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"good morning" jeongguk said softly.

"morning" taehyung replied.

but then it hit him. he turned his head towards jeongguk, almost breaking his neck bones in the process.

"what-" he quickly stopped himself and shook his head, pushing all of his thoughts away.

he saw the lunch box jeongguk was holding.

but jeongguk didn't give it to him. he just walked away.

and taehyung frowned.

● ● ●

"for real? didn't even try? i'm really gonna be starving now" hoseok dramatically sighed and slid down on his seat.

"okay, drama queen. i think i completely crashed his hopes now"

"you think?" hoseok teased and taehyung hit him.

"stop it"

"never. that's a part of my job as your best friend"

taehyung frowned but didnt say anything back.

"i have absolutely no idea why you dont talk to him or dont eat his food or whatever but like, tone it down a bit"

"tone what down?"

"your attitude"


"you're not deaf now, are you?" hoseok deadpanned and taehyung sighed.

"stop talking to yoongi"

"yoongi's not the problem, it's you" hoseok joked and taehyung sighed.

"you're annoying"

"i could say the same"

"darn it, hoseok"

hoseok shrugged and pulled his wallet out of his pocket.

"okay, time to go get me food" he shoved taehyung out of his seat, sliding the wallet in his pocket while doing so.

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