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the ten were finally done folding and it was now up to taehyung and jeongguk to take everything in the storage room.

"come one, hobi! help me out a little!" taehyung whined.

"you were sitting on the benches while i was folding so no, no help from me" hoseok refused to help.

"fine!" taehyung picked three more matts and took them in the storage room.

it was silent since most of the boys had left. only jimin, yoongi, yugyeom and hoseok had stayed with the two.

"yo, gguk, i gotta go" yugyeom said and jeongguk sighed but nodded his head.

"okay. i'll see you tomorrow"

"okay. see ya" they did a handshake and yugyeom left, now leaving the five of them in the room.

"jeonggukie, do you need any help?" jimin asked and jeongguk shook his head.

"no, i'm good. thanks jimin"

"okay. well, if it hurts tell me!"

"i will"

the two youngest in the room continued to work until finally the last two mats were left in the room.

"ill take them" taehyung said but jeongguk shook his head.

"its okay, i will"

"no, let me"

"i can do it on my own!"

"you have a broken leg!"

"its not broken anymore!"

"well then why would you lie to the teacher?"

"i didnt lie!"

"so you're lying now?"

"taehyung, let go of the damn mat!"

"you let go of it!"

"why don't you just take one each? come on, we're getting tired of this already!" yoongi shouted and the boys did just that. each of them got one mat and marched to the storage room.

the three outside smiled and went behind them. they had discussed in whispers what to do for the rest of the day and well, let's just say they had the perfect plan.

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