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Mina's POV

I woke up and it's still dark, Chaeyoung is sleeping beside me hugging my waist

I smile and snuggle closer to her which made her pull me closer too, I am using her arm as a pillow

She caress my waist and peck on my crown
‘ Go back to sleep princess, it's still dark outside ’ She said

‘ Did I wake you up? ’ I asked
‘ I just really became a light sleeper, don't worry ’ She said

‘ Chaeyoung, aren't you hungry? We haven't eat since last night ’ I asked
‘ Are you hungry? ’ she asked and sat down rubbing her eyes

‘ I'll cook for you love, wait a bit ’ she said and stand up, She was about to walk towards the door but reality hit her
‘ I forgot— We're not at home ’ Chaeyoung mumbled and sat back in my bed

I back hugged her and rest my chin in her shoulder
‘ I'll call for some food, what do you want to eat? ’ I asked
‘ Anything ’ She said and face me hugging me back

‘ I miss you warmth so much ’ She mumbled and plant a soft kiss in my neck
‘ I do too ’ I softly said

I get my phone still not detaching on chae's hug, I messaged Eunha to leave a food in my door, I hope she's awake

I immediately received a message telling she'll do it so I messaged her a simple thanks and put down my phone and wrapped my arms around Chaeyoung again

She started humming while slightly swaying our body, I miss her so much all the little things she do, All the sweet things she'll say... I miss everything about her

‘ Thankyou for not giving up, and I'm sorry for making you wait this long ’ I whispered
‘ Don't be sorry Minari, I chose to wait, Because I love you and I can't love any other woman the way I love you— because even you're away, I love you more everyday ’ She said

‘ Why, I'm not with you though ’ I asked
‘ It's doesn't matter that you're with me or not, For me you're the greatest thing that happened in my life and my mind thinks of you everyday like crazy... The way your smile flashed, The way you eyes turn into a puppy eyes when you want something, The way you stare at me when I'm eating because you want me to feed you... Every little things remind me of you love and that makes me love you more because you give me a lot of beautiful memories before you left ’ She said that made me tear up

‘ Awe, You're crying again— We should stop talking about how much I adore you and how much I love you because you keep tearing up ’ she said and chuckled

‘ I'm just sooo lucky to have you... earlier we're just fighting and now here we are, Cuddling each other ’ I said while she hummed

‘ I'm really sorry about earlier— I just overthink and I let it eat me. I'm just so afraid that you really don't want to see me anymore ’ She said

‘ How could you say that~ I want to see you so much but I'm afraid that If you knew what happened to me you'll leave me, I'm sorry you waited this long because of my cowardness... It sounds like I don't trust you enough to accept me ’ I said mumbling the last part

‘ Minari ’ she spoke and guide me to sit on her lap which I did
‘ Whatever happens, You know I'll love you and I'll accept you wholeheartedly. and I'm so sorry that I'm not beside you when you go through that ’ She said and peck on my lips

‘ I'm so proud of you Minari ’ she added and smile so I smiled at her and that's when I realize something

‘ You didn't change clothes?? Chaeyoung-ah it's cold ’ I said while she chuckled
‘ It's not, and it's surprisingly comfortable with only bathrobe... I don't have undergarments ’ She said whispering the last part and giggle

‘ You naughty cub, you'll get sick Go on and get some pj's in my closet ’ I said and about to leave her lap but she just hold my waist and pouts
‘ I don't want Minari~ ’ she said hugging me

‘ If you won't I'll ravish your body ’ I whispered and she lean back with wide eyes
‘ Yah— You're so bold ’ she mumbled and look down so I chuckled

someone knock on the door so I stand up and opened it
‘ Thanks Eunha, You should go to sleep it's already 1 in the morning ’ I said and she slightly nods and left

‘ Let's eat ’ I said as I put the tray in my mini table
I look at her and she's just pouting

‘ Why? ’ I asked but she just walk towards me and started to eat
‘ Hey what's wrong? ’ I asked and she just shook her head

‘ I love u ’ I said and plant a soft kiss in her cheek and she ignored me
‘ Yahhh~ I said I love you ’ I said

‘ I love you too, Come one eat now ’ She said 
‘ Can you wait a little longer? I'll come home to you immediately, I promise— I'll really come home this time... Please have more patience with me~ ’ I said and hug her waist sideways

‘ As if I can do anything about it, I love you Minari. I will wait okay? and I hope it's not another 6 years because I will surely dead by then ’ She said

‘ Why? ’ I asked
‘ You don't know how lifeless my world is without you, It's killing me ’ Chaeyoung said and sigh

She then put down her chopsticks and face me

‘ Myoui Mina, I swear if you won't come home I'll cause trouble here in you Country ’ She threatened
‘ Chaeyoung-ah don't say something like that, if someone hears you you'll be in another trial again, that's not a good joke ’ I reprimanded while she pouts

‘ See, You love your Country more than me ’ she mumbled and continue eating
‘ Are you jealous over a country Chaeng? really? ’ I asked and laughs by her cuteness

‘ I love you more than anything Chaengie ’ I said and rest my chin in her shoulder facing her

I blow an air in her ear and she lean back bit so I giggle

‘ I miss you so much~ ’ I said and hug her again
‘ I miss you too ’ she said as she drink the wine and face me

‘ Can I kiss you Minari? ’ she asked holding my cheek
‘ Stop asking and just do anything you want ’ I said and she chuckled

She pull me close and kiss me holding my nape, She slightly bit my lower lip, I opened my mouth and let her tongue wonder inside mine. I could taste the wine through her... It become sweeter.

This is turning me on...

I pull her close and decided to stand up our lips are still connected as we walk towards the bed

I pushed her but she wrapped her arms around me that made me fall on top of her

We lean back and rest our foreheads in each other, She smiled at me so I do too

‘ I'm so in love with you ’ She suddenly said so I giggle and plant a soft kiss
‘ Let's continue eating later, I want to sleep now ’ I said and get comfortable on top of her

‘ Goodnight my sweet Minari ’ She softly said caressing my hair
‘ Goodnight My sweet Chaengie, love you ’ I replied and snuggle closer

I love this set up... I can't wait to wake up with her every single day.

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