anything to lift any of her heavy feelings ' Mira spoke, sadness is present in her voice

' I hated her because We're twin yet she's the one chosen to live, But now I'm thankful because I am hidden. I don't need to live on that manipulative world. ' Mira said

' But I feel bad as day passed by, I could see how her sadness and anger change her. She's powerful yet she's being controlled. I do everything on my power to Atleast talk to her, She talks about Chaeyoung and everyone of you. I felt sad because she doesn't even know I'm alive ' Mira spoke

' I am older than her yet I feel hopeless for her ' Mira spoke as tears roll down ger cheeks

' don't worry, She'll get through it- We're here... Her sisters are here for her ' Momo spoke and pull Mira for a hug

' It's fine... ' Momo said soothing Mira's back
Sana join the hug so Momo hug both of them as they cry

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