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Mina's POV

I woke up and check my phone- I mean chaeyoung's phone since it notified

she got an email.

I've notice the royal mark so I opened it.

An invitation to the palace. Should I delete it? Or should I-

Chaeyoung suddenly sit up wrapping her amrs around me and rest her chin in my shoulder as she look at he phone

' That's the same invitation Cassy received years ago. ' Chaeyoung spoke and grab the phone from my hands and walk facing the sea still looking at the phone.

' I've been waiting for this ' she blurt out so I frown and look at her
' What do you mean? ' I asked

' I was waiting for this to investigate. ' she said and look away
' I want to sue them all. ' she said

' And no. You can't stop me ' she said
' who says I'll stop you? ' I asked and walk towards her

' I'll help you ' I said and she face me with confuse face

' why would you do that? ' I asked
' Because They did you wrong. I learned lot things from you but this one is I love the most. ' I said and cupped her face

' What is it? ' she asked
' Love. ' I simply said

' My sisters, Jihyo and Nayeon loves me yes. But I feel more at ease with you. I felt this mixed feelings where I'll die of the thought without you in my arms like this. ' I honestly said and hug her real tight

' well then, Should we go to Japan together? ' She asked with a smile
' I'd love to But when? ' I asked

' As soon as possible and we won't tell this to my cousins ' she said

' But Chaeyoung ' I opposed but she just shush me putting her index finger in my lips.
' Please? ' She asked so I just sigh in defeat

' what's our plan for today then? ' I asked and she smile widely

' gonna visit my studio near here ' she said
' you have? ' I asked

' Yeah, Cousins didn't know that one... I own a restaurant in the City too ' She said and smile

' That's cool ' I said and she nods
' You know, I've been thinking to open my studio for everyone, You know- In public but I'm still hesitating ' She said and smile a bit

' Don't be afraid anymore, Your cousins got you even your aunt supports you, your friends and of course me ' I said and she wrapped her arms around my waist

' You're getting cheesy princess ' she said and chuckled
' Go and take a bath now ' I said

' You too, You can take a bath here I'll take a bath downstairs ' she said and walk towards her drawer
' Why tho? Can't we take a bath together? ' I teased and she playfully rolled her eyes

' I have clothes that haven't wear here. They're new but I already laundry them just pick whatever you want... I'll be back after I took a bath ' she said and go downstairs

I call someone and while picking clothes I call someone in the palace.

- on call -

E: Hime-Sama
: Continue what you're saying last night
E: Right, The rivalry... You know about that one event where many people watched right? it can be shown even in foreign televisions. The Paint of Life, The Emperor and the head of dawn Competes on that event, they were best friends Not until that event happened.

Myoui Palace always Won. There's no year that they didn't won. Until now the event is still happening but The Emperor and The Head of Dawn decided to make a deal that no one in each family will be a painter, That no one in each family join the event or even be known in arts... and shouldn't learn anything about art.

The late Queen got mad when she found out that The youngest Dawn is taking an art Major. They can't accept that the Dawns let the kid learn about arts.

: They didn't know that they're twin?

E: Twin? I don't think so Young lady.
: Find it out and hand that cassy a phone, I need to talk to her.

E: I wil-
S: you won't.

E: S-sakura
S: You know what will happened if the Late queen know about this right? she assigned you to Princess Mina to watch her moves and report it to her not to help her with some unnecessary things.

: Hand her the phone.
E: Bu-
: Now.

S: You'll get Eunha killed.
: Mind your own business. You might be dead first if you speak up.
S: You're voice is really powerful Miss Mina. I hope you use it well.

- ended -

The audacity?!

Does she really thing I only have Eunha at the palace? Tss.

I dialed another number and massage my temple

- on call -

: Make sakura shut.
V: You mean... kill her?
: No, we're not that kind of person V Just make her shut up.

I hang up the call and sigh then get in the bathroom

The late Queen there, The late Queen here. They're still afraid of that old hag.

That late Queen is not even my real grandma.

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