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Mina's POV

We reached Italy and we're currently at the airport as of now.

' I think we'll part ways here ' I said
' Why? ' Momo asked

' Chaeyoung is waiting for us somewhere ' I said and she nods
' Enjoy, message us when you guys arrived ' Mira said so I nods

' And to you handsome, Don't give Mommy headaches okay? ' Sana said as she crouch infront of Minchae and smile

' Mommy needs rest so you should be a good boy ' She added and open her arms
' Give Aunt a hug ' she said which my son did while giggling

' alright, See you soon ' Momo said and peck on my cheek and Minchae's which Mira and Sana did too
' Love u ' Sana said and give us finger heart as me and Minchae ride the car the girls prepared for us


We arrived at the place after 3 hours. Such an exhausting day.

I parked the car and get off, just the moment I opened the door to lift Minchae since he fell asleep, He woke up and rubbed his eyes

' We arrived, let's go ' I said and picked him up which he immediately wrapped her cute arms around my neck

I stand infront of the door and rang the doorbell

The door opened but an unknown woman is standing infront of me.

' Uhm- Chae, I think you have a visitors ' She said
' I didn't invite anyone tho ' I heard Chaeyoung said

' Didn't know I need an invitation to go here, Besides this is our home ' I spoke and get in

She look at me with wide eyes

' You're home ' She spoke with a smile in her face
' I'm home, and I brought someone ' I said

' I see, He's handsome. Come here I just finished cooking, I knew it you're coming home why I'm so energetic today ' She said and chuckled then walk towards me

She hugged me and ruffles Minchae's hair and smile
' Hi, I'm Chaeyoung... Chaeyoung Dawn ' She introduced

Minchae look at me so I smiled at him

' I-i'm Myoui Minchae... Nice meeting you, Chaeyoung-ssi ' He said and bow a bit

' No need to be formal, Suite yourself ' Chae said and pat Min's crown
' Come on, Let's eat ' She said and lead us to the table

' I'll take my leave now Chaengie, See you around ' The woman said and left

Chaengie?? Did she just call My Chaeng with that nickname?!

' Eyy, stop frowning she's just a neighbor, she just gave me food ' Chae said
' Why? You don't have enough money to buy yourself some food? Want me to fcking buy a restaurant for you?' I asked whispered the cuss par

' She's just too persistent, don't worry about her okay? I don't need a fcking restaurant ' She spoke and chuckled also whispering the cuss part

I feel like Min is looking at me so I look at him

' You don't like the food? ' I asked and he shook his head
' It's yummy ' He said

' Can I ask something? ' he said so I nods
' Are we gonna stay here? ' He asked

' Yes, You don't like it? we're near the ocean. There's also a mall 30 mins away from here. There's a lot of places we could go to ' I said

' I'm glad, Maybe it's more fun if we have Dad with us ' He said and smile a bit
I look at chae and she's just eating, Focusing on her food.

' Well, I'm here Min... Chaeyoung is here we could be your- ' Chaeyoung stopped me by putting a food in my mouth

' Eat up, Do you play? what online games do you like? ' Chaeyoung asked changing the topic
' Uh. I do, Sometimes. I read all the time ' Min said

' Well then, There's a lot of plan ahead of this day ' Chaeyoung cheerfully said
' Uh- Thanks Chaeyoung ' Min said and continue to eat

I look at chae and she shook her head so I frown

' What do u mean ? ' I mouthed
' Too soon to say that ' She whispered

' Uhm... I'm done, Where can I sleep? ' He politely asked
' You could sleep in that room ' Chaeyoung said pointing at the room here in first floor, The Room that facing the ocean

' Thankyou for the Meal, Chaeyoung ' He said and bow a bit then walk towards the room

Chaeyoung deeply sighed so I caress her hand

' I'm sorry ' I said
' He knows his father? ' chae asked

' No, He's talking about Jackson. ' I said
' Your husband ' Chaeyoung said and chuckled

' Chaeyoung, that marriage was nothing ' I said
' I know. I hope Minchae accepts me though ' She said and smile sadly

' Come on, He will. You're a wonderful person Chaeyoung ' I said and caress her forearm
' Maybe he really just needs time to adjust ' I said and she hummed

' So, let's talk about that neighbor of yours, since when is she sending you food? ' I asked
' Don't be so jelouse Minari, I swear I barely entertain her and today is the first time I let her in, We were about to eat together but thank God you came. That would be so awkward because we're not even close, I don't even know her whole name ' Chaeyoung explained and shrugged

' Be sure. I hate to compete for your love ' I playfully said and she chuckled
' Hmm... I wonder what a jealous penguin looks like ' She said

' Oh hell no, you don't wanna know ' I said
' Well, I might? ' she said with a smirk

' Don't even try ' I said
She cleaned the table and put the plates in the sink

' I'll do that later, let's go and sleep ' She said and wrapped her arms around my waist
' I missed you ' she whispered and snuggle her face in the crook of my neck

' I missed you too, A lot ' I said and hug her tight

There's no day that I didn't think of you.

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