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Jihyo's POV

We got home without Nayeon, Where did unnie go?

' Where is your sister Jihyo? ' Momo asked
' Just Got home ' Nayeon said from the door carrying a lot of plastic bags

' where did you go? what was that for? ' I asked
' Oh We're living with royalties, Stock for their Highness ' Nayeon sarcastically said and go to kitchen so I look at the three Myoui's and smile apologetically and follow Nayeon

' Unnie... I know You hate royalties but please give the girls exception... They're good and kind ' I said and she face me
' Tell me, I told you not to work for that sht Emperor right? why... why are you doing this? ' She asked while I remained silent

' Are you feeling indebted? Or you just pity those princess that you became their maid... You finished a college degree just to be servant? Are you thinking straight Jihyo? ' She asked

' Look, If you don't want them here then we'll leave, I just got home and you're like this? Unnie... All they want is freedom. They're achieving that will when they're with me, I can't leave them to the hell Palace to be treated unfairly especially now that there's a new Empress! ' I whispered shout

' There's a new Empress? That Emperor is really something huh. After she flirt on our mother that became a servant Because of her Queen mother who looks so high about herself, All royalties are shts ' Nayeon exclaimed and turn her back to arrange the goods

' You know we can here you ' Momo suddenly said so we look at Their direction and they're eavesdropping these Princess really

' Because you're eavesdropping ' Nayeon sarcastically said
' It's fine if you don't want us here Nayeon-chan... We can Check in a Hotel ' Mina said and smile a bit

' I never say I don't like you girls here, I'm just really irritated that your father is that dumbass Emperor ' Nayeon said and roll her eyes

' Then... Do you hate us? ' Sana cutely asked
' No Missy, You can live here your entire life You guys are always welcome ' Nayeon said and smile

' Welcome home everyone ' She said and open her arms for a hug which everyone did
' Sorry for the attitude, I just hate royalties but like what Jihyo said, you girls are exception ' Nayeon said and chuckled

' Go to your rooms now, I Already cleaned the guest room and made it into a personalized room, first door in left is for Momo, Second door is for Sana and the last door is for Mina while Jihyo will sleep at the couch ' Nayeon said and smile

' that's absurd ' I mumbled but loud enough for them to hear
' Just kidding my loving sister, There's 6 rooms upstairs, our room is in the left side upstairs ' Nayeon said and smile showing her bunny tooth

' Thanks Bunny ' I said and go upstairs

Sana's POV

We're now resting but it feels empty being alone in a room, I'm Sana Myoui By the way, 2nd Princess in Myoui Palace I swear that place sucks, I rather live in a club than spending all my life in there

Princess life is Not easy, You have a lot of things to do especially Marrying a Man... A Man that you don't even love, A Man that all wants is power. A Man that is greedy and full of himself. that's why I hate men and Another thing, I believe that Women are more good in... you know it.

I go out of my room seeing my sisters just go out of their room too,
' Where are you guys going? ' We asked in Unison and laughs
' Jihyo ' We said in unison again

We get in Jihyo's room seeing Nayeon with her

' Guess My Ladies can't sleep ' Jihyo said and chuckled
' Can we stay here Nayeon unnie ' Mina asked
' Ofcourse, It's not even my room ' Nayeon unnie said and laugh a bit

Mina lie down beside Nayeon and close her eyes then open it and stare at the ceiling

I sit on Jihyo's Big teddy bear and observe Mina while Momo Sit beside Jihyo infront of the monitor

Mina sigh and close her eyes again then later on open it again and sigh, What's her problem?

' Irene Messaged me, She said Sorry She can't do anything about the painting you wanted to buy Mina ' Jihyo suddenly said
' It's fine, I'll get it myself... maybe ' Mina said still looking at the ceiling

' I can't believe someone hug me earlier, I thought no one knew us here or They barely recognize us? ' I asked
' But she's cute ' Momo said and look at Me
' But she's loud ' I said again

' She's just mistaken you as me ' Momo Mumbled but I heard it right but chose to ignore
' Who's the girl? ' Nayeon asked

' I don't know, but I'm taller she has this super pale skin ' I said
' You're exaggerating, She's just white ' Momo said
' Yeah, white that can be mistaken as ghost ' I said

' A cute ghost indeed ' Momo said while smiling
' Wait, You really like her? ' I asked while she just shrugged and lay beside Mina

' Nee-chan, Stop hugging it's hot ' Mina slightly whined and slightly push her but momo scooted closer
' Why? You're being distant huh you don't even want anyone to cling on you since mom died ' Momo said... Oh Dumb Momo

Mina Remained silent
' Aish, I'm sorry...I didn't meant to mention Mom, I'm sorry okay? Don't cry Mina you're a big girl Already ' momo said and sit while Mina started to tear up

She really has this softest side when she's with us,
Since she's the youngest she's really close with Mom and Dad, well all of us are close to Mom she's The best Woman and Mom in the world! But not dad After he got that throne I barely talk to him. I hate how he manage... He's killing other people in the village, I witnessed it once

~ Flashback~

I was following Dad since I want to play with him, But in my surprise... there's an oldman with a young girl begging for their lives... But Dad immediately cut off his head

I heard a gasp and saw another girl peeking so I walk towards her
' What are you doing here? ' I asked since she's holding a camera

' Dare ga iru no?! ' ( Who is there?! ) Father shouts so I cover the girl's mouth and hid behind the bush... But unluckyly they found us

' Hime-Sama ' The guard bows while the little girl hid behind my back while tightly holding my royal dress
' kanojo wa dare desu ka? ' ( who is she? ) Father asked so I hid the girl behind me

' She's my friend. Don't touch her ' I said but the guards aporoach us and initiate to touch her so I throw sand on them
' I said don't! ' I shouts

' Musume lower your voice, Why is your friend here at this time it's already late... same as you? ' Father asked
' I want to play with you father. But I don't anymore, Let's go ' I said to the girl and drag her with me

But After telling her that I'm a princess she run away.

- End of the flashback -

After that Day I never seen her but the camera is with me... I saw it in Dad's room. I bet he killed the little girl, He's cruel I hate him.

' I'm sorry Mina-ya, Don't stop crying please ' Momo said and sigh
' I... I just miss Mom ' Mina said and look down

' It's father's fault. I hate him ' Momo suddenly said, I am confused about that thing because she's so close with our father not until mom died

She always say it's dad's fault but I'm afraid to ask why.

' Let's sleep Girls, Enough talking ' Nayeon unnie said and tap the bed so I joined them
' Where am I supposed to sleep then? ' Jihyo asked and chuckled a bit

' Your Bed is good for 10 people Jihyo don't be selfish ' Nayeon unnie said

Our rooms have the same measure it's big same as the bed it's big too, I thought I'll finally be able to sleep in a bed for one or two people only

' Please turn off the light before you lay here ' Nayeon unnie said
' Please don't ' Momo, me and Mina said in Unison

' Sorry Sissy, But My ladies don't like light's off ' Jihyo said and lay beside me,

Mina is in the middle then me and Momo on both sides then Nayeon unnie beside Momo and Jihyo beside me

' Jal jayo ' Nayeon Unnie and jihyo said in unison

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