She's A Princess 42

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Third person's POV

The girls had finally arrived at the afternoon

They knock on the door and Mina opened it hoping it was chaeyoung but her shoulder fell when she saw the girls- not the girl she's expecting to see

' We'll get Minchae, Nayeon and I will look after him while you guys look for Chaeyoung ' Jihyo said as I step aside and let them in

' That's a big help, Thankyou ' I said as we sat in the living room

' This house is beautiful ' Jeongyeon commented
' Let's go now, and just Meet in chae's house ' Dahyun said

Minchae ascend so they look at him

' Chae come here, They are your aunts ' Mina spoke and guide the kid to sit on her lap
' Good afternoon Aunties, I'm Myoui Minchae ' Minchae politely said and bow a bit

' Chae, You'll go with aunt Jihyo and Nayeon for the meantime while we look for Chaeyoung okay? ' Mina said

' Chaeyoung is missing? ' He asked
' Yes. I've never seen her or she haven't even text a message since this morning ' Mina said and sighed

Minchae remain silent

The girls look at each other

' Okay Kid. You tell me what you did to Chayeoung ' Tzuyu spoke and look at Minchae
' Hey, don't scare him ' Sana said and slightly nudge her

' What? He's probably the reason why my cousin is missing ' Tzuyu said and crossed her arms
' That's why I hate kids ' Tzuyu mumbled

' Yah, so you don't want to adopt minju? ' Sana asked and look at Tzuyu pouting
' Minju is a good kid, She behave well, she don't lie, she don't give headaches, She makes you happy so we'll have her ' Tzuyu said

Minchae look at Tzuyu so Tzu look at him too and he immediately averted his gaze

' He did something ' Cassy said
' Hey kid, I may look like Chayeoung but we're not the same if she can just gulp down your bitterness well I don't. Chaeyoung has been loving your Mom since then,, And no. You can't make her leave ' Cassy said

Minchae is in the verge of crying so Mina carry her

' Stop girls, let's just look for her okay? So we could talk. She can't just went missing like this, I'm worried and anxious about what might happen ' Mina said

' Let's just go, Pack the things you need and let's go ' Jeongyeon said and go out
' Bring him to car I'll just pack some of his things ' Mina said as she handed her son to Nayeon

' Hello there handsome, have you already eaten? ' Nayeon asked and walk outside
' yes, Mommy prepared lunch and snacks for me ' Minchae answered and smile

' That's good ' Nayeon baby talked and pat his crown as they walk towards the car
' Now baby, Tell us... did Chaeyoung say something earlier? ' Sana asked caressing the kids hands

' We talked ' He answered
' About? ' Momo asked
' The deal ' He said

' what deal? ' Cassy asked
' The deal was only between us. That's part of the deal ' Minchae said and look outside the window

The girls look at each other while Jihyo slightly shook her head

' Let's just wait ' Jihyo mouthed so the girls agreed and remain silent


After the girls arrived at Chaeyoung's house in the City they immediately look for chaeyoung and agreed to call on their group chat once they found chaeyoung.


Minchae woke up in the middle of the night hearing her mom's faint sobs

' Mommy? ' the boy called and sat down

Mina immediately wipe off her tears and sat down hearing her son

' Why? what's wrong? Should I make you some milk? ' Mina asked with her hoarse voice

' Why are you crying Mommy? Are you hurt? ' He asked

' I'm just sad and worried, I haven't seen Chaengie since this morning... we didn't find her ' Mina said and Lay down pulling her son inside her embrace

' Min... Can you tell Mommy what happened earlier at breakfast? ' Mina softly asked caressing her son's hair

Min look at her and immediately look down

' Mommy won't be mad, Please? We waited for a long time to be with each other's arms again Chae ' Mina said

' I'm sorry, I think I made her leave ' Min spoke
' Why? What happened honey? ' Mina asked

' It's just... I kinda told her that she didn't do enough for me to like her ' Min said and look down

Min also told her about the deal and what exactly happened earlier that day

' But she promised not to make you cry and now you're crying because of her ' Min opposed

' Because Min... I'm crying because I'm sad that I didn't see Chaeyoung the whole day, I'm afraid on what might happened to her outside, Chaeyoung's mind is mess right now because of that deal... She don't want our relationship to broke down, Maybe she's thinking on really leaving me ' Mina said mumbling the last part

' I'm sorry Mommy, I've learned from my wrongs... After spending time with Aunt Nayeon and Aunt Jihyo... I understand that it's not a shame to have two mothers because Lia unnie also have two Moms ' Min said

' I'm sorry that I think it's a shame... I haven't seen a kid with two Mother in our country so it's a bit new to me. I also haven't read anything about it ' Min said

' I'm sorry Mommy, Please don't be mad ' min said

' I'm not mad Min, Atleast you're being honest and I like that... But I don't like what happened... Don't worry I'm not mad okay? I'm just upset that chae just left like that... I'm not used to it ' Mina said and smile a bit

' come, let me get you back to sleep ' Mina said as she hug his son and cradle him to sleep

Mina get her phone checking if she received any message.. but she saw nothing so she message her again thinking she'll go home and see her phone.

-- My Wife --

: Chaeyoung? Have you come home?
: Chae, I'm worried

: Please don't leave like this...
: I need you

: Min told me everything about the deal and I'm a bit disappointed that you ran off just like that. I know how much you take your words seriously but you don't need to leave chae.
: If you already read this... Please come home? we're at your house

: I love you, My chaengie


On the other hand

Chaeyoung is wide awake, Looking at the window of a room

It's already dark she thought

' Mina's Probably worried ' she mumbled and held his head
' You're such a pain in the ass Son Chaeyoung ' She mumbled as she lay back in the bed curling, Hugging her knees.

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