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"hoseok liked the food" taehyung mumbled, facing the opposite direction of jeongguk.

jeongguk just hummed.

"i didn't try it...but i think if i did i'd have liked it" jeongguk just hummed again.

taehyung turned around and saw jeongguk laying on the mat, hands under his head. he had his eyes closed but taehyung knew he was awake by the little beats he made with his feet .

"it looked amazing, though" taehyung tried again but all he got was a hum.

"why aren't you talking?"

"why would i?"

steps were heard from outside.

"what do you mean?"

"what do i mean? i mean, why would i talk to you?"


"weren't you the one that complained about me annoying you? you're beeping an annoying little bitch now" jeongguk said in anger and as if on cue the door opened and jeongguk stormed out in anger.

taehyung stayed back, too shocked to say or do anything.

"what the heck did you do?" hoseok asked as he watched the younger run out of the gym.

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